A journey to find the power of the lost Queen. 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"I will never love you." -- The wedding night of a political marriage. Abigail is impatient when her husband suddenly declares that he doesn't love her. Does that mean you can't have dinner!A new kind of baiting love story in which a viscountess, a demon king in a previous life who has been abused by her family all her life, is fed by her husband, a serious soldier, and becomes happy!
The communicative, corporate animal Kei Sato applies to move into a share house in order to make friends with whom he can have casual conversations. The three people there were Chiyuki Himiiyama (Snow Woman), Meme Janome (Medusa) and Melodrama Incuria (Incubus). This was a share house exclusively for subhumans, who were supposed to be invisible to humans... The share house life begins with a lot of difficulties ahead! (Source: Mangaupdates)
From MangaHelpers: This volume is a collection of short stories. The title story "Aka no Sekai" features a boys' summer camp out in the country. The main character, Regulus, is reluctantly attending the summer camp, where he shares a room with a cheerful boy named Miran. Soon after arrival, though, some of the other boys begin acting strange, while claiming they want to see the color red. Will Regulus and Miran be able to figure out what is happening before it is too late? [tethysdust]
Approximately 900 years ago in year 1112, China is in the Sung Dynasty, China is slowly destroying itself.Now, a legendary hero is born, Taisou, the "Falling Star" rumored to be able to turn into a fireball and run. He is part of a band of 108 chilvarous thieves named Taitengyoudou and they are the ones to save the decaying land of China. He meets a girl that pretends to be him and now the story begins... From Baka-Updates: Based on the Chinese novel Shui Hu Zhuan, this series is about the trials and tribulations of a band of outlaws during the mid Song dynasty. It is 1112, China is in turmoil with the present Song dynasty's government and its inability to control its own provincial officials from preying on their people. However, tales of a band of outlaws punishing these abusive officers called "Taiten Gyoudou" is spreading. Their deeds are giving people hope. It begins with an encounter between Suiren, a young village girl believing in the bandits, and "Falling Star" Tai Sou, a traveling swordsman whose skill precedes him. * Suikoden (???) is a Japanese translation for Shui Hu Zhuan.
The dog trainer Yui was summoned into another world as a "Guiding Hand" to raise a baby dragon. The dragon is a "Holy Dragon", who have protected the humans from the invading demons for many generations!
Shirayuki is a young woman born with unique apple-red hair. After catching word about her hair, Prince Rajin sends orders for her to become his concubine. With nowhere else to go, Shirayuki cuts her hair and escapes to a neighboring country. While traversing through the forests, she meets a young man, Zen, who helps her after she boldly cures his wounds. He soon, however, becomes poisoned by an apple meant for Shirayuki. What will happen to Shirayuki? What is Zen's true character? A refreshing fantasy story between an optimistic heroine and a prince who constantly stays on her watch. Extra stories: V.1 - Hachigatsu no Shikisa (Four-season Colour of August) V.2 - Bokura o Tsunaide. (Bind Us)
Riu Rokugiya is the only daughter of a famous Kabuki theatre house. Since she was small, she had always dreamt the same dream about meeting a man under the red moon. A man she didn't know, until she attended one of the performances of her brothers. The man turns out to be one of the Akatsukiya's heir, Rui. The Akatsukiyas were distant relative of the Rokugiyas. Just recently, its Head, Ashikawa Enjuuro died. The family is on the process of choosing its successor among the three adopted sons, one of which is Rui. What relation will Rui have with Riu? Why was she dreaming of him dying every night?
Riu Rokugiya is the only daughter of a famous Kabuki theatre house. Since she was small, she had always dreamt the same dream about meeting a man under the red moon. A man she didn't know, until she attended one of the performances of her brothers. The man turns out to be one of the Akatsukiya's heir, Rui. The Akatsukiyas were distant relative of the Rokugiyas. Just recently, its Head, Ashikawa Enjuuro died. The family is on the process of choosing its successor among the three adopted sons, one of which is Rui. What relation will Rui have with Riu? Why was she dreaming of him dying every night?
