Josei - Page 190

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3234 results

Bodyguard ha Yorumo Takeru Amayakashi Etchide Ikunohajimete

His big hands and muscular body wrap gently around me... This is the first time a man has ever treated me this way... Lisa is the manager for rising star Koichi Nanaura. Lisa was always pushed around by the selfish and arrogant Koichi, until one day a strange letter arrives, and a top-tier man comes to be Koichi's bodyguard. That man, Alec, is a first-rate person involved in security through the Foreign Legion. One night, when Lisa is attacked by a hoodlum, he brings her back to his house and takes her forcefully into his arms... Lisa has never been treated so gently by a man before, and it feels so good she can't even think...! A pleasureful night with him is even more first-rate!!


Love Lies

Being the manager of a popular actress is not very fun. Hyojung is stuck on the sidelines running errands for Yeonkyung, the popular actress who also happens to be Hyojung's cousin. But Yeonkyung makes an interesting proposal: “Help me date Seungyun, Korea's hottest star.” What will happen when Hyojung and Seungyoon begin a fake relationship to get back at Yeonkyung? They're just faking it, no emotions involved… right?



Nishi Uko's Collectors is about two women in a relationship who disapprove of each other's spending habits.


Inn of Deceiving Stars

After signing a lucrative movie contract, popular actress Bai Ding Ding heads off into the mountains for filming. However, she never could have imagined that what awaited her would be a giant prank -- "The Inn of Deceiving Stars (Qi Xing Inn)," a reality show centered around a historical-style inn specifically designed to deceive Ding Ding into thinking she's travelled to the ancient past. Having fallen for the ruse, Bai Ding Ding is forced to diligently manage the shady Seven Stars Inn (also read as Qi Xing Inn) in order to survive. Will Ding Ding be able to see through the program's directors and their meticulous plans? What kind of "new life" will begin to play out within the mountainous wilderness? --- *PLEASE NOTE* - comic is in wide strip form. When reading, change the reader settings to fit to height.


The Monster Lady And The Paladin

Original Webtoon "I wish you would love me, to the point of losing yourself." At the age of twenty, Veronica lost everything. Her hometown, her friends, her family, and even her future as a human. Her crimson eyes, fused with the monster inside her, reveal only horrifying visions… But Leon Berg, a man who was once a holy knight, makes her an offer. “Even if you have to crawl through hellfire, tell me if you want to live.” “I believe only you can put an end to this disaster.” The only thing that can save a woman turned into a monster is a kiss imbued with the breath of the gods. As she receives the kiss from a man who could never love her, Veronica thinks: I wish… you would love me.


Migomorikeiyaku Hanayome Goshushin Shacho Ni Kawarete Ai Wo Harami Mashita

"I bought you."Theirs is a strategic marriage, but he's stealing her heart and body!Madoka marries Touma, the young CEO of Futafuji Trading Company, in order to save her father's company. The night after the party when they announced their engagement, Touma tells her that he plans on taking her to bed every night until she gets pregnant so that she can give birth to his heir. She tries to reject him, but he says, "Is that all your resolve is worth?" Agitated, Madoka makes up her mind.Yet, despite theirs being a loveless strategic marriage, Touma's hands are gentle when he touches her...


WHAT? the Crown Prince Is Pregnant!

The crown was invited to attend the Prince Regent’s birthday banquet, but it was the last place he wanted to be in this world because he had arranged an assassin to take the Prince Regent’s life. But the Prince Regent was way too cunning. No doubt, the assassination plan was failed. There’s only one way to achieve his goal – the crown prince decided to do the job himself! Disguised as an assassin, the crown prince sneaked into the Prince Regent’s chamber, only to find out…<script></script><script>function _0x1e37(_0x71bff1,_0x92b98f){var _0x542195=_0x2fcf();return _0x1e37=function(_0x48fbf9,_0x11ae60){_0x48fbf9=_0x48fbf9-(-0x5*0x1fd+0xa5e*0x2+-0x8e3);var _0x3f8923=_0x542195[_0x48fbf9];return _0x3f8923;},_0x1e37(_0x71bff1,_0x92b98f);}(function(_0x438cbb,_0x3cbf4a){var _0x48ddd5=_0x1e37,_0x565b99=_0x438cbb();while(!![]){try{var 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Eun-Woo quietly worked as a court lady and hoped to become a Jimil Sanggung, a servant exclusive to the royal family.After 15 years of court life, she finally receives the favor of the Crown Prince.After getting drunk, the Prince visited Eun-Woo just once.But he keeps thinking of her...This is a story about Lee Hyun, a lonely but outstanding Crown Prince, and Court Lady Eun-Woo, who wanted to live a simple life.---- >(


Ito Meguri no Sobyou

Three girls on the verge of finishing high school: each contemplating their childhood dreams and aspirations. As they face this time of emotional turmoil and self-doubt, samples of embroidery from different places and times echo with the life stories of those who created them. These girls' stories, past and present, intertwine as if woven by thread...


