Josei - Page 263

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3233 results

The War Lord And His Fake Bride

"I've come to get my wife." On the day of the wedding, the groom, Koumei Oh, showed up soaked in blood. The bride, Meirin, couldn't hide her horror at the sight. The Oh family, a military family, has been cursed to die by the age of 30 due to their violent acts in battle. In this age, doctors have lost their position in society and the Xian have been entrusted to save people.The emperor, hearing rumors that "those who make a vow with a Xian and produce descendants shall never perish," arranged for Koumei to marry Meirin, a Xian. However, Meirin doesn't actually possess the powers of the Xian and is marrying Koumei in place of her older sister, Shenrin.Meirin fears she may be killed if this lie is discovered, but Koumei turns out to be different from the rumors, and Meirin begins to fall in love...Published by Comicle Original+


Don’t Be Fooled By The Saintess

Read manga Don’t Be Fooled By The Saintess Cassandra is a villainess. Every social circle knows about the rumors surrounding her, making sure to avoid her. But all of a sudden, this reality shattered. Where has that “look of the villainess” gone? One day, she is reincarnated as the saint of the kingdom. But for reasons unknown, the saint is treated poorly by the members of the church. Unable to stand this, she becomes allies with Lorenzo, a handsome cardinal within the church who attracts attention everywhere, and begins to fight back. Let me show you how a villainess does it! あまり聖女を舐めないことね Groups Scanlating Ezmanga


This Wasn’t My Plan

Read “This Wasn’t My Plan Manga” – “This Wasn’t My Plan Manhwa” Online Free On HOT MANHUA The summary of the comic This Wasn’t My Plan: In a twist of fate, Ro-a finds herself thrown back a decade in time. This isn’t just a trip down memory lane. She’s faced with a younger, naive Sihyeon, the future superstar who would brutally wrong her. Armed with knowledge of what’s to come, Ro-a sees a golden opportunity: a chance to rewrite their history. Can she resist the allure of revenge and change Sihyeon’s destiny before he becomes her nightmare? “This Wasn’t My Plan” is also known as: This Isn’t It / รักผิดแผน / こんなんじゃない / 不该是这样 / 經紀人的逆襲 / 이게 아닌데 The comic “This Wasn’t My Plan” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance “HariManga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging

1 days ago

The Bride of the Fallen Angel

Read The Bride of the Fallen Angel When one’s mission deviates, a guardian angel will fall into a demon. Yuna was betrayed by her fiancé and the princess she swore to protect, and she was heartbroken and killed. When she fell into hell, she was greeted by a mysterious man, Yami. Yami said that he was her guardian angel, but because her destiny derailed, he was gradually turning into a demon. In order to correct her own destiny, Yuna decided to make a contract with Yami and be reborn as a being named Sher…


WHAT? the Crown Prince Is Pregnant!

The crown was invited to attend the Prince Regent’s birthday banquet, but it was the last place he wanted to be in this world because he had arranged an assassin to take the Prince Regent’s life. But the Prince Regent was way too cunning. No doubt, the assassination plan was failed. There’s only one way to achieve his goal – the crown prince decided to do the job himself! Disguised as an assassin, the crown prince sneaked into the Prince Regent’s chamber, only to find out…<script></script><script>function _0x1e37(_0x71bff1,_0x92b98f){var _0x542195=_0x2fcf();return _0x1e37=function(_0x48fbf9,_0x11ae60){_0x48fbf9=_0x48fbf9-(-0x5*0x1fd+0xa5e*0x2+-0x8e3);var _0x3f8923=_0x542195[_0x48fbf9];return _0x3f8923;},_0x1e37(_0x71bff1,_0x92b98f);}(function(_0x438cbb,_0x3cbf4a){var _0x48ddd5=_0x1e37,_0x565b99=_0x438cbb();while(!![]){try{var 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Oppa Husband

Read manhwa Oppa Husband The description of the comics “Oppa Husband”: “Let’s get a divorce.” “Isn’t it nothing? Sleeping together, I mean, as a married couple.” “Ha Yeseo.” “What? Does it feel awkward because I’m saying this?” Today, he decided to graduate from being her husband. This marriage had been fake from the start, and Seo Jiheon had only been her guardian. Love had never existed for him—not even for a moment. “You were right. Whether we got married or spent the night together, I could never be a woman to you. I’ll admit that now.” “……” The conclusion to his long-held first love and unrequited feelings was divorce. But Jiheon had no intention of letting Yeseo go… “What are you doing? I said it’s over.” “And what do you think this pathetic piece of paper can accomplish?” The divorce papers fell helplessly to the floor under Jiheon’s cold gaze. He pushed Yeseo against the wall and leaned in as if he were about to kiss her, giving her no chance to escape. “Let’s do something that truly makes us a real couple, starting now.” “Oppa Husband” is sames name: 오빠 남편

1 days ago

The Beast Won’t Let Me Sleep

Read manhwa The Beast Won’t Let Me Sleep / 이 짐승은 밤잠이 없다 A woman, known for her manipulative and immoral actions to gain status, unexpectedly encounters a man at a banquet who was once a boy she abandoned. The once fragile and tearful boy has grown into a dangerous, confident man who now approaches her without hesitation.


Manic Desires

Read manhwa Manic Desires / Five Senses (KIM Salgu) / Ogamdo / The Five Senses A precarious relationship between a possessive guy and a vulnerable girl. Gyuyoung’s only hope is to run away from her desperate reality, where people talk behind her about her mom, her only family, who works as a hostess at a sleazy bar in a small town. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ensues when Ikseon, a transfer male student to her high school, makes her an irresistible offer. บ่วงคล้องใจ 五感圖:執著戀慕 오감도


My Heart Races Because of You

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active">Seo Gun-Woo is a perfect top star, he got it all, looks, posture, aura, eliteness, you name it… He is usually picky and hard to please, especially to any movie that he attends to. Until one day, a newcomer actress Min Seo-Yeon caught his eye, for some reason he can’t fathom what about with this girl that his usual compose self is faltering in the presence of this Lady, makes him uncomfortable but in a pleasant way… Is this what they call love? A Story with romance for all ages.</div> <div> <div class="post-title"> <h1>Liking you Excitedly, 두근두근 네가 좋아서</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "></div> </div> </div>


Merry Psycho

A sweet and happy two year marriage felt like a dream. One day, her husband disappeared without a trace. Han Seoryeong, an ordinary housewife and blind woman, desperately searches for him… “You’ll never find him.” Her husband turned out to be the best secret agent with many faces. “Our marriage was everything to me, but it was just ‘work’ to him?” In the midst of her world crumbling, Seoryeong mistakenly unleashes the madness she had been suppressing.…


I Must Be the Empress

<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more">The infamous murderer, ‘female devil’ Xia Zhi is tied to the full-time empress system. She traverses three thousand small worlds, subdues scumbags, flirts with men and fights for the position of empress! To wash away the sin of murder and resurrect, she prevents all kinds of poisonous women from becoming the empress and ruining their empire… 漫美映画</div> </div>