Read Akame ga Kill manga Akame ga Kill manga! Manga series features an extensive cast of characters that are fictional. The visuals of the characters were designed by Tetsuya Tashiro, while Takahiro created their narratives. The narrative focuses on Tatsumi, a young villager who travels to the Capital to boost cash because of his house and then find a corruption that is powerful in the region. The young man to aid them in their own fight from the Empire in order to complete its corruption is recruited by the assassin group Night Raid. Is a Japanese shonen manga series illustrated by Tetsuya Tashiro and written by Takahiro. Akame in Akame ga Kill Manga Each member of Night Raid takes among the "Imperial Arms" , things created via alchemy and parts of the unnatural Danger Beasts over 900 years past. Forty-eight of the things were created and about half of them have already been lost to history. These products vary from weapons like swords and firearms to more practical things including armour and a decorative carton, as well as organic beings for example a shapeshifting dog as well as a strong warrior. The Imperial Arms are unable to be utilized by simply anyone, as their users have to be harmonious with risk passing or them. His new pals and Tatsumi successfully assassinate a number of the most trustworthy cohorts, while losing Bulat and Sheele to the enemy forces, with Tatsumi inheriting Incrusio, Bulat's Imperial Arm of Honest. But, the Wild Hunt greatly insults its power by killing innocent civilians for pleasure, making enemies of both Night Raid and the Jaegars. Following a confrontation between the Jaegers as well as Wild Hunt, with casualties from either side, Esdeath can blackmail Honest into disbanding the remainder of Wild Hunt after he gets both him and Tatsumi, while Syura is killed by Lubbock. Lubbock is killed while trying to escape, after refusing to join Esdeath and Tatsumi is sentenced to death. The remaining members of Night Raid assault he to be rescued by the execution site. Mine manages to kill him, giving an enormous edge in the future to the Revolutionary Army, but her Imperial Arms rests and she falls right into a comatose state. Following the struggle to escape the execution site, it had been disclosed that Tatsumi bonded if he dons Incrusio three or four more times with Incrusio which gave him tremendous increase in power but comes in the price of losing his life. Afterwards, there's a confrontation involving Night Raid which results in Wild Hunt being annihilated and the remaining members of Wild Hunt. Tatsumi is the primary protagonist of the Akame ga Kill Manga! Show. Tatsumi is not aware of the kind of area after arriving, the capital actually is and is swindled out of all his cash shortly. He's taken in by and ends up protecting a woman in the group Night Raid - assassins who target the nobility that was tainted and government officials. Unbeknownst to her family, the girl and him have now been torturing strangers to the city - his friends among them. The armour has additionally enabled him to endure being greatly poisoned with a primitive ploy devised by the Prime Minister as it induces him to grow resistance to strong toxins of several types. Sadly this also shortened his lifespan because of the unusual manner he bonded together with his weapon lest the heart Tyrant that the Teigu is made from have him, eradicating Tatsumi's body and soul and today he's restricted to a total of four more uses of his Teigu. Principal Characters in Akame ga Kill manga Akame Akame also called Akame of the Demon Sword Murasame, is among the members of the assassination Night Raid, group. She initially makes a name for herself as the top ranking assassin of the Empire. Akame's cold hearted and serious manner when in fight stalks from her hellish training her and her sister was pushed by the Empire through after being sold by their parents. Yet, from conflict, she shows real concern for her comrades, when Tatsumi realises that she was worried for his life after he conquered Zank revealed. After being tasked one assignment to assassinate former general Najenda she's convinced by her to instead join her campaign from the Empire by being a part of Night Raid but also to not only spare her. Her treason triggers an intense competition between sib Kurome and fellow assassin, plus a shared desire to be the one to stop the other. Akame is generally regarded as among the more powerful members of Night Raid, slaying even the most powerful of enemies with nominal exertion. Her hellish assassination training enables her fight skill to be inside the military rates of the Empire on level with those as strong as General. Her Teigu, the "One Cut Killer: Murasame" , is a cursed katana known for having the ability to kill those who find themselves cut because of it within seconds. Other manga: + The World God Only Knows Manga + Kuroko no Basket Manga
A special 100-page bonus volume bundled with the limited editions of the anime Blu-ray/DVD volume 1 set. It contains two side story chapters about Bulat and Sheele, and the opening pages contains a crossover with Isshuukan Friends. Rereleased in a standalone volume with 2 new chapters in December 2017.
The "dark action" story will take place a few years before the events in the original fantasy series. The prequel will center on the title character Akame, a girl bought, brainwashed, and raised by the Empire as an assassin. (From ANN)