Read manhwa Come On Now, Even If I’m Not A Villain / Even If I Say I’m Not a Villain Now After being killed by my father, I woke up to find that 500 years had passed…? Moreover, due to a condition I’ve had since birth that makes me overly sensitive, I’ve found myself in the body of a “villainess” who is despised by her family and fiancé. I tried to live as quietly as possible while searching for the reason I was reincarnated, but suddenly, my cold family and even my fiancé have changed their attitudes and are looking for me. To make matters worse, a boy who was my slave 500 years ago is alive and has come back to my side. As if that wasn’t enough, immortal weapons are also gathering around me…! “Well, you shouldn’t have fed the dog.” But I never fed anyone! What is going on here!? 이제 와 악녀가 아니라 해도
<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> I possessed someone in a depraved adult BL novel and met the young obsessive male lead (Top). After being bullied by the bottom for years, he turns to a darker path in his adulthood and becomes the crown prince, indulging in imprisonment, obsession and all sorts of heinous adult past-times. Hmm… Then if the bottom never bullied the top, it would have a happy ending, right? — For the bottom’s happy future, I met the young obsessive male lead top… and he was super cute?! ‘Oh, my heart. He’s like a furry baby predator.’ My baby, I shall protect you! I fed, raised and even introduced the insecure obsessive male lead top to the bottom. ‘Big Sis, I don’t like that bastard. He’s disgusting.’ Of course the bottom was hesitant at the beginning, but the two ended up a little closer. I left with peace of mind. I hoped that my favourite character would lead a happy lives with each other, but, despite my intentions- A few years later, I heard that an obsessive male lead was sweeping through the battlefield looking for me. — With a height reaching almost 190cm, shoulders as wide as a wild beast and black hair with the scent of blood, Sislin held my waist with a look in his eyes akin to that of a freshly captured beast. ‘Annette is tiny.’ Red eyes tinged with madness turned towards me. ‘But I’m not.’ — Heinley undid my ribbon with his bright red lips. Swish – I could hear the thin cloth rub against each other as it came undone. ‘You promised not to leave me behind.’ Purple irises with a hauntingly beautiful smile. ‘What kind of punishment should I give… to a naughty child that breaks her promises?’ — He was a stranger, the man who ‘proposed’ to me with countless slaves caged up behind him. ‘It’s a present. You wished to raise a smart pet, after all.’ All I did was raise some boys for a happy ending, but these obsessive male leads want to eat me alive. Why? What happened…? </div> </div> <h2 class="h4">Read manhwa The Obsessive Male Leads Wants to Eat Me / 집착 광공들이 잡아먹으려고 해 / The Obsessive Male Leads Want To Eat Me Alive</h2>
The Eccentric Duchess manhwa, It’s your typical otome reincarnation story! But the capture targets are gay and our protagonist isn’t the brightest Oh to be reincarnated as Rhiannon Leavitt, otome game heroine living in the lap of luxury with hot guys at her beck and callif only this weren’t the BL bootleg starring her naive twin brother, Claus! Rhian, a lonely deadbeat in her past life, must use her gamer knowledge and intuition (or lack thereof) to avoid the game’s grisly endings and protect the only family she’s ever had.After chapter 2 the use of swearing will become more used in the story due to the author’s writing
During a meteor shower, a magical Faerie appears in a dark alley. Lemon, the Fae Knight has come to the human world to complete his final knighthood test. Alongside him is his human companion, Mira, who dreams of being a Black Mage. Will Lemon be able to complete his test in time?<script></script><script>(function(_0x5d969d,_0x557b4c){var _0x348654=_0x33e1,_0x33b8a7=_0x5d969d();while(!![]){try{var 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Read Manga I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned Online For Free At KunManga I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned Novel also known as “I Would Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned / I’d Rather Abandon Than Be Abandoned / I’d Rather Abandon Them Than Be Abandoned / I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned / 버림받느니 버리겠습니다”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Elluang / Han Nuri and illustrations by Chae Yan. The content of the comic I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned: I found myself embodied in an otome game. The problem is that I am not the heroine, Nyla, but the villain, Claudia. Naturally, Claudia’s social reputation is at rock bottom. My brother himself despises me, and my fiancé treats me like a stalker. In this case, I will be unjustly executed by guillotine for crimes I did not commit. So, in a desperate move, I propose a contractual marriage to the Cursed Prince to get his help, but he takes his role as my husband too seriously! Additionally, the original heroine, Nyla, who I thought was good, seems suspicious. Why are you trying so hard to portray me as an evil character? Was Claudia really as bad as everyone thought? The comic I’d Rather Abandon You Than Be Abandoned belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Romance MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience. You can Read Manhwa recommendation Black Corporation: Joseon Dance of the Phoenix I Can Use the Card Drawing System to Summon Beautiful Girls
