The first thing that Jiang Feng saw when he opened his eyes, is that his hands are on his class teacher’s Breast!! Owwu~ This, this is the time before I cultivate! 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One day, Sota, a university student, is summoned to another world! Moreover, after being summoned, he was mistaken for a hero and imprisoned in the Demon King\'s Castle, where he was in a desperate situation...! Sota gets through the predicament with his natural skill, but for some reason he ends up solving the embarrassing problem of Fafnir, a super beautiful demi-human...!? Win the hearts of the demi-human girls living in Demon King\'s Castle and aim to escape from Demon King\'s Castle! A fantasy romantic comedy that opens up a different world with its natural business spirit, begins!
In the land of Gion, the capital of Japan, a mysterious "divine power" has brought about great prosperity. It is a power that only brings about changes in girls in the form of turning them half-animal, a sign that they are servants to a god, as well as granting them great power. Some that are strong enough become "Onmyou" and fight evil. Others whose power have gone berserk become Orochi fated to bring death and destruction to man. It was once thought that those who became Orochi had to be slain with no hope of saving the helpless victim... Until a mysterious young man named Gion appeared to save one such girl. Will he be strong enough to fight the Orochi and bring an end to their terror?!
"Hey, you said you wanted a sister, right?" First year highschool student, Toujo Basara, was suddenly asked by his father and fell into a state of panic. On top of that, the eccentric father told him he will be getting remarried. He then departed overseas after bringing Basara two beautiful step-sisters. But Mio and Maria's true forms are actually the newbie Demon Lord and a succubus!? Basara was almost entered into a master and servant contract with Mio, but a "reversed" contract was formed by mistake, and Basara is now the master!? Moreover, Basara is being hit by ecchi situation one after another due to the contract, but Mio's life is being pursued by other demon tribes and hero tribes!! The most powerful contractor's desire action drama begins!
Yamada Elf Senseis Route. Someone Please scanslate this. Its only 15 chapters
Destiny brings Bi Ningxi back to her high school. This time, she decides to show her best of herself to those people, making a great comeback through the domination of her own youth.
Chaos;Head's story is set in 2008 in Shibuya and is centered around Takumi Nishij?, a high school student at the private Suimei Academy, and the strange and brutal murders that have recently occurred in the Shibuya area, known as the "New Generation" (????????????) Madness. The story begins on September 28 with Takumi talking to an online friend called Grim (??? Gurimu?). Grim is trying to bring Takumi up to speed about the recent New Generation events since Takumi is not interested in local or international news. A person named Shogun (???) joins the chat room midway through Grim and Takumi's conversation. After Grim leaves the chat room, Sh?gun begins to talk. He speaks in a very cryptic and confusing manner, leaving Takumi nervous. He then sends Takumi a barrage of image links, one of which appears to be of a brutal murder of a man being pinned by stakes to a wall. The next day, Takumi comes across a real life murder scene. Witnessing a mysterious pink-haired girl pinning a man up by stakes in an alleyway, he immediately realizes he is witnessing the very murder detailed in the pictures he received the day before. Convinced Shogun is targeting him and the girl he saw committing the murder is somehow connected to him, Takumi tries to avoid getting involved with other New Generation events. However, as Takumi begins attempting to distance himself from the crime he witnessed, he soon catches interest of the police. With the police suspecting him, and himself convinced that he is being targeted by Shogun, Takumi finds himself caught in a spiral of delusions and paranoia, as he desperately tries to keep himself safe and figure out why he is apparently being targeted. He eventually comes into contact with several other people related to the events, including the girl he saw committing the murder herself. Unsure of what is real or who he can trust, Takumi finds himself thrust into a much larger scheme than he ever thought possible, as the mysterious company NOZOMI carefully plots something from behind the scenes. From Baka-Updates: Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him an URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case... On the next day, it really happens... Could he be really the one responsible? And where is the D-sword that he is supposed to find?
In a world where Takafumi, the hero who defeated the Demon Lord, is worshiped as a god, Scott, a young priest, is assigned to the Church of Karma to spread the religion of Takafumi!However, there is a problem with this church. The problem is that all the nuns here are… super, super, super naughty!!!!! They were all problematic children that they could not be accepted anywhere else!!!!!! One of the sisters would get totally drunk and cause trouble. Another sister held wild orgies with the villagers. And the third sister was so delusional that she would spread lewd rumors all over the place! Can Brother Scott rebuild the church, which is no longer attracting worshipers because of the strange sisters?!!!!! Or will Scott's rational thought be overwhelmed lust for the sisters first?!!!!An ecchi fantasy, swirling with lust, set in a church! I'd go to a church like this every day!(Source: ComicWalker, translated)
During a mission for his family, Kemiro Boronéa dies while protecting his team members. However, to his surprise, he reincarnates in the Areantarde dimension, but as a different being.While adventuring, he discovers that Areantarde is a unique dimension. Where those with audacity can become Sovereign by creating a Divine Kingdom, expand it to become worthy of attracting the attention of the Gods in order to get a Patron God, strengthen the kingdom, and advance through the floors that make up the Areantarde dimension.Despite his progress, Kemiro is haunted by memories or visions of events he has never experienced.
Yohei, the former NEET main character, is invited by a mysterious existence to be transported to another world. That different world had a game-like worldview with “jobs” and “skills” and many monsters. Meanwhile, Yohei sets a goal. "That's right, let's make a slave harem." This is the story of a troubled man building a slave harem in another world.( (jp)
In a flash, Akihabara, the legendary Otaku neighborhood, was teleported to Fairleaf, a country in a fantasy world of spirits and magic. After an investigation, Akihabara's culture and technology spreads throughout Fairleaf, sparking a cultural revolution. Brought along for the ride, Kubo Toshinori runs the Galge company "Eternal Soft" in this new world. Alongside his cute Beastfolk assistant (and PR manager) Monica and his half-elf Potion-binging Programmer Iris Ohkawa, Kubo and Eternal Soft continue the constant struggle against deadlines, Twitter trolls, and software bugs!