Liexing - Page 4

Explore the world of Liexing manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Liexing manga free now!

170 results

Guide for A Princess-To-Be

She was an A-list actress shooting a movie scene, accidentally she was tripped over and when she woke up again, she found herself time-travelled to the ancient time and became the first miss in the house of the Prime Minister! The only problem was, the new body she got was disfigured... Soon, she was engaged to a handsome prince, yet her sisters' scheming, the political struggle of the prince and the backstabbing of the enemy country make their marriage not go so well... MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Have Mercy, Your Ladyship!

Fok Tianxin was drowned in her last life. She found that the one she cherished and respected wronged her in her last breath! In this life, she will never be a weak lady at the mercy of others! "Shen ruoqiu, i will not spare you this time!" However, having solved Shen rouqiu's tricks, she found that she was sunk in another trap and it is even harder to get out... MangaToon got authorization from hotread to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


He Stole My Heart

He Stole My Heart An accident at the ski resort ruined her dream of becoming a ballet star. She fell into a coma, didn't have the courage to wake up because the world was too cruel for her. But still there is hope. The ones who truly love her brought her a new life. Again she stands and ready to pursue her dreams. This time, how will she tackle the difficulties of life? Will she meet her Prince Charming one day and lives happily like Cinderella in the fairy tale... MangaToon got authorization from Cloud Studio to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Her Majesty Is Busy

<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Queen Is Busy</h1> </div> Waking up finding myself in the body of an empress?! No worries, just keep calm and put my swagger on. I have watched enough Game of Thrones to know how empresses act! However...the script I am given seems problematic. Shouldn't I be a villain empress hated by all? Then why is his majesty looking at me with that reminiscing look! MangaToon got authorization from iQiyi Comics to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


How A Rebellious Girl Falls Into Love

When a troubled teen girl returns to school, all she brings are imminent conflicts! This is not your ordinary school life romance. A female gangster leader is forced to go back to school by her grandfather. Encountering reunion with her childhood sweetheart, conflicts with another gangster organization, school bullying and exploring the secret behind the death of a student... her school life is set to be chaotic. MangaToon got authorization from Kuaikan Comics to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Hug Me, Bossy CEO

<h2>Hug Me, Bossy CEO</h2> After an accidental one-night stand, she left 200 bucks for the man as compensation. "We are strangers from now ooonnnnn—let me finish my sentence!" "You want compensate me? Then 200 bucks are far more than enough...I want a lifetime with you!" MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


I Just Want To Walk On The Flower Road

??? ?? ?? Summary: In Hercion Academy’s Magic Department, which trains the best wizards on the continent, lives Luciel, who is called the “iron-blooded assistant” and is recognized for her ability. What she’s hoping for is to become a professor and live a normal flowery life!!! But three men appear in front of her. Prince Lassen, a scheming prince with a cold heart. Ethan, the swordmaster who has a straight chivalrous spirit like the sunshine. Taylor, the most popular and cute genius in magic. It’s hard to achieve the dream of an ordinary life, but because of them, Luciel’s plan is becoming more difficult. 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I randomly have a new career every week

Read I randomly have a new career every week Manhua Experience the Didi driver and reward Pagani Zonda with one. Experience university teachers and reward ten buildings. Experience the charter company, reward one billion. Experience… Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel ! Associated Names Tanpaile, Wo Quan Zhiye Xitong! Tengo Una Nueva Carrera al Azar Cada Semana Wo Mei Zhou Suiji Yige Xin Zhiye

12 hours ago

Immortals Or Demons

Immortals or Demons A young man lack of experience and skills; A secret rusted sword with strange power; A world where the immortals and demons hold millions of years feud; What will he choose? To the immortal side or the demon's? Or bring them together with his strength? MangaToon got authorization from Daxingdao Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Inescapable Runaway Love

国民少帅爱上我 - Inescapable Runaway Love For some reason she was asked to leave away from him several years ago. What she doesn’t know is that he’s still love her. Thus a run-and-chase love game is on. &nbsp; &nbsp;


Into You

The world is suddenly stricken by a wierd wave of memory loss in the near future. The beloved ones may find themselves loss all sweet memories about each other. Jay James finds his love Cyril Shawn infected with this disease right at the moment when he proposes to Shawn. Heartbroken yet determined, James decides to fight against the disease with Shawn, but Shawn obviously treats him as a stranger now... MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this content, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


I’m Worried That My Brother Is Too Gentle

“Your Highness! The Papers Have Piled Up Like This……!” I Reincarnated As Irene Weber, The Younger Sister Of An Aide Who Is Suffering From Overtime Because Of The Prince Who Is In Love And Neglects His Work. Irene, Who Was Buried In Work Before The Reincarnation And Died Of Overwork, Intends To Protect Her Beloved Brother From Such A Terrible Thing. No Overtime! No Call After Work! Evil Boss, Go Away! Work Less And Earn More, Brother! To The End, Irene Tries To Separate The Prince From Her Brother. A Method To Win By Knowing Your Enemy And Knowing Yourself. Irene Scraps A Little Record Without Leaving Any Details, Of The Prince Whose Face She Doesn’t Even Know About, For The Future. Somehow, Her Brother’s Face, Looking At Such Irene, Is Dark…… “Brother, If You’re Meeting The Crown Prince Today, I’ll Go With…..” “Absolutely Not.” ‘Do You Want To Meet Him Alone So Much?’ *** “Before That, Benjamin Weber, When Can I Meet Your Sister?” “Not For The Rest Of Your Life.” The Most Affectionate Brother And Sister Of The Continent. Will The Day Come When These Two Siblings Can Resolve Their Growing Misunderstanding?