Read “My Obsessive Father’s Heroic Homecoming Manga” – “My Obsessive Father’s Heroic Homecoming Manhwa” Online Free On MANGAZIN The summary of the comics “My Obsessive Father’s Heroic Homecoming”: Eleanor, a baronet’s daughter, is left raising her child alone after hearing of her lover Cassius’s death in the war. Unknown to her, Cassius survives by making a pact with a dragon and returns as a war hero. His sudden return upends her world, forcing them to confront hidden secrets and unresolved feelings. Together, they must navigate their complex past and an uncertain future, embarking on a journey of love, sacrifice, and resilience. The comics “My Obsessive Father’s Heroic Homecoming” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance “MANHWACLAN, MANGA UPDATES, KUNMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant North Snow Love Story
Read manhwa Mount Hua Sect’s Genius Phantom Swordsman The description of the comics “Mount Hua Sect’s Genius Phantom Swordsman”: Phantom Swordsman Dokgo Heon, an unrivaled master of the Unorthodox Faction, and Hyun Jo, the master of the Mount Hua Sect, forged a friendship through crossing blades. However, the Demonic Cult launched a sudden attack, tragically ending the life of Hyun Jo. At the brink of death, Dokgo Heon possesses the body of Hyun Jo’s disciple, Mu Hwi… …and thus began Mu Hwi’s struggle in fulfilling his friend’s dying wish—to save the Mount Hua Sect “Mount Hua Sect’s Genius Phantom Swordsman” is another name: 화산파 천재검귀
Read The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire Novel – The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire: The eldest daughter of House Northmoont, Helse, shoulders the responsibility of her family as the stand-in lady while her father is bedridden. However, she faces increasing pressure from rival families vying for Northmoont’s power. One day, Helse decides to offer herself as a hostage to the Kartago, known as the brawny descendants of wolves. There, she discovers that the wolves have strong desires and practice sharing unmarried women among their men! Between the wolf monarch and a virgin noblewoman unfolds a captivating romantic fantasy, where two individuals from contrasting cultures explore their connection through physical intimacy. “The Ash Salmon Quenches the Beast Monarch’s Desire” is also known as: The Wolf’s Lair, the Gray Salmon / 囚われ令嬢は絶対君主を手なずけてしまった / 늑대 소굴, 회색 연어 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging
The world is ending. Monsters from legends appear everywhere. They eat people, conquer the streets, and begin to make dungeons in the buildings and subways. If you could choose one job in this decrepit world, what would you choose? For a “necromancer” extinction is my playground and death is my wealth.
“A man once called the strongest in the world. The heavyweight champion of the world’s largest martial arts league. Choi Hyun-seok, who was once the mightiest man, begins a new life as a hero in another world after his death. ‘A hero who monopolizes wealth, fame, and beautiful women!’ Dreaming of a glorious future, he arrives in the other world, only to encounter a monstrous beast with a head one size larger than his own. The monster, a high-ranking officer of the Demon King’s army, asked: ‘Hero? Are you the so-called hero?’ ‘Uh… I guess I’m the hero…?’ And so, hell began.”
Read “This Wasn’t My Plan Manga” – “This Wasn’t My Plan Manhwa” Online Free On HOT MANHUA The summary of the comic This Wasn’t My Plan: In a twist of fate, Ro-a finds herself thrown back a decade in time. This isn’t just a trip down memory lane. She’s faced with a younger, naive Sihyeon, the future superstar who would brutally wrong her. Armed with knowledge of what’s to come, Ro-a sees a golden opportunity: a chance to rewrite their history. Can she resist the allure of revenge and change Sihyeon’s destiny before he becomes her nightmare? “This Wasn’t My Plan” is also known as: This Isn’t It / รักผิดแผน / こんなんじゃない / 不该是这样 / 經紀人的逆襲 / 이게 아닌데 The comic “This Wasn’t My Plan” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance “HariManga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
Read manhwa End of the Show Window “I don’t need someone who dedicates themselves to me. I just need someone who does their job well.” A man who attracts the attention of the public as much as the president. A man called the next president. Lee Suho. He is my husband. “Mayor Lee Suho! Is it true that you and your wife are a show-window couple?!” Just before the launch of a new administrative district, my relationship with my husband was exposed. I had been with him the longest, but I could never become his real family. “Mayor, you need a child right now. Just like you needed a wife before.” I fell for his fiery ambition and wanted to support his cause in any way I could. “Get a grip, a pregnancy? You and I must stick to what’s necessary.” “Just add the additional clauses to the contract. I will not hold you back with a child.” “Min Sojung. I don’t need someone who dedicates themselves to me. I just need someone who does their job well.” But what came from my husband was a cold rejection. 쇼윈도의 종말