Josei - Page 238

Josei manga is designed for adult women, often covering themes such as love, career, and personal growth. It typically focuses on more realistic portrayals of relationships and emotional maturity, compared to the idealized stories in shoujo manga.

3234 results

The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today

The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today / The Villain’s Sister is Suffering Again Today / 악당의 누나는 오늘도 고통 받고 / 악당의 누나는 오늘도 고통받고 I was killed in a car accident while trying to avoid a stalker. Is this a reward for dying a miserable death? I was reborn as a character in a novel that had, not a golden spoon, but a diamond spoon. I thought I could live my life over again. Until I found out my brother was a budding psychopath. “Sister, how about this doll? Do you want it?” “Leave it.” “What about this doll?” My younger brother ties people up so they can’t move, and insists on them being dolls. Even I am destined to be killed in the hands of my brother. ‘Let’s leave my little brother to the heroine of the novel before that day comes!’ But… my brother killed the heroine…


The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today

The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today / The Villain’s Sister is Suffering Again Today / 악당의 누나는 오늘도 고통 받고 / 악당의 누나는 오늘도 고통받고 I was killed in a car accident while trying to avoid a stalker. Is this a reward for dying a miserable death? I was reborn as a character in a novel that had, not a golden spoon, but a diamond spoon. I thought I could live my life over again. Until I found out my brother was a budding psychopath. “Sister, how about this doll? Do you want it?” “Leave it.” “What about this doll?” My younger brother ties people up so they can’t move, and insists on them being dolls. Even I am destined to be killed in the hands of my brother. ‘Let’s leave my little brother to the heroine of the novel before that day comes!’ But… my brother killed the heroine…


The War Lord And His Fake Bride

"I've come to get my wife." On the day of the wedding, the groom, Koumei Oh, showed up soaked in blood. The bride, Meirin, couldn't hide her horror at the sight. The Oh family, a military family, has been cursed to die by the age of 30 due to their violent acts in battle. In this age, doctors have lost their position in society and the Xian have been entrusted to save people.The emperor, hearing rumors that "those who make a vow with a Xian and produce descendants shall never perish," arranged for Koumei to marry Meirin, a Xian. However, Meirin doesn't actually possess the powers of the Xian and is marrying Koumei in place of her older sister, Shenrin.Meirin fears she may be killed if this lie is discovered, but Koumei turns out to be different from the rumors, and Meirin begins to fall in love...Published by Comicle Original+


The Water Spirit’s Bride

I have been frail since birth. In order to keep me alive, my parents got me a godfather. They said he would keep me safe and healthy. One day, he suddenly came to us and asked me to marry him. Saying that he’s my husband?! Oh my God!


The Water Spirit’S Bride

I have been frail since birth. In order to keep me alive, my parents got me a godfather. They said he would keep me safe and healthy. One day, he suddenly came to us and asked me to marry him. Saying that he's my husband?! Oh my G**!Bride of the Water SpiritThe Water Spirit's Bride


The Way My Two Adopted Sons Look At Me Isn’t Quite Right

The Way My Two Adopted Sons Look At Me Isn’t Quite Right summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Way My Two Adopted Sons Look At Me Isn’t Quite Right. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


The Way My Two Adopted Sons Look At Me Isn’t Quite Right

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The Way To Confess

Yoo Se-rin, an actress has long had a crush on Sung Lee-Hyun, the head of the agency that found her.She couldn’t hide her feelings for him anymore, asking him to teach him about sex on the pretext of filming…“Then take it off. Don’t leave out a single thing.If I step back now, I’ll never have a chance.I want him to see me as a woman…"


The Way To Kill You

Han Woojae put his dream of becoming a screenwriter on hold to take care of his family and support his already successful writer wife, Lee Seojin, until their daughter turns 8. One day, a mysterious girl approaches Woojae, claiming that his wife is doing "bad things" behind his back. She tells Woojae that she is the only person who knows all of Seojin's deep, dark secrets. As Woojae learns about his wife's past, he wonders what lengths he must go to protect his family and keep them together.


The White Wolf’s Bride

Read The White Wolf&#8217;s Bride Novel – The White Wolf&#8217;s Bride Manhwa Online Free On ManhwaClan The summary of the comic The White Wolf&#8217;s Bride: Having lost both her parents in a fire at the age of fifteen, Sae was adopted by her uncle and treated like a slave. When a marriage proposal arrives for her younger sister, Chiyo, Sae is forced to take her place. The reason for this substitution is that the prospective fiance is a beastman, a race rumored to devour humans. However, upon meeting her future husband, the white wolf Souhaku, Sae finds him quite different from the man-eating beast she had anticipated&#8230; &#8220;The White Wolf&#8217;s Bride&#8221; is also known as: Byakurou no Tsuma / Hakurou no Tsuma / 白狼の妻 &#8220;ZinManga, LikeManga, KunManga&#8230;&#8221; are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHWA The Twin Swords Of The Sima Deadly Nightshade The Queen&#8217;s Secret Lessons


The White Wolf’s Bride

Read manhwa “The White Wolf’s Bride” Online Free On MANGA ZIN The summary of the comic The White Wolf’s Bride: Having lost both her parents in a fire at the age of fifteen, Sae was adopted by her uncle and treated like a slave. When a marriage proposal arrives for her younger sister, Chiyo, Sae is forced to take her place. The reason for this substitution is that the prospective fiance is a beastman, a race rumored to devour humans. However, upon meeting her future husband, the white wolf Souhaku, Sae finds him quite different from the man-eating beast she had anticipated… “The White Wolf’s Bride” is also known as: Byakurou no Tsuma / Hakurou no Tsuma / 白狼の妻 “ZinManga, LikeManga, KunManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHWA The Twin Swords Of The Sima Deadly Nightshade The Queen’s Secret Lessons


The Wicked Wife Of A Scheming Ceo

Bad Wife / 坏妻子 / 나쁜 아내 Eunsang Hahm just caught her boyfriend cheating, and Kyungwoo Kang, the CEO of her company, is engaged to someone he doesn’t love. They both agree to a mutually beneficial fake relationship. After all, it’s just a business deal, so… what could go wrong? But as the two begin their scheme, it is clear that their connection runs deeper than what is written in their contract. With his rich family set on finding out the truth, and her nosy coworkers and the media watching their every move, how long will they be able to keep up the charade?
