I became the secretary of a tyrant in place of my clumsy brother to survive. But I have so much potential for it. I’m so darn good at my job. Because I served the tyrant so well, ‘Everyone has a happy ending’. Well then, shall I quit being a secretary and live a leisurely life now? “Rosaline, tell me what you want.” He asked as he stepped down from his chair. “I want to quit.” His eyebrows twitched slightly. “Do you want to die?” Your highness, you never hold on to people who want to leave, so why’re you being like this to me?
Most people would consider getting a second chance at life a blessing, but Arnell Radfell is furious when she wakes up to find herself back in the past. Terrified of having to suffer through the horrors of her past life twice, she attempts to end her life again but is rescued by Sir Herbert Schladin, the very man who gave her the courage to end her life the first time. However, when Arnell finds out that she can use the power of mana, she has a change of heart. They say revenge is sweet, and now, Arnell is determined to make everyone who made her suffer in her past life pay. Now That I’m Back, I’ll Get My Revenge / 회귀한 김에 복수하겠습니다
I was a warrior, who died after being taken advantage of, in my previous life. I was reborn, so I tried to get revenge, but how could I be so unlucky to get kidnapped and sent to an orphanage? But; “Why don’t you come with me?” I was adopted by a rich family. I decided to leave in three years time, after causing a moderate amount of trouble. “Are you going to leave?” “Yes?” “Are you really leaving us?” My family refused to let me go. Why are they so obsessed with me?! [Taken from NovelUpdates] 가족들이 나한테 집착한다 / Devoted to Diamond
"Humility! Integrity! Compassion! Valor! Justice! Sacrifice! Honor! Faith!" He's a lich, however, he's knightly! He is a lich, but he keeps his faith in the light! "Fearless in the face of the enemy! Loyal and upright, he fights to the death! Why you may ask? Because protecting the weak is not against the law of the world!" ................ This is the story of a cat with a bad mouth and a lich who gave his body and soul to the service of the Light!
Three years ago, the celestial empire came under attack by the demons. With his kind on the verge of extinction, the celestial being and emperor, Kasin, is tasked to go down to the human world and find a way to restore peace. After three years without much progress, he encounters Daran, a merchant who has disguised herself as a man to travel and sell medicinal herbs. Daran was born with the power to heal anyone with a single touch. This ability makes her the exact person Kasin needs on his quest. Although Kasin swears he has no interest in men and is only keeping Daran with him as an aide, the more time passes, the more he finds himself becoming attracted to the special merchant… 천신의 요람
Book Eater is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Manhwa series is written by Updating This Comic is About A student at the magician's academy with little talent, but all the knowledge one would expect of a scholar. He soon gains the power to obtain skills from books directly. 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“Your Highness! The papers have piled up like this……!” I reincarnated as Irene Weber, the younger sister of an aide who is suffering from overtime because of the prince who is in love and neglects his work. Irene, who was buried in work before the reincarnation and died of overwork, intends to protect her beloved brother from such a terrible thing. No overtime! No call after work! Evil boss, go away! Work less and earn more, brother! To the end, Irene tries to separate the prince from her brother. A method to win by knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. Irene scraps a little record without leaving any details, of the Prince whose face she doesn’t even know about, for the future. Somehow, her brother’s face, looking at such Irene, is dark…… “Brother, if you’re meeting the Crown Prince today, I’ll go with…..” “Absolutely not.” ‘Do you want to meet him alone so much?’ *** “Before that, Benjamin Weber, when can I meet your sister?” “Not for the rest of your life.” The most affectionate brother and sister of the continent. Will the day come when these two siblings can resolve their growing misunderstanding?
Read manhwa The Last Immortal’s Theorem While being an almighty Immortal seems great, it really wasn’t for Ylledia. Escaping death meant witnessing the end of the world over and over again. No matter her efforts, the world was always doomed. But just when she started to lose all hope, in comes Dennis, a cheery optimist just itching to try out some magic! “You wanna link up?!” This is a story about blossoming hope… and perhaps something a little more.
Read manhua A Nest Of Phoenixes / 一窝凤凰 / Yī wō fènghuáng In the ancient times, when heaven and earth were first born, all order was not yet established, the world was chaotic and the three worlds were unsettled. Fortunately, the four Immortal Monarchs, Heng Yang, Dong Yang, Ling Yang and Qing Yang, emerged from the sky to guard the four seas and the eight wastes, leading to the subservience of all the tribes and a harmonious coexistence. The sky and the earth were clear and prosperous. However, how did the Phoenix tribe come to be so different? They are jumping up and down, making a scene, disturbing the immortals, but there are people who enjoy this.
When I first came into the book, my goal was just to survive. ‘I have to live longer! And be happy!’ So I did my best. I am going to walk on my own flower path. “Wherever I go, the seat next to you is mine. You promised to pat my head for the rest of your life, isn’t that right?” The strongest male character, who was stabbed to death in the original novel, stared at me with obsessive eyes. If I say no, he will destroy the world. “Yes, I’ll kill him. Then you’ll be happy, too, right?” The fifth brother looked a bit crazy. “This is my land from here to here. And yours, too. I’m glad to be able to breathe with your grandest dreams.” The fourth oldest sister, who became the richest woman on the continent, opened the map and said that. If I say I don’t have such a grand dream like her, I think a catastrophe will happen. “I’m looking forward to the Winter Solstice that you’ll rule completely.” Laughter rose on the face of the butler who served me. “If you don’t connect to Verratoux, my heart will stop tomorrow morning. Are you sure you’re okay with that?” My first sister, who was supposed to be the original successor, threatened me with her life. And this is the biggest problem. Somehow, a faint smile raised my father’s mouth, which became stronger than the original father he was. “Independence? Try it then. I won’t even let a single ant live on this land.” “Did you think you could leave my arms and stand on your own…” He then stared at me obsessively. They are all acting weird. Everything went wrong. I only did my very best. 입양딸 역할을 지나치게 잘해버렸다
Read manhwa Moonlight Ball Iris is the great wizard’s greatest disciple, but has severe social phobia. To overcome this problem, she runs a workshop alone under the orders of her teacher, Elaine. One day, her life is threatened by a mysterious woman who visits her. However, just as she is about to be killed, Iris becomes possessed by the woman’s body. however… The owner of her possessed body is the queen of the empire? She has the Sword Master King as her husband!?
Adelaide, the crown princess and highest ranked offence magician, fell out of favour from her mother, the Empress Dowager. As if she were kicked out of her own home, she was married off as an Empress to a far away land. And there, she was welcomed by the Emperor’s mistress, who started talking about the Emperor’s preferences! Adelaide disregarded the emperor’s warning to live as Empress in name only, and chose Lionel to be her aide, the emperor’s very own political rival. I Will Give Up The Position as Empress / 황후 자리를 버리겠습니다