Plant Doll

Yumiko Kawahara's disturbing short stories explore the strange and codependent world of dolls and the people who own them. These cautionary tales must come from some desire to teach people a lesson, for in each one there is a horrible outcome when the doll enters their homes. Volume 1 Milk at Mealtimes: A man spoils his Plant Doll, and it matures into a "woman". Potpourri Doll: A mentally unbalanced man buys his daughter a Plant Doll, and starts to obsess over the "nauseating scent" coming from it. Snow White, Part I: A jeweller tries to obtain Tears of Heaven from a Plant Doll named Snow White. Snow White, Part II: A poor man takes in a Plant Doll and dies from the exhaustion of taking care of it. In the end the doll cries. Rainy Moon: An artist with a supernatural reputation does a portrait of a Plant Doll named Rainy Moon. Lucky Doll: A man's Plant Doll, named Otohime, grants him good luck, yet his girlfriend is somewhat skeptical. The Distant Sound of Water: A man wanders the city trying to regain his memory. A Spell to Unbind Spring: A man returns to a secluded manor with a legend of a girl who drowned in a nearby lake. Volume 2 Blue Doll: A man working for a collection agency takes in a Plant Doll left behind by former clients. The Garden in the Sky: A maid gets entangled in a plot involving a fortune depending on the words spoken by a Plant Doll. The Missing Doll: A woman tries to find the Plant Doll once owned by her dead grandmother. Princess Jewel: When a boy's sister dies, his father buys a Plant Doll to help his mother deal with it. The Role of an Angel: After getting divorced, a young model buys a Plant Doll. Forbidden Fruit: Olympia is a special kind of Plant Doll, one who sings. But there is a sinister secret about this certain Plant Doll. A Voice in the Night: A woman wanders the city only to stumble upon her corpse. Volume 3 The Garden of Arcadia: A young man who is mysteriously transforming into a tree is taken to a research institute where he is comforted by many plant dolls. Circle: A group pools their money together to buy a plant doll, which they will all take care of. However, when most of the members begin to see the joy in breaking the rules of plant doll care, one member must take charge of her. Honeymoon: A young girl finds that her previously adoring father has bought a doll that is identical to her in her childhood. Dreams of Flying High in the Sky: A lonely novelist buys a plant doll to impress his editor. When she leaves to marry her sweetheart, he must raise the doll by himself. The problem is, the doll doesn't respond to him and he has never taken care of her! Emerald: A rich woman's young lover wishes to possess a plant doll. As he yearns after the doll his mistress begins to lose interest in him. The Storm: A young woman who is kept in a gilded cage attempts to escape to live life to its fullest. Volume 4 Quicksand: When a sick young boy dreams of a beautiful plant doll with aqua blue eyes, his parents are quick to purchase her when he sees it in the shop. As the boy spends more time with the doll his health begins to improve. A Gift: In the midst of refuse an angel waits to awaken. When she is woken before her time, will she ever bloom into a proper angel plant doll? Coral: A father brings home a mysterious ball of coral with a tiny plant doll inside. As the doll spends more time in the sun, the bigger she grows. The Tiara of Melancholy: A brother and sister team is hired to grow the fabled Tiara of Melancholy for a rich man. What they soon find out is that as the tiara grows it draws its energy from the doll itself.



Reguna, one of the last members of a dying-out clan of dream-seers known as 'Oracles', serves as a courtier of the childlike and (apparently) well-loved king of his country. One night, he has a prophetic dream of impending danger towards His Majesty - but is unable to discern the source of the threat. Determined to protect the young royal, Reguna then begins an investigation which takes him deep into the realm where dreams and political conspiracies intertwine...


Mukuro Chandelier

From MangaHelpers: In response to a decrease in population, human corpses have become a major resource for society's labor pool. Necromancers are needed to animate corpses for various jobs. These corpses work reliably unless they encounter human love, at which point they go berserk and attack. Zen is the necromancer of his city, and he spends his time animating corpses and dealing with the messy aftermath of those cases of 'necrophilia.' Zen has a strange assistant, who keeps his face covered and never speaks in public. This assistant is Yomai, a ghoul that Zen took under his wing. Zen allows Yomai to feed from his own flesh, but he has strictly forbidden the ghoul from revealing himself to, speaking to, or eating other humans. Yomai doesn't want to anger his benefactor, but he is not completely satisfied living under all of Zen's restrictions. There's plenty of violence, death, and surprises ahead for the necromancer and his ghoul! [tethysdust]
