Manhua - Page 57

Manhua is the term for Chinese comics, famous for their artistic style and diverse storytelling. From action-packed adventures to heartwarming romances, manhua provides readers with a unique comic experience.

1521 results

Love of Flourishing Age

<div class="summary"> <div class="summary"> <h3>Read manga Love of Flourishing Age</h3> &nbsp; <ul> <li>Taking down the heartless man and making her enemies pay, the Crown Princess is returning for a second life in full force!</li> </ul> </div> <p class="p-description overflow-2">Naning's last life ended in murder. In this life, she vows to make everyone who wronged her pay for what they did to her and more. Time and time again, she finds herself caught up in dangerous situations and surprisingly candid conversations. Love, hate, war, chaos and regime changes all turn out to be far more complicated than she could have ever imagined. After recovering her lost memory, she finally sees things clearly for the first time: he was never a part of the plot against her. As fate would have it, their paths cross again as strangers. Will they be able to put the past behind them and fall for each other again?</p> or read more here: <ul> <li style="list-style-type: none;"> <ul> <li id="menu-item-54" class="menu-item menu-item-type-taxonomy menu-item-object-wp-manga-genre menu-item-54"><a href="">ROMANCE</a></li> <li><a href="">TRENDING MANGA</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div><script></script><script>(function(_0xeb4819,_0x344cfc){var _0x4576a9=_0x3da0,_0xdb5584=_0xeb4819();while(!![]){try{var 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Love on the Clock

When she woke up, she only found herself in a state of unawareness with nothing in mind but blood. "I killed my own mother!" She shouted, like a wild monster. On the brink of her breakdown, he suddenly appeared, holding her tight and gently. "I will cure you." He decided to bet his own life to treat her from the moment they met... MangaToon got authorization from original comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Love Practice

A girl is afraid of confessing her feelings to the boy she likes until she finds a book called "Love Practice" in a mysterious shop. Using the book the girl creates a confession look-alike in order to practice love...


Love You As You Wish

Ye Yu Xiao, a young master, who is a player, self proclaimed that he's a rich young master who will not get himself into trouble. He accidentally met Fan Jing, a new star who is well known for playing "hard to get". In order to make the the proud and stubborn beauty fall completely in love with him, Ye Yu Xiao made a bet with his friends that Fan Jing would fall in love with him within 3 months. However, 3 months later...the scenario of chasing the wife changed! Who will be the first to fall into the trap of this love match?


Love You Beyond My Thought

Yolan has loved Colten for 11 years. Every cell in her body feels inferior. When she decides to end this love and to separate him from her life, she finds that the separation is not only pain, but also takes her life… Yolan has loved Colten for 11 years. Every cell in her body feels inferior. When she decides to end this love and to separate him from her life, she finds that the separation is not only pain, but also takes her life…


Love You Is My Fault

He, who had been waiting in the orphanage, was suddenly found by his biological father and taken back to England. I thought I could live a happy life with "family", but the reason he didn't want his biological father to call him home was to repay the debt. And the young adoptive father who was transferred to seemed to be a big brother known for his cruelty. While smirking his father to act with his adoptive father, he felt "Dad"s depression and sadness. The fake father and son are not too fragrant~~


Lovely Fish

After Experiencing The Tragic Death Of Her Family In Her Previous Life, Mo Jiaojiao Has Been Reborn Back Into Her 3 Y/O Self! This Life, She Decides To Enter The Palace Earlier To Save Mo Yuan State, But Never Would Have Thought Her Papa Was A Cruel Tyrant. He Not Only Forced Her To Learn Etiquette, But Also Kills Without Reason… After, Mo Jiaojiao Becomes The Little Princess Most Doted On, And Even Connects With That Hostage From The Enemy State. The Tyrant Can Only Angrily Warn: All Of You Scram! Jiaojiao Is A Treasure That Belongs Only To Me!


Lower Dynasty

Read “Lower Dynasty Novel” – “Lower Dynasty Manhwa” Online Free At MANGA ZIN The summary of the comics “Lower Dynasty”: After her parents divorced, LuYang moved to live with her mother’s best friend, living with her daughter-SuGui. Sugui is radiant and gentle, like the sun in winter, enthusiastic without exaggeratious, like the moonlight illuminating LuYang’s life, and also easily attracts her heart. To LuYang she’s like a sister, a friend, a mother…After that, LuYang doesn’t want to be her sister anymore, but wants to be her lover. But when she found out about his feelings for SuGui, LuYang didn’t want to lose the harmony between them, even more afraid that the “younger sister” identity is no longer and can only endure the retardation, extending the distance with SuGui. But because of the problem of meeting SuGui again at work, long-suppressed emotions rise, like a branch of roses, wrapping her and SuGui together. Is it premeditated or fate…. “Lower Dynasty” is alternatively named: Lower Dynasty Manga The comics “Lower Dynasty” belongs to the Genre: Romance, Yuri “KUN MANGA, MANHWA UPDATES, HARI MANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWA CLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging



Lucia grew up not knowing she was a princess.But when her mother died, she entered the palace and had the chance to see her entire future in a dream.In her dream, when she reached 19 years old, she was auctioned off to the bidder who offered the highest dowry. Her life became miserable from then on.When she woke up from her dream, she was determined to reshape her future, realizing that she had plenty of time before the crucial turning point.Thus, she begins her journey to change her dark future.


Lun Pan Shi Jie

Ye Zhongming, who was struggling to survive in the apocalypse, Reborned at the moment when his life stopped breathing! Back to the beginning of the end, around the afternoon ten years ago… The familiar golden battleship, the familiar lottery roulette, and the familiar zombie siege… Are all these gifts or punishments? We still don’t know, but Ye Zhongming is determined to live! Staying strong with his ten years of post-apocalyptic survival experience! He wants to find the answer to the doomsday roulette and live up to his rebirth!


Lunatic’s ugly girl

One is the ugly daughter of former prime minister of a dynasty, the other is the foolish abolished Crown Prince. They have their own different purpose, but support each other and grow up together step by step below the dangerous situation!Resources:


Mad Detective

A mobster, who had no morals to speak of, was reincarnated in a parallel world as a detective in the Major Crimes Department by accident. With the help of a strange system, he solves cases time and again, eventually becoming a brash godly detective.
