Isekai - Page 9

Isekai manga is a genre that follows characters who are transported or reincarnated into a different world, often full of magic and mythical creatures. The main focus is on their journey in the new world and their quest to overcome challenges or change their destiny.

1522 results

Belle And The Beast’S Labour Contract

One night, Belle got acquainted with the Busang Leader (Busang also means injury/injured). Her father, who was trying to stage a comeback, was someone even owned the Beast a debt! But the conditions the Beast gave them were kind of strange?! "If you are unable to pay off your debt, please find my spouse." Will both Belle and the Beast be able to pay of their debts and find their spouse respectively according to the terms of the contract? This is a strange yet special romance between two people! , Blle and the Beast's Labor Contract , Belle and the Beast's Labour Contract


Best Of Luck, Warrior!

The Devil King whom I defeated in my past life is now my boss in the office?! Baek Young-woong (meaning hero in korean), an ordinary office worker reborn with the memories of his past life as a warrior who defeated the devil king! The memories were only useful when he used to write webnovels as a child. Young-woong regrets having useless memories of his past life and gets a job in the executive secretarial office of Daeryong ENT, a big company. However, after meeting the CEO, Do Yeon-hwa, for the first time, I feel the trauma from my past life experience…? It’s like, you’re facing a really strong and big devil…! Read the terribly intertwined romance of the devil king, the CEO and the warrior, the newest secretary! Good Luck, Warrior! / Good Luck, Soldier! / 행운을 빌어요, 용사님!


Big Spender In A Busted Game

Though the fantasy game "Mystic World" is maddeningly difficult and money-grubbing, Luda just can't quit playing. So it's borderline traumatic when the final boss, Lucid Black, destroys her precious kingdom in the final stage. But luckily, our heroine wakes up in the beginning stage of Mystic World as her game character, Princess Luda Earl Grey. Armed with tons of S-rank items and her credit card, Luda might just have a shot at saving Milk Tea Kingdom from the deadly Lucid. And the first step in her plan... is to enroll in the same academy and befriend her worst enemy!


Big Tree

Meet Sue, a good human girl who finds herself in a different world with a mysterious illness. With the help of the kind inhabitants of this new world, she could find hope. Then, suddenly, someone falls from the sky.


Billion World Invasion

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Bishoujo ni Natta kedo, Netoge Haijin Yattemasu

The story follows the High-schooler Futsu Jintarou, whose confession was rejected by his crush. His misfortune continues, as news of a gender-change disease turns Jintarou into a beautiful silver haired girl. The shock of it causes him (her) to try to escape from reality by playing the VRMMO, Clan/Clan… His game character Taru uses the same girl appearance as in the Real and the Alchemy skill, which most players call a trash skill. He meets lots of fellow adventurers, and becomes stronger within the game world of Clan/Clan’s slogan, ‘When one becomes an adventurer, they can fight, steal, control, explore, invent, create, and do anything as they like’. He meets a wide variety of adventurers that help him(her) grow, Taru hides what happened to his(her) appearance as a bug to his friends who also play the game, and hides the fact that he(she) had become a girl in real life. When summer break is over, he(she) will have to show their face at school. This is about one of the best National-class adventurers, the story of the Alchemist who won a war without even taking a single step. When a normal high school student suddenly turns into a beautiful girl, what would they do? The answer is to that is to become a net-game addict!


Bishuu Gyakuten Sekai de Chiryoushi Yattemasu

One day, Sumeragi Yuuto was suddenly transferred to a new world. This world resembles a world from a novel that Yuuto recently read. It is a world where beauty and ugliness are reversed. Yuuto fell and was carried to a safe place. The girl who carried him was considered ugly by the people of this world. This is the story of making a harem with her and her other party members. --- **Links:** - [Alternative Official Raw on ComicWalker](


Black Killer Whale Baby

One day, a little kiddo appeared before me. “” Do you happen to know where the academy is? I have to go there! “” You’ve been heading in the wrong direction this whole time. “” !!! “” What are you looking at, old man? She was just like a daughter. “” Do you want one? But I don’t think she knows that I’m her father. ······· You’re probably thinking that, right? If you think so, you’re mistaken, pops! My name is Calypso. a four-time regressor. My life was ruined when I possessed a character of a novel. I even possessed a child! The third episode of my life was an end to extermination! “The male characters who are crazy about female characters!” Yes, somehow I get back on my 22nd birthday no matter what I do. However, I only realized it on my third life, after the Dragon Duke went mad. If the dragon runs wild, the world will be distorted! But can I go back home when all of this is happening? When I came back for my fourth life, I decided to use him. Pops? Guys? he’s just a stepping stone to meet the dragon! “Wait for me, dragon-nim!” [I want to die now, but I’m going crazy with all these repeated returns.] [My family is tied up with the royal family] [Does anyone ever hear about the weak?/ Only the strongest ones are happy] 흑막 범고래 아기님


Blind Girl Isekai

Countess Phyllis is reincarnated with memories of her previous life intact. Phyllis is mistreated by her family because she is blind. She has a constitution that somehow has more mana than others, and one of the reasons she is heavily disliked is because of her ability to use magic without difficulty. As the story begins, Phyllis is attacked by demons while out on the road. She then finds herself alone at the bottom of a deep valley... In despair, she is saved by a large wolf, a "sacred beast" of legend. Together with this wolf, Garu, Phyllis sets out on her adventure.


Blind to You

Karen, who used to be known as the #1 bully at her school, was abandoned by a boy she loved. However, who would have thought an unexpected fate would happen to her!

1 days ago

Bliss In Another World

On his way towards the hospital, our protagonist Yang Ni was mugged and killed by someone who despised him. When he woke up, he had arrived in a place in between life and death called "Huang Quan." He learnt that by playing the games in Huang Quan, he could receive a chance to be resurrected and return back to the land of the living. Buckle up for a thrilling adventure with Yang Ni and the friends he makes along the way. ---


Bocchi Tenseiki

I don't trust any human being. An unemployed, virgin 29-years-old Loner man who has a very deep distrust toward humans was trying to save a woman who was almost raped. He is stabbed in the chest by the assaulter and left to die alone while cursing the humans. When he came to, he realized that he had reincarnated in another world as the second son of a lower noble family where magic and spirit exist as a human baby named Ash Hawkwood. Without talent for or this the story about how he build his own empire from scratch by using his own power.
