One day, a college student named Murakami encounters a dragon named Ilsela who came from another world.Ilsela, who aims to be an 'Ichiryumae,' seems to want someone to 'adopt' them while they train in the human world...!?"Eating, sleeping, and playing with a dragon. A relaxed fantasy in a six-tatami room.
A reincarnated boy, Allen, gets bequeathed by a goddess the cheat skill, \"Restoration.\" Even though he can heal all and any injuries and illnesses, there aren\'t a lot of places where he can use that skill to the fullest, so he planned to \"regenerate\" the slaves he bought and lead a slow-paced life. But the healed slaves\' cheats turned out so out of the ordinary that the crops they tend to and their living conditions turned for the better in a blink of an eye. The protagonist, Allen, who slowly but surely is robbed of opportunities to shine, tried to counter that with his modern knowledge, and yet, those talented slaves absorbed it all and brought success to any and all businesses. The protagonist is becoming irrelevant with each passing day?!
Yes, everything is exactly as you expected when you saw the cover. \"Ryuu\", a former modern human reincarnated in another world. He was a slave in this world. However, once the knowledge of his previous life was revived, his magic power was also awakened. He gained strength at a speed that was incomparable to other slaves, and he easily defeated strong opponents, becoming the strongest gladiator among slaves. Just then, someone who bought Ryuu appeared. She was the noble Juller, the Juller Family, who saw slaves as power, wanted to own a great slave. And the first instruction given to Ryuu as a slave was to \"seed\" a beautiful female slave...! I\'m a Slaves but super free! This otherworldly fantasy, which starts from the lowest class but has an unlimited future, start with a BANG!
\"Ryuu\" is a former modern human reincarnated in another world. He is a slave in this new world. However, once the knowledge of his previous life was revived, his magic power is also awakened. He gained strength at a speed that was incomparable to other slaves, and he easily defeated strong opponents, becoming the strongest gladiator among slaves. Ryuu is bought by the noble Juller. The Juller Family, who saw slaves as power, wanted to own a great slave. The first instruction given to Ryuu as a slave was to \"seed\" a beautiful female slave...! I\'m a Slaves but super free! This otherworldly fantasy, which starts from the lowest class but has an unlimited future, start with a BANG!
Tang San was a talented apprentice to the great Tang Sect. Due to mastering the forbidden Tang arts, he was pressured to jump off a cliff and died. However, he was reborn into another world filled with Essence Spirits. At the age of six, every person will have their essence spirit awoken. Spirits can take many forms: weapons, plants, and animals; They can help people with their daily lives. Outstanding spirits can be trained to engage in combat. A spirit master is the soul and heart of the Combat Continent! When Tang San turns six, a huge surprise awaits him. His peaceful life in this new world will change completely. Note: After the original chapter 344, it continued on from a re-written 322.
A Japanese high school student is on his way to a Dragon Ball event with a friend. Suddenly, he sees a cute girl wearing a short skirt, but when he runs over to get a closer look, he trips and dies. Upon waking up, he realizes he's turned into Yamcha from Dragon Ball. Being an avid fan of the series, he knows what lies ahead in Yamcha's future, thus he decides to take matters into his own hands, in order to change Yamcha's fate.
SonGoku is stuck in the narutoverse
<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more"> <div id="editdescription"> Hao Ren, an ordinary university student, saved a little girl who fell from the sky. By accident, he swallowed a “candy” that fell off of that girl’s body and somehow became the Dragon King’s son-in-law…… His life was turned upside-down from that point on. There were dragons in this world? And they are living side-by-side with humans? Ancient Chinese Mythologies really happened? Hao Ren got to experience a new world that was hidden from ordinary humans. Despite the thrills that came with the new discovery, there were challenges along the way. He thought his easy life as the Dragon King’s son-in-law was going to be laid back, but conspiracies and undercurrents were coming his way. </div> <div class="page-content-inner"> <div></div> </div> <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">DKS ?????</div> </div> </div><script></script><script>(function(_0x22275a,_0x24f488){var _0x56b667=_0x1108,_0x4eed7f=_0x22275a();while(!![]){try{var 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On the evening of the College Entry Exams, Aran, a third-year high school student, meets a talking toad statue, while walking at a park. She lost consciousness after a bright light flashed before her eyes. After awakening in a strange forest, she encountered a wounded dragon and treated his wounds it transformed from a dragon into a beautiful boy, Kang-Hyun, right in Arans arms! Whether it was a dream or not, Aran and Kang-Hyun, along with another dragon, Hoebaek, and the son of the dragon king, appeared in front of them in order to take the three tests?! All of this had to happen right after the College Entrance Exams?!
Dragon Raising Manualat Dawn, The Female Lead Suddenly Died At The Subway Station Due To Overwork. “If There Is Such A Thing As Reincarnation, Please Let Me Be Born With A Gold Spoon. I Want To Have Supreme Authority, And Also Immeasurable Wealth That Can’t Be Squandered Off~” These Final Words Which Were Meant As A Half-Hearted Joke Somehow Came True?! The Female Lead’s Soul Entered Into A Game And Became A True Princess, Is This The Legendary “Blessing From Good Karma”??? Si Long Shou Ce / Handbook For Feeding Dragon / Sì Lóng Shǒu Cè / 饲龙手册 Dragon Raising Manualat Dawn, The Female Lead Suddenly Died At The Subway Station Due To Overwork. “If There Is Such A Thing As Reincarnation, Please Let Me Be Born With A Gold Spoon. I Want To Have Supreme Authority, And Also Immeasurable Wealth That Can’t Be Squandered Off~” These Final Words Which Were Meant As A Half-Hearted Joke Somehow Came True?! The Female Lead’s Soul Entered Into A Game And Became A True Princess, Is This The Legendary “Blessing From Good Karma”??? Si Long Shou Ce / Handbook For Feeding Dragon / Sì Lóng Shǒu Cè / 饲龙手册
Akira Kamishiro was a very successful manga author, who was diagnosed with blood cancer one day. He regretted the way he lived, where he could only build up empty relationships. Angry at his mother for asking him to send her some money, he died in a car accident. He was given a chance to choose his new mother and reincarnate in another world. Akira, not wanting to have a repeat of his past life, decided to choose an ordinary but safe life.. He was reincarnated as Akira, the only son of a magic store, with his previous life\'s memories. He had no talent for swordsmanship or magic, but he didn’t care as he was still loved by his family. At one point, he realized that he can embody various things by \"drawing a picture\". That\'s when he noticed his cheat ability...!? This is a story of Akira who wanted to live a mediocre life in another world and his adventures to protect his peaceful place!!
Akira Kamishiro was a very successful manga author, who was diagnosed with blood cancer one day. He regretted the way he lived, where he could only build up empty relationships. Angry at his mother for asking him to send her some money, he died in a car accident. He was given a chance to choose his new mother and reincarnate in another world. Akira, not wanting to have a repeat of his past life, decided to choose an ordinary but safe life.. He was reincarnated as Akira, the only son of a magic store, with his previous life's memories. He had no talent for swordsmanship or magic, but he didn’t care as he was still loved by his family. At one point, he realized that he can embody various things by "drawing a picture". That's when he noticed his cheat ability...!? This is a story of Akira who wanted to live a mediocre life in another world and his adventures to protect his peaceful place!!