Every inch of my body within the sworn enemy's tender grasp... How did this happen?! Gangly hero meets monstrous yet charmingly sweet demon in this guiltily sweet romance. -- I'm Masakiyo Kato (21), also known as Skull Black. I may be somewhat scrawny, but I'm a protector of justice. Today, once again, I'm defending the town against Baphomet, a commander from an evil organization. At least that was the plan! He somehow ends up pinning me against the wall... again. As if that weren't enough, he shows up at my place asking, "What do you want first? A bath? Dinner? Or do you want me?" What the hell does this giant beast want? And why is he trying to get me to marry him?
In a certain kingdom, a prophecy was made about a child born with a birthmark on his back. It was said that he would bring an end to the kingdom, and that his death would bring about its destruction. When the twin prince and princess were born, Len and Rin, Len was discovered to have the birthmark. He was banished to a lonely tower, and Rin was raised as the only princess. However, it ended up being impossible to keep the siblings apart, and soon they formed a deep friendship. Although circumstances may pull them apart, nothing can break the bond they have with each other. They struggle together to survive the treacherous and dangerous world they were born into. This is their story.Based on the original Vocaloid songs "Aku no Musume" ("Daughter of Evil") and "Aku no Meshitsukai" ("Servant of Evil") by Akuno-P (mothy).> Part of the Evillious Chronicles series( http://www.batoto.net/search?name=Evillious%20Chronicles&name_cond=c&artist_name=Akuno%20P%20%28Mothy%29&artist_name_cond=c )
Aku x Omegaverse summary is updating. Come visit Mangakakalot.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aku x Omegaverse. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
“I will never cuckold you!” A young man reincarnated as a villain character in a game tries to live an honest life to avoid a bad ending, but for some reason he ends up becoming friends with the heroines...!? “Dungeon Brave Soul” It is a game that drew in many men, and at the same time, it is a game that broke the brains of many men with its sequel\'s NTR, depression, and bad ending. All because of the overwhelmingly hated antagonist of “Dumbra”―― The young man who was reincarnated as Zenon Baskerville, however, in order to avoid the bad ending according to the scenario of \"Dumbra 2\", He tries to live honestly...!?
“A fate where you’re destined to be killed by an obsessive knight…!!” The protagonist finds herself reincarnated as Victoria, the villainess in a romance novel. Victoria’s inevitable fate is to be killed by her loyal knight, Cain. Under the influence of a charm spell, Cain loves her blindly, and eventually, that love spirals out of control. On top of that, if Cain discovers that the real Victoria’s soul has been replaced by someone else, things will definitely not end well…! To avoid this deadly future, Victoria decides to break the charm spell while pretending to be the villainess. However, Cain’s gaze, which initially felt terrifying, gradually becomes sweeter and more affectionate…!!
\"Hey, Seraphina. Even when you grow up, don’t end up killing me, okay?\" The wizard Arvel meets his end at the hands of his former fiancée, Seraphina, who later became the emperor’s mistress and a notorious villainess. However, when he comes to, he finds himself face-to-face with a young Seraphina! Astonishingly, he has returned to being his 13-year-old self. Seeing Seraphina before she became a villainess, Arvel makes a resolution: he will raise her to become a proper person and save his own life. To start, he begins searching for a way to prevent the death of his brother, Sho, who was once engaged to Seraphina. However, the situation is far from simple, as he must contend with Seraphina’s neglectful family, men vying for the beautiful Seraphina’s attention, and a web of conflicting intentions. In this journey through time, can Arvel alter Seraphina’s fate and save her from becoming a villainess…!?
In her desire to find the perfect evil man to be her slave, the devil Eclair travelled all the way from the netherworld to a local country town\'s police station. And she set her sights on the evil looking cop, Kuwahara Daichi. Eclair wants to do everything to tame Daichi, and Daichi wants to drive her back to hell. What a romantic battle... or that\'s what it looks like. Actually Eclair is completely useless and Daichi can\'t let her be alone.
Aguri, is a young girl who is a demon apprentice. She comes to the human world after her teacher assigned her \"to make a human fall in love with her\". She thinks it will be easy since she is quite famous in the demons\' world, but her target, Demon-kun, is much better than her...
Corporate slave Yuuto, under the influence of drunkeness, summoned the demon Morax. He made a contract with him where, in return of granting a single wish, Morax would receive his soul. Yuuto had used his wish to "become happy," and so began his comfortable life of ordering around a demon. However, Morax is the type of demon that feeds off of human bodily fluids and vitality. Because of that, Yuuto ends up having sex with him! They continue this strange cohabitation with a demon?!+
Having a body that sends out pheromones, that makes people abnormally fascinated with him, one day he accidentally summoned a man who calls himself 'Jin' and is supposedly a devil. "I will help you make your every dream come true." Listening to to Jin's seductive whispers he can't help but ask him to cure his problematic body. But unexpectedly, this is the start of an obscene contract...? The price to pay for this contract is to have 24 french kisses or have sex with the devil everyday?! This is the love story of a seductive devil and a pretty uke!
The beginning of a saga. The story of a "time of yonder" about the birth of Devilman.
Miu Sakurai, age 15, attends a Catholic school where she prays every day for her admired Shion Amamiya to return her love. When that doesn't work, she places her faith in a book of magic and tries casting one of its spells. However, it's not love that manifests... it's Satan! "The recompense for the contract to grant your wish is your virginity," he tells her, and this is Miu's virgin crisis! Vol. 4, Story 2: Satanic Honey Malphas, who exists on Earth as Tsubasa, meets a young girl named Manami who has an unusual compassion for crows. She has two secrets which will transform Tsubasa's reasons for wanting to mature into a full demon... Vol. 4, Story 3: Satanic Cohabitation The continued adventures of Miu and Satan. Baal, who desires Satan's place as the Lord of Hell, kidnaps Miu to use as Satan-bait. But complications arise when Baal looks for the aspect of Miu that would attract a high-level demon... and finds it